What is your reaction to the video
- The expert is right, it is far too late. Even some shock generating war like response can't prevent 'catastrophic failure of the planet'
7 (46.7%)
- We need something much stronger to create a shock effect. 'A person' ?? how about 'highly likely 40% to 80% of population'? Even if it isn't really defensible we need a shock effect first, then we may have a chance to work on resp
2 (13.3%)
- We need a shock effect which will take something stronger but it should be defensible.
1 (6.7%)
- We need a shock effect which will take something stronger but it should be defensible and not risk a lets party like no tomorrow response.
1 (6.7%)
- Some shock effect to get more action on climate change would be nice but don't overdo it.
1 (6.7%)
- CC is a problem but we are making progress and that 'doomandgloom, far too late, already emitted far too much carbon figures given' are nonsense. We need to continue action but we have good chances of avoiding the worst.
1 (6.7%)
- A person? Ok, that means absolutely no need to panic just yet then. Lets carry on with 'Business as usual'. The stunned shock looks are obviously that any 'expert' could say such things and be so wrong.
- 0 (0%)
- It is just amusing satire of tree hugging environmentalists' beliefs.
- 0 (0%)
- All of the above - it is satire of how polarised the debate is that the same words can convey such different reactions.
2 (13.3%)
Total Members Voted: 14
Voting closed: January 23, 2015, 04:29:02 PM