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Author Topic: The Trump  (Read 1557481 times)


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1000 on: January 26, 2017, 10:24:58 PM »
The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned

“It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” said David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry. “Department expertise in security, management, administrative and consular positions in particular are very difficult to replicate and particularly difficult to find in the private sector.”

I guess they don't want to work with Rex? This is getting insane.


  • Nilas ice
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1001 on: January 26, 2017, 10:36:50 PM »
The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned

“It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” said David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry. “Department expertise in security, management, administrative and consular positions in particular are very difficult to replicate and particularly difficult to find in the private sector.”

I guess they don't want to work with Rex? This is getting insane.

They don't want to work under Trump.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1002 on: January 26, 2017, 11:19:43 PM »
The State Department’s entire senior administrative team just resigned

“It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” said David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry. “Department expertise in security, management, administrative and consular positions in particular are very difficult to replicate and particularly difficult to find in the private sector.”

I guess they don't want to work with Rex? This is getting insane.

They don't want to work under Trump.

today i finally got to terms with this what's going on. i feel exactly like watching one of those mediocre C or D movies, so bad that i would certainly change the channel or walk out of the theater, depending. it would not even be funny or entertaining if it were fiction and even much worse now that this is real, not just a bad dream and one's gonna wake up with a sigh of relief :-(

i really tend to do exactly that, change channel when this ridiculous guy shows up on screen, even without sound, just looking at that face moving like that of that fish shooting his pray down from the tree branches with a water jet, just for those who have seen that species in action, LOL. physiognomy should become a major subject at school, many people would not fall for so many fraudsters, if they only were they able to read faces.

then when looking at the topics that are in the news:

a) how many people were there on inauguration day ?
b) waterboarding ?
c) building walls to protect borders ?

many more totally irrelevant topics and statements

i think the only thing that remains for us non-americans is to sit it out and hope for a change soon, the same we had to do with that GWB in charge form which the entire world still suffers the consequences while very few of his fellows multiplied their number of billions of dollars.

whoever learned a bit from history knows that once the average people will have enough of this BS we shall have to deal with either revolutions, civil wars or the worst, which i won't gonna name here to avoid being seen as  a doomsday apostle.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 11:26:31 PM by magnamentis »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1003 on: January 27, 2017, 12:16:15 AM »

i think the only thing that remains for us non-americans is to sit it out and hope for a change soon, the same we had to do with that GWB in charge form which the entire world still suffers the consequences while very few of his fellows multiplied their number of billions of dollars.

In comparison to Trump, GWB doesn't look too bad. Previous to Trump I thought the worst President in the last hundred years was GWB. Trump now has that dubious honor.

I have the following articles to share:

I guess a lot of citizens are interested in seeing Trump's tax returns after all. After five days in office, Trump's approval rating is down to 36%.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1004 on: January 27, 2017, 01:04:44 AM »
Great - guess what my computer had decided was REALLY spam - An Alternative coin ! 

.png file so shouldn't click through - dont try unless desperate.

or maybe it should be moved to the blasphemy thread....


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1005 on: January 27, 2017, 05:08:19 AM »
"In comparison to Trump, GWB doesn't look too bad."

Waittaminnit. Abu Ghraib. Guantanamo. Iraq. Waterboarding. Rectal feeding.

Whats the trump done that even begins to compare ?


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1006 on: January 27, 2017, 05:37:44 AM »

or maybe it should be moved to the blasphemy thread....

No Charles, it's too tame for that. It should go to the infamy thread if anyone chooses to start one. What I'd like to say about the coin should go to the blasphemy thread!


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1007 on: January 27, 2017, 05:49:49 AM »
"In comparison to Trump, GWB doesn't look too bad."

Waittaminnit. Abu Ghraib. Guantanamo. Iraq. Waterboarding. Rectal feeding.

Whats the trump done that even begins to compare ?

