Thanx for the Cox reference. The steady reduction in land and ocean CO2 sinks is disquieting. The huge dip in the early nineties upon the fall of soviet block tells us how powerful politics can be ... all we gotta do is shut down the coal burners to see even bigger effects. Glad to see that Cox is actually optimistic regarding amazon dieback. The precipitous fall in soil carbon sink in Lenton probably results from permafrost degradation ?
The topic of soil carbon contributions to future atmospheric GHG concentrations has been, and is continuing to be, strongly debated, and the Cox/Lenton data may be towards the upper end of expected contribution. As the following random listing of references indicate, this is a complex topic including not only permafrost contributions, but also peat, forest litter, and methane/carbon dioxide mix. These few article indicate that topics that must be quantified include: fires (both boreal & tropical), microbe activity, burrowing rodents, insects, droughts/floods, farming practice, changes in local precipitation (rain vs snow), polar amplification, etc. etc.
Charles D. Kovena, David M. Lawrence and William J. Rileya (2015), "Permafrost carbon−climate feedback is sensitive to deep soil carbon decomposability but not deep soil nitrogen dynamics", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), doi: 10.1073/pnas.1415123112 linked article (and associated image & extract) indicates that GHG emissions from farming rose 13% after 1990. With a growing world population and a growing global middle class, this trend will be difficult to reverse anytime soon: R. Turetsky, Brian Benscoter, Susan Page, Guillermo Rein, Guido R. van der Werf & Adam Watts, (2015), "Global vulnerability of peatlands to fire and carbon loss", Nature Geoscience, Volume: 8, Pages: 11–14, doi:10.1038/ngeo2325 Golden, Susan Natali and Nikita Zimov, (2014), "Consequences of artic ground squirrels on soil carbon loss from Siberian tundra", Fall AGU Conference N. Sulman, Richard P. Phillips, A. Christopher Oishi, Elena Shevliakova, and Stephen W. Pacala, (2014), "Microbe-driven turnover offsets mineral-mediated storage of soil carbon under elevated CO₂", Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2436 also: "Researchers based at Princeton University report that an increase in human-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could initiate a chain reaction between plants and microorganisms that would unsettle one of the largest carbon reservoirs on the planet — soil. The researchers developed the first computer model to show at a global scale the complex interaction between carbon, plants and soil. The model projected changes (above) in global soil carbon as a result of root-soil interactions, with blue indicating a greater loss of soil carbon to the atmosphere. (Image by Benjamin Sulman, Princeton Environmental Institute).
Zhaosheng Fan, Jason C. Neff, Mark P. Waldrop, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Merritt R. Turetsky, (2014), "Transport of oxygen in soil pore-water systems: implications for modeling emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from peatlands", Biogeochemistry, doi:10.1007/s1053-014-0012-0., E., Ferreira, J., Gardner, T. A., Aragão, L. E. O. C., De Camargo, P. B., Cerri, C. E., Durigan, M., Oliveira, R. C. D., Vieira, I. C. G. and Barlow, J. (2014), A large-scale field assessment of carbon stocks in human-modified tropical forests. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12627ín-Spiotta, E., N.T. Chaopricha, A.F. Plante, A.F. Diefendorf, C.W. Müller, S. Grandy, and J.A. Mason. Long-term stabilization of deep soil carbon by fire and burial during early Holocene climate change. Nature Geoscience, K., Ito, A., Beerling, D. J., Cadule, P., Ciais, P., Clark, D. B., Falloon, P., Friend, A. D., Kahana, R., Kato, E., Keribin, R., Lucht, W., Lomas, M., Rademacher, T. T., Pavlick, R., Schaphoff, S., Vuichard, N., Warszawaski, L., and Yokohata, T.: Global soil organic carbon stock projection uncertainties relevant to sensitivity of global mean temperature and precipitation changes, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 4, 1035-1064, doi:10.5194/esdd-4-1035-2013, 2013 accelerates decomposition of decades-old carbon in forest soils;
by: Francesca M. Hopkins, Margaret S. Torn, and Susan E. Trumbore; PNAS June 11, 2012; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1120603109,