Wipneus, I notice sometimes your palettes are measured gray scale steps with a hue overtint. Other times, not. In the first case, I can drop them into PovRay freeware for a 3D perspective view (for what that is worth). Script:
include "colors.inc"
location <-15,20,-31>
look_at 0
angle 35
light_source{ <1000,1000,-1000> White }
height_field {
png "t2gray.png"
pigment { White }
translate <-.5, -.5, -.5>
scale <17, 2, 17>
gradient y
color_map {
[ 0.00000 rgb < 1.00000, 0.01111, 0.05829> ]
[ 0.05000 rgb < 0.99728, 0.68188, 0.62282> ]
[ 0.10000 rgb < 0.99457, 0.43569, 0.12356> ]
[ 0.20000 rgb < 0.99457, 0.65239, 0.12521> ]
[ 0.30000 rgb < 0.99457, 0.87889, 0.06625> ]
[ 0.40000 rgb < 0.83409, 0.99457, 0.02736> ]
[ 0.50000 rgb < 0.38010, 0.99457, 0.07204> ]
[ 0.60000 rgb < 0.05287, 0.99457, 0.64586> ]
[ 0.65000 rgb < 0.46341, 0.97697, 0.89598> ]
[ 0.70000 rgb < 0.04840, 0.95938, 0.99457> ]
[ 0.75000 rgb < 0.43931, 0.82767, 0.99457> ]
[ 0.80000 rgb < 0.09890, 0.49815, 0.99457> ]
[ 0.90000 rgb < 0.16623, 0.08811, 0.99457> ]
[ 1.00000 rgb < 0.47403, 0.02386, 0.99457> ]
} }} }