Rectal feeding? Somehow I missed that one. Sidd, we should add to your list extraordinary rendition, the Patriot Act, NSA, Hurricane Katrina, I'm the decider and W's difficulty with the English language. Trump hasn't reached that level of incompetence, nor will he in my estimation. His actions after one week in office tell me he is far more dangerous than W would have ever been. W. was an ignoramus who never should have been President.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1008 on: January 27, 2017, 07:36:43 AM »
I wonder if there is any need for a visa for the Trumpistan residents travelling abroad? Basically they seem to bury their heads in their own ... land, so it's not like they'll travel alot. Cowards not capable of facing the truth, mainly. Anyway this should be considered world wide.

It's pretty easy to overprint the A in maps and replace it with SR.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 08:03:33 AM by Pmt111500 »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1009 on: January 27, 2017, 12:55:47 PM »
I have discussed a few times what a "bad decision making process" looks like.  A...."FIRE...ready....aim" process.  Now you are seeing how that process works during actual governing.  And it ISN'T PRETTY.

And with his continued mis-governing....he is feeding the fires of discontent around the world.  He has ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE as to what he is doing....and it is becoming clearer by the day.

I saw last night.....apparently there was a conference call of people on Sunday night with a group called that was expected to have a few thousand listen in on the conference call.  They had over 60,000.  Trump and his troupe have NO IDEA what the size of the bee hive is that they stepped on.  NO IDEA.

Regarding the "connecting of the dots" relative to is a MUST SEE:


FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1010 on: January 27, 2017, 02:31:13 PM »

i think the only thing that remains for us non-americans is to sit it out and hope for a change soon, the same we had to do with that GWB in charge form which the entire world still suffers the consequences while very few of his fellows multiplied their number of billions of dollars.

In comparison to Trump, GWB doesn't look too bad. Previous to Trump I thought the worst President in the last hundred years was GWB. Trump now has that dubious honor.

I have the following articles to share:

I guess a lot of citizens are interested in seeing Trump's tax returns after all. After five days in office, Trump's approval rating is down to 36%.

fully agree, this is just the conclusion i came to with a nice elder american lady who's seeking to escape to europe who i met on a nice spanish beach and got into a talk over the guy. she BTW was for Bernie Sanders initially and voted for HC.

that lady from Phoenix AZ spontaneously jumped ship and is now on a tour to look for a nice residency abroad, understandable that with over 70 years of age one doesn't want to spend
his/her remaining time in anger and disappointment :-)

EDIT: whether DT or GB is/was worse depends a bit of how many wars/violent conflicts each of the guys started/will start. if DT gets through without major killings i say that GWB was worse because the number of people killed and still suffering is incredibly huge and wars are the absolute worst case compared to an other trouble i can imagine.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1011 on: January 27, 2017, 02:45:29 PM »
In life....sometimes "little things" can be VERY REVEALING.  Little things can reveal a LOT about a persons character:

1)  How does someone treat animals?
2)  How does someone interact with their waiter/waitress at a restaurant?

The following SHORT ARTICLE is revealing about Trump....and not in a surprising way.  If you saw the posting I had the other day about Melania's "look" she had on her face during the inauguration when Trump said something to her....this is not surprising at all:
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


  • Grease ice
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1012 on: January 27, 2017, 03:03:09 PM »
A "reality check" WRT to Trumpist exec orders and other various proclamations/threats.  The gears of government and the courts will likely drive him over the edge IMO.

"Many of the sweeping actions President Trump vowed this week through his executive orders and proclamations are unlikely to happen, either because they are impractical, opposed by Congress and members of his Cabinet, or full of legal holes."
"The ad hoc nature of Trump’s executive orders — including some finalized at the last minute or prompted by an off-the-cuff conversation Trump had with a friend or business executive — has further undermined their impact."
"Trump, however, does not seem to realize the limited power of his executive orders and has made public signing ceremonies a trademark of his first week."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1013 on: January 27, 2017, 03:40:03 PM »
Yes - I had wondered how the "make with American steel" would play - the Oil industry gets different equipment from all over - at different prices / quality too & there may be lots of components (valves / coatings) as well as the pipe itself...


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1014 on: January 27, 2017, 09:13:49 PM »
"Rectal feeding? Somehow I missed that one."

Senate torture report.

