I think it's better if you do that, man. You and A4REAL are much better at navigating and posting that stuff than me. I'm not good at going through and finding that methane data. I prefer to leave that to the more experienced people on here. However, I will respond to your earlier post about the peaks and drops. I think, based on the prior weeks that it's par for the course at this point. Do I think we're in danger of near-term extinction or civilization collapse? It's certainly a possibility, but I highly doubt it. With the agreement in Lima, the U.S. taking over the Arctic Council, and the increased attention and feasibility to use geoengineering to stall and perhaps reverse sea ice loss, (and it can be done. There are studies that conclude this, including ones by Robock, Hunt, Kravitz, Caldeira, and Keith, among others. And Beckwith and Wadhams also concur with this. Even Shakhova didn't completely rule it out, and I have a hunch she will probably support it as more data comes in) I believe there is a reasonable, perhaps even a good chance, that humanity will survive intact. It will be a rocky road, but I have hope that we'll be intact. Damaged, but intact nonetheless,