As JimD is not posting so much at the moment, I provide the linked (open access) commentary warning of the dire consequences on not stabilizing the world's population growth:
John Colarusso (5 February 2016), "Comment on “Can human populations be stabilized?” by Stephen G. Warren", Earth's Future, DOI: 10.1002/2015EF000329 "If Professor Warren is right, we must act to avoid a reversion to biological constraint, that is, to a hell of starvation and poverty. But our course to salvation does not itself look particularly appealing given today's embrace of freedom and our celebration of diversity. Our values will have to change both in terms of how we see ourselves and how we see social order [Hardin, 1968]. The problem facing governments is particularly acute since not only would they need to formulate such policies, but they would also have to persuade their citizens that such changes are a form of adaptation to necessity. In effect, they will have to implement the imperative implied by the Family Equation, an inherently counterintuitive bit of math. Their task will be to somehow maintain tolerance in societies that are already diverse, while also making the needed adaptations seem as though moral progress is still maintained. This last task would seem to present a hurdle that is well nigh insurmountable, at least one that a government would not be able to manage and still retain legitimacy because curtailment of freedom would signify a moral reversion, a change in direct opposition to moral progress.
None of these adaptations, social and political, will be easy nor will they be pleasant, but it seems that they will be inevitable if the human race is not to fall victim to its own biological exuberance."