Be warned. I had to put it away for a while several times, and exert a conscious and strong act of will to finish it.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1015 on: January 27, 2017, 11:31:02 PM »
Given available info on Mattis, he would likely resign before agreeing to reinstate torture.  Who knows at this point.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1016 on: January 28, 2017, 12:34:48 AM »
And by the way Trump said today he would defer to Mattis on torture.  This is an obvious set up.  Trump can say to his base that he carried thru on his threat to reinstate torture.  When Mattis say no, Trump will preen that he's listening to his generals and being presidential.  Watch the media talking heads rise to the bait and suggest that maybe Trump is evolving into the office, etc.  Bannon and team are really easy to figure out.  They know it's a non starter with McCain and others, but they will squeeze whatever they can out of the issue.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1017 on: January 28, 2017, 05:09:43 AM »
"Rectal feeding? Somehow I missed that one."

Senate torture report.

Be warned. I had to put it away for a while several times, and exert a conscious and strong act of will to finish it.

Thank you Sidd.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1018 on: January 28, 2017, 06:09:54 AM »
Re:Senate torture report

just realized i posted a link to the FAQ about it, not the full report in all its disgusting glory.



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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1019 on: January 28, 2017, 02:40:19 PM »
The Democrats are now freely using the "L" word.  Over the next couple of months...expect that to start with some of the Republicans.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1020 on: January 28, 2017, 03:00:58 PM »
The Democrats are now freely using the "L" word.  Over the next couple of months...expect that to start with some of the Republicans.

They have slept with the Devil.  They want their agenda ( homophobic, anti-immigrant, relegious fanaticism infused )


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1021 on: January 28, 2017, 05:22:41 PM »
The linked article is entitled: "Trump refugee ban blocks migrants from boarding jets, leads to airport detentions", and it cites an example of the Trump Administration's campaign to normalize the infringement of civil liberties in America:

Extract: "Both the American Civil Liberties Union and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, say they have either filed lawsuits or will do so shortly challenging the ban. "We'll see you in court, Mr. Trump,""

Edit, see also the following linked article entitled: "Trump Brings Shame to U.S. With Immigration Ban Based on Fear".

Extract: "Donald Trump’s "extreme vetting" plan to keep out “radical Islamic terrorists,” is a policy based in fear, rather than facts."
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 05:43:18 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1022 on: January 28, 2017, 05:38:50 PM »
The Democrats are now freely using the "L" word.  Over the next couple of months...expect that to start with some of the Republicans.

I think that it is not too soon to begin supplement the "L" word with the "C" word for criminal; just as Putin is essentially heading a criminal government (and kleptocracy).

Edit, see also the linked article entitled: "Corporate Crime and the Trump Administration"; and it makes the case that the new Trump Administration will likely go easy on corporate crime, both by reduced prosecution and by changing the law to legalize misconduct.

Extract: "With all that’s happening in the chaotic Trump transition, less attention is being paid to the announcement that Volkswagen is pleading guilty to felony charges and paying more than $4 billion in penalties while a half dozen of its executives face individual criminal indictments.

A development of this sort should represent a turning point in the prosecutorial handling of the corporate crime wave that has afflicted the United States for years. Yet because of its timing, it may end up being no more than a parting gesture of an administration that has struggled for eight years to find an effective way of dealing with widespread and persistent misconduct by large companies. And it may be followed by a weakening of enforcement in a new administration led by a president whose attacks on regulation were a hallmark of his electoral campaign.

Trump the candidate said little or nothing about VW, Wells Fargo and the other big corporate scandals of the day and instead parroted Republican talking points about the supposedly intrusive nature of regulation. Corporations that have supposedly been put on notice about moving jobs offshore or seeking overly lucrative federal contracts apparently are to have a free hand when it comes to poisoning the environment, maiming their workers or defrauding customers.

Although some have speculated that Jeff Sessions will be tough on corporate crime, a Public Citizen report on his time as Alabama’s attorney general in the 1990s provides evidence strongly to the contrary.

While Sessions took pains during his confirmation testimony to claim that he would not be a “rubber stamp” for the new Administration, he has strong political ties to Trump and worked hard to legitimize some of his more extreme positions during the campaign. Trump is unlikely to pay much heed to the traditional independence of the Justice Department, and Sessions is unlikely to adopt policies that rub Trump the wrong way."
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 05:59:30 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1023 on: January 28, 2017, 06:33:31 PM »
The linked article is entitled: "Why is Russia so happy with Trump?", and indicates that we may be headed towards a new world order.

Extract: "The Russian ruling elite is hoping it would be able to negotiate a new world order with Trump.

The reason for Russia's warm welcome of President Trump had nothing to do with claims in US media that he was "a Kremlin agent" or that "Russian hackers" helped him win the election. It had much more to do with expectations among the elites, the ordinary people, and even the intelligentsia, of a new direction in US-Russian relations that would de-escalate internal and external tensions and favour their self-interests.

Many times during the last decade Russian President Vladimir Putin and his subordinates claimed that the world order that emerged after the collapse of the socialist camp and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was not only unjust, but also illegitimate.

Russian foreign policy analysts have repeatedly claimed that the new US president might be ready to negotiate the creation of a new system of international relations to replace Yalta and the current unipolar model.

The "new Yalta" would redistribute spheres of responsibility to recognised great powers. The Kremlin, of course, sees Russia as one of them (alongside with the US, China, and perhaps Europe).

Among the ruling elite, there is also a much more modest expectation from Trump concerning matters of self-interest. Since at least 2014, after the annexation of Crimea and Russian support to the anti-Kiev rebels in Eastern Ukraine, many members of the ruling class experienced the effects of sanctions targeting them. With Trump in the White House, they expect the sanctions to be lifted, if he indeed wants to start a new chapter in Russian-US relations."

In related news see also the following linked article entitled: "Gorbachev Urges Trump and Putin to Introduce UN Resolution Banning Nuclear War ", which notes that Gorbachev warns that ”The world is preparing for war":

Extract: " Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has issued a dire warning: "The world is preparing for war."

And with a phone call scheduled on Saturday between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Gorbachev is urging the leaders to put a halt to a such a deadly path by spearheading a United Nations resolution that essentially bans nuclear war."

Then, taking direct aim at the superpower leaders, he writes, "I think the initiative to adopt such a resolution should come from Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin -– the presidents of two nations that hold over 90 percent of the world's nuclear arsenals and therefore bear a special responsibility."

He adds, "Politicians and military leaders sound increasingly belligerent and defense doctrines more dangerous. Commentators and TV personalities are joining the bellicose chorus. It all looks as if the world is preparing for war."
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1024 on: January 28, 2017, 07:07:25 PM »
The linked RollingStone article is entitled: "The New Battle Plan for the Planet's Climate Crisis"; which puts the Trump Administration on notice that their actions to degrade the planet will be resisted.

Extract: "Calling the Trump energy and environment squad "climate deniers" is like pointing out that your local crew of meth heads has bad teeth. It's true, and it also confuses symptom with disease.

No, something else came before climate denial, and that something is: Fossil Fuel Infatuation.

These men are the fossil-fuel industry – there's no boundary.

We won't win many battles in the White House and on Capitol Hill – in fact, the early months of the new administration will come with many painful defeats as the fossil-fuel industry wish list is adopted. Expect federal land to be leased for drilling willy-nilly; expect frack wells to be freed from even minimal regulation. We need to fight every one of these changes, and with Bernie Sanders-level passion. That's because, over time, both Climate and Renewables Denial will take their toll on Trump's standing. People aren't stupid – with Mother Nature and the electric bill constantly conspiring to spread reality, the backward-looking greed of this wrecking crew will eventually be seen for what it is.

The question, of course, is whether "eventually" will take too long for the planet. We can't know the answer – only the certainty that the harder we work, the better the odds."
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1025 on: January 28, 2017, 07:29:31 PM »
The linked article is entitled: "How Trump Could Blunder Into War with China", and it complements Gorbachev's warning cited in Reply #1022.

Extract: "In his Jan. 13 testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson made an extraordinary comment concerning China’s activities in the hotly disputed South China Sea.

The United States, he said, must “send a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops,” adding that Beijing’s “access to the those islands is not going to be allowed.”

Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, repeated the threat on Jan. 24.

Sometimes it’s hard to sift the real from the magical in the Trump administration, and bombast appears to be the default strategy of the day. But people should be clear about what would happen if the U.S. actually tries to blockade China from supplying its forces constructing airfields and radar facilities on the Spratly and Paracel islands.

It would be an act of war.

But the decline of U.S. influence has a dangerous side. Washington may not be able to dictate the world’s economy, but it has immense military power. Chinese military expert Yang Chengjun says “China does not stir up troubles, but we are not afraid of them when they come.”

They should be. For all its modernization, China is no match for the U.S. However, defeating China is far beyond Washington’s capacity. The only wars the U.S. has “won” since 1945 are Grenada and Panama.
Nonetheless, such a clash would be catastrophic. It would torpedo global trade, inflict trillions of dollars of damage on each side, and the odds are distressingly high that the war could go nuclear.

U.S. allies in the region should demand that the Trump administration back off any consideration of a blockade. Australia has already told Washington it will not take part in any such action. The U.S. should also do more than rename Air/Sea Battle — it should junk the entire strategy. The East and South China seas are not national security issues for the U.S., but they are for China.

And China should realize that, while it has the right to security, trotting out ancient dynastic maps to lay claim to vast areas bordering scores of countries does nothing but alienate its neighbors and give the U.S. an excuse to interfere in affairs thousands of miles from its own territory."

See also the linked article entitled: "The Russian Honeypot"

Extract: "Putin aspires to create a new global alliance founded on conservative values, religious principles, and autocratic leanings. The Russian leader is comfortable working with outright racists, xenophobes, and Islamophobes. He aims to unravel the European Union and has provided support to European movements that share that goal. He has nothing but contempt for civil society unless it slavishly follows his political line. He no longer appears to believe that global warming is a hoax, but he still presides over an economy dependent on fossil fuels that does some of the greatest damage to the environment.

Again, Donald Trump fits right into this picture. The honeypot scheme doesn’t involve sexual propositioning but ideological seduction.

The greatest threat over the next couple years is not that the Trump administration will simply step back and allow Russia free rein in the world. Russia, after all, has rather limited global influence beyond its ties with right-wing extremists and a few morally bankrupt autocracies. Rather, the real threat is that Donald Trump will help Putin create a noxious alliance that gives an international platform for all the most deplorable actors, from white supremacists to crusading Islamophobes.

The media makes a mistake by calling the relationship between Putin and Trump a “bromance.” That somehow implies mutual fondness. Putin doesn’t care about romance any more than the “ravens” and “swallows” of the Cold War era. The Russian president has laid a trap for Donald Trump. And it looks as though Trump will drag America into the honeypot with him."
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1026 on: January 28, 2017, 08:31:07 PM »
Hey..we need sth cheerful....


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1027 on: January 28, 2017, 11:05:57 PM »
ASLR: Feeling a bit unwelcome on the Empire America thread? You're always welcome here.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1028 on: January 28, 2017, 11:22:55 PM »
The linked article is entitled: “President Trump targets New York Times, Washington Post in morning Twitter rant”. Such behavior by Trump does not bode well for the future.

Extract: “The New York Times and The Washington Post were both mentioned in a tirade launched from the president’s personal @realDonaldTrump account early Saturday as he conducted a caustic yet increasingly customary attack against the press muddled by misspellings and inaccurate accusations.

“The failing @nytimes has been wrong about me from the very beginning. Said I would lose the primaries, then the general election. FAKE NEWS!” Mr. Trumptweeted shortly after 8 a.m.

“Thr coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost gas been so false and angry that the times actually apologized to its […] dwindling subscribers and readers. They got me wrong right from the beginning and still have not changed course, and never will. DISHONEST,” he continued in a couple tweets published moments later.

But the New York Times has not, in fact, apologized for their coverage of the president, and sent a letter to subscribers last year thanking them for their support amid Mr. Trump’s frequent attacks on journalism.”
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1029 on: January 28, 2017, 11:36:41 PM »
No bans here....


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1030 on: January 28, 2017, 11:59:54 PM »
No bans here....
Thanks guys, and with that in mind, the linked article is entitled: “Democrats launch scorched-earth strategy against Trump”, it is never too late to fight.

Extract: “'They were entitled to a grace period and they blew it,' says one governor. 'It’s been worse than I could have imagined, the first few days.'

What began as a high-minded discussion about how to position the Democratic Party against President Donald Trump appears to be nearing its conclusion. The bulk of the party has settled on a scorched-earth, not-now-not-ever model of opposition.

That mind-set has permeated every outpost of the party from governors' mansions to Congress. Whether it’s in statehouses or the offices of state attorneys general, the Democratic National Committee or the constellation of outside left-leaning political groups, Trump’s benefit of the doubt is gone.

At a forum this week for candidates running to be the next DNC chair, the very idea that the party should try to work with the new president was dismissed as absurd.

“That’s a question that’s absolutely ridiculous,” said New Hampshire party Chairman Raymond Buckley, when asked whether the Democratic Party should try to work with Trump where it can find opportunities.“

See also:

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1031 on: January 29, 2017, 12:04:27 AM »
yeah i know that this guy looks a lot better but still, perhaps it's time to seriously ponder over possible solutions :-)


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1032 on: January 29, 2017, 01:24:43 AM »
The linked article is entitled: "Tillerson, Trump and the South China Sea", and it suggests that Team Trump may be trying to establish its credentials in the "madman theory of war" (ala Richard Nixon).  Unfortunately, such a possible plan is not likely to end well.

Extract: "There is another way to look at the world according to Trump. It is known as the madman theory of war. Accordingly, if one party acts irrationally, other more leveled-headed parties will yield. There is also considerable agreement that such a “policy” is a very risky one. Sooner or later, someone will not yield and a clash will ensue.

Granted, China is not ready to take the U.S. on militarily. Hence, China is extremely unlikely to try and do so if Trump’s administration really sends its warships to prevent China from accessing the contested islands. However, it has other ways to hit back, above all by indirectly helping North Korea to develop its missile and nuclear program.

One cannot but hope that, once the Trump foreign policy team starts meeting, it will realize that core U.S. interests do not lie in dealing with the South China Sea islands, but in working with China to curb the nuclear buildup of North Korea, climate change, and jihadists, and to build a stable and growing world economy."
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1033 on: January 29, 2017, 02:04:32 AM »
The linked article is entitled: “Trump’s Media Strategy Is a Trap, and We’re All Taking the Bait”, and it correctly argues that when dealing with bullies like Team Trump it is better to remain calm and deliberate and not to get unbalanced, or to over-react, but to just keep fighting in a clear-headed manner.

Extract: “Steve Bannon is many things, including the former chairman of the right-wing news site Breitbart News, which he once described as a "platform for the alt-right," a strain of conservatism that includes white nationalists. But one thing he almost certainly isn't is stupid. So why would he go out of his way to try and enrage the media?

There's a fairly simple answer: Because he knows that doing so is a winning strategy. And he knows that because the tactic helped put Trump where he is now.

As John Herrman points out in a perceptive piece in the New York Times, all of this is an exercise in theatrical framing for Bannon, and thereby for Trump. The mainstream press—liberal, bi-coastal, latte-drinking know-it-alls, in the eyes of its critics—have been the campaign punching bag from the beginning. Cooped up in pens at rallies, pointed at, laughed at, and in some cases even spit on. The "dishonest media."

This was exactly what Bannon was trying to incite with his Times interview. He knew that the instinctive response from journalists would be to cry foul, and to mount our horses in defense of free speech, truth, and justice. It's like poking a bear in a cage.

And Bannon also undoubtedly knows that much of this response—the injured pride and the sarcastic lashing out on Twitter—would make the media look even worse in the eyes of Trump's supporters and many others. How dare he attack us, the gatekeepers of knowledge and defenders of democracy? Translation: We are what's important here.

So how should we respond then? It's not the kind of rallying cry that stirs the blood, but as Atlantic writer Rosie Gray said, we should probably just do our jobs—that is, report the facts, without fear or favor.

The thing that is the hardest to admit about Bannon's criticism is that he has a point. Much of the mainstream press did get the election wrong, by misunderstanding the base of Trump's support and by overplaying news that they thought would be damaging—but wasn't.

Stereotyping Trump's supporters as an undifferentiated mass of mouth-breathing racists with gun racks and camouflage pajamas isn't any better than Bannon or Trump portraying the media as a hotbed of Eastern, latte-sipping liberals. And the more the press tried to paint Trump as a cartoon, the more they lost the trust of moderates who leaned towards Trump for other reasons.

The bottom line is that Bannon knew his comments would enrage journalists, and that they would pound their desks and tweet passionately about how wrong he is, and redouble their efforts to make Trump the enemy. But doing so makes the media itself look like the enemy, and that plays into Bannon's hands, and thereby Trump's. We shouldn't take the bait, as tempting as it may be."
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1034 on: January 29, 2017, 02:17:37 AM »
ASLR: Feeling a bit unwelcome on the Empire America thread? You're always welcome here.

We'll, initially I received a hat tip but ultimately was labeled as part of the oligarchy.  :-)

That's ok tho, as JimD is an astute thinker and a skilled writer.  And "The Rest" section should be, within reason, freewheeling and perhaps argumentative at times. 

I don't have enough knowledge to make meaningful contributions to the technical cryosphere sections of the forum.  Some of the bomb throwers in the freezing season thread and elsewhere should do the same self reflection.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1035 on: January 29, 2017, 05:55:14 AM »
It's new! It's true!

"When your leader is a clown, your country becomes a circus."
This appears to be a new coinage by Boomer, in a comment at NYT on the article -
Judge Blocks Trump Order on Refugees Amid Chaos and Outcry Worldwide

si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1036 on: January 29, 2017, 07:17:37 AM »
ASLR: Feeling a bit unwelcome on the Empire America thread? You're always welcome here.

We'll, initially I received a hat tip but ultimately was labeled as part of the oligarchy.  :-)

That's ok tho, as JimD is an astute thinker and a skilled writer.  And "The Rest" section should be, within reason, freewheeling and perhaps argumentative at times. 

I don't have enough knowledge to make meaningful contributions to the technical cryosphere sections of the forum.  Some of the bomb throwers in the freezing season thread and elsewhere should do the same self reflection.

I do agree with you Pileus about what you said about JimD, and I certainly have a lot of respect for him. He's entitled to control the discussion on the thread that he started. Despite all this, he may be wrong to some degree and I do detect an air of condescension in his posts, although I'm sure it's not intended.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1037 on: January 29, 2017, 07:25:09 AM »
It's new! It's true!

"When your leader is a clown, your country becomes a circus."
This appears to be a new coinage by Boomer, in a comment at NYT on the article -
Judge Blocks Trump Order on Refugees Amid Chaos and Outcry Worldwide

And here I thought the circus was closed down and out of business! Trump's circus is anything but the greatest show on Earth.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1038 on: January 29, 2017, 07:57:34 AM »
My apologies if anyone else has posted these two articles. We have an American President who seems to be completely detached from reality. While Trump thinks his ban is working nicely, a judge blocks deportations:

I recall how the Republicans complained about Obama using executive orders. When will they start complaining about Trump overusing executive orders? He has been President for nine days, imagine where we'll be after ninety days?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 08:04:25 AM by budmantis »


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1039 on: January 29, 2017, 08:10:48 AM »
Bannon, Giuliani, Flynn are behind this.  Trump is skilled with rhetoric but too dumb on the geopolitical nuances.  It is their clumsy attempt to provoke a Reichstag fire type event.

Public posture is to protect the homeland (from a threat that was actually extremely low, but is now more likely).  Real purpose is to inflame sunnis in Iraq and Shiites in Iran, ISIS everywhere to strike out.  They want something to happen inside the US, and quickly, so they can unleash the military abroad and clamp down on everything here.  GOP leaders not moving yet because #1 for them is getting their fiscal and cultural agenda thru.  Or maybe just tin foil hat stuff.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1040 on: January 29, 2017, 08:23:34 AM »
GOP leaders not moving yet because #1 for them is getting their fiscal and cultural agenda thru.  Or maybe just tin foil hat stuff.

Putting their agenda first instead of challenging Trump's intransigence will be their undoing.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1041 on: January 29, 2017, 08:48:10 AM »
Collateral damage from Trump's executive order:

Excerpt: The Assalis have helped bring family members to the United States before. In 2013, they were able to bring in one relative, and last month they were able to bring the brothers' sister and her daughter.
The brothers waited to join them until after they could pack up their homes in Syria, Sarmad Assali said.


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1042 on: January 29, 2017, 11:04:31 AM »
Collateral damage from Trump's executive order:

Excerpt: The Assalis have helped bring family members to the United States before. In 2013, they were able to bring in one relative, and last month they were able to bring the brothers' sister and her daughter.
The brothers waited to join them until after they could pack up their homes in Syria, Sarmad Assali said.

That's a very interesting news item, considering what Trump said.
Syrian Christian family, visas in hand, turned back at airport

“They’ve been horribly treated. Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, at least very tough to get into the United States? If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair, everybody was persecuted in all fairness, but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair.”
— President Trump, interview on Christian Broadcasting Network, Jan. 27, 2017
cited by The Washington Post
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1043 on: January 29, 2017, 02:59:27 PM »
With regards to Trump's executive order banning refugees, very few Republicans have publicly voiced opposition according to the linked article:

Trump puts Bannon on the Nat'l Security Council, dropping joint chiefs, according to the linked article:


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1044 on: January 29, 2017, 03:22:56 PM »
With regards to Trump's executive order banning refugees, very few Republicans have publicly voiced opposition according to the linked article:

Trump puts Bannon on the Nat'l Security Council, dropping joint chiefs, according to the linked article:

Goodie!!!  Especially since the Rump knows more than the generals ... Why not put the puppet master in the NSC...


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1045 on: January 29, 2017, 03:48:17 PM »
Not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning Cato Institute.

And of course.....the countries that WEREN'T where the Trump corporation does business.

Donald Trump:  The FAKE president....
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1046 on: January 29, 2017, 03:55:38 PM »
yeah i know that this guy looks a lot better but still, perhaps it's time to seriously ponder over possible solutions :-)

I'd love to see someone use that device to shut Trump's pie hole!


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1047 on: January 29, 2017, 06:01:39 PM »
Not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning Cato Institute.
(Iran,     Sudan,     Iraq,     Syria,     Yemen,     Libya and Somalia)

Reince Priebus stated, on CBS - State of the Nation, countries were identified by Obama administration as associated with terror.  It excluding privy of source beyond the realm of public knowledge, while implicating the Obama administration.  Slick!

I fear it may incite terrorism, sure hope not.
Professor Trump, who'd thought it was that complicated?


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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1048 on: January 29, 2017, 06:29:15 PM »

Trump puts Bannon on the Nat'l Security Council, dropping joint chiefs, according to the linked article:

The linked article is entitled: "Trump just made a sweeping, unprecedented change to the National Security Council".  This article makes it clear that the purpose of this executive measure is to circumvent congressional vetting of members to the NSC so that Steve Bannon can drive his hidden agenda against the will of the majority of Americans.

Extract: "The executive measure established Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon as a regular attendee, whereas the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence will be allowed to participate only "where issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed.""
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Re: The Trump Presidency (was "Presidential Poll")
« Reply #1049 on: January 29, 2017, 06:36:06 PM »
Not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning Cato Institute.

And of course.....the countries that WEREN'T where the Trump corporation does business.

Donald Trump:  The FAKE president....

Problem is Trump is really the president.  A conspiracy theorist with no empathy towards other human beings, who sees everything thru a lens of "it's all about me".

I believe that Cato study also has a data point that of 230,000 murders post 9/11, a grand total of 123 are associated with Islamic jihad.

It's an overreaction beyond measure, completely detached from facts.  But it plays to the deep racism and xenophobia (AKA "economic anxiety") of his most fervent supporters.