The following abstracts come from the linked sources and are relevant to the Ross Sea Sector: Secretary General, International Glaciological Society
Flow dynamics of Byrd Glacier, East Antarctica
Corresponding author: C.J. Van der Veen
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Byrd Glacier is a fast-moving outlet glacier transecting the Transantarctic Mountains, funneling an estimated 20.6?
Gt a–1 of ice originating on the East Antarctic plateau into the Ross Ice Shelf through a fjord that is ~100 km long and ~20 km wide. The glacier has been the subject of glaciological investigations since the early 1960s, including a comprehensive assessment of balance of forces on the lower trunk by Whillans and others (1989) using surface elevations and ice velocities derived from repeat photogrammetry in the late 1970s. That study, as well as subsequent more recent studies, was limited by lack of detailed information on the bed topography under the glacier. In 2011–2012 the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (University of Kansas) conducted extensive airborne radar sounding for mapping the bed under Byrd Glacier, thereby allowing re-evaluation of results from earlier studies and, in particular, to investigate the relation between ‘sticky spots’ and basal relief. The present study aims to investigate flow dynamics and essentially represents an update of the study of Whillans and others (1989). Force-balance calculations reveal large variations in the along-flow component of driving stress that are muted by gradients in longitudinal stress such that basal drag is less variable spatially. The most pronounced sticky spot is located and the downstream end of a basal overdeepening, while smaller regions of high basal drag are co-located with a bed ridge transverse to the flow direction. On the large scale, gradients in longitudinal stress play a small role in balancing the driving stress, and flow resistance is partitioned between basal and lateral drags. Confirming earlier results, there is a significant component of driving stress in the across-flow direction resulting in non-zero basal drag in the direction perpendicular to ice flow. This is an unrealistic result and we propose that there are spatial variations in ice strength similar to those found on other glaciers.
Crevasse patterns in the catchment of Byrd Glacier, East Antarctica
Corresponding author: Logan C. Byers
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Complex patterns of surface crevasses are observed in extensive fields dispersed throughout the catchment of Byrd Glacier, Antarctica, using WorldView multispectral visible-band satellite imagery at 0.6 m horizontal resolution. Thorough mapping and orientation analysis reveals that some fields are composed of numerous intersecting and interacting crevasse sets, which experience differential deformation across their domains. A comparison of observed crevasse field occurrence to surface elevation demonstrates that fields are located primarily in regions where the ice surface dips highly downstream and uncrevassed areas tend to occur at positive or less negative downstream slopes. The spatial extent of some of these regions without observable crevasses is equivalent to shallow surface basins that maintain a zone of surficial snow deposition. Analysis of RADARSAT imagery with a horizontal resolution of 25 m and a penetration depth of ~8 m demonstrates that crevasses persist at depth as they are advected through shallow surface basins. As ice advects out of the basin, crevasses continue to be covered but may display some sagging of newly deposited snow. The continued presence of crevasses from high in the catchment past the grounding line may indicate that infilling with snow provides a resistance to closure but has little affect on opening. Infilling would maintain crevasses as structural weaknesses within the ice as advection and differential velocities subject the ice to varied stress states. Surface crevasses have previously been used as indicators and predictors for numerous dynamical properties of glaciers. The findings of this study therefore have implications for automated feature tracking in both visible and long wavelength imagery, the sensing and determination of complex glacier flow paths and controls on glacier flow, and accumulation rates and histories in ice-sheet conditions. This work also challenges the assumption that glacier ice is a structurally homogeneous material and demonstrates a connection exists between observable surface structures and basal conditions that dictate ice motion.
Insight into the existence and implications of ‘surface waves’ on Byrd Glacier
Corresponding author: Leigh Stearns
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Byrd Glacier has one of the largest catchment basins in Antarctica and drains ~20.5 km3 of ice into the Ross Ice Shelf annually. Despite various studies since the late 1970s focusing on flow dynamics of Byrd Glacier, there is still little consensus about its ice–bed coupling and ice-flow relation to bed topography. In this study, we will utilize new bed and surface topography data, in conjunction with high-resolution velocity maps, to model the importance of bed topography and its impact on glacier flow. Our results yield insight into the dynamical flow regime and stability of Byrd Glacier in response to different external forcings. Reusch and Hughes (2003) hypothesized that as Byrd Glacier transitions from sheet flow to stream flow, the ice surface undergoes changes in surface slope (‘surface waves’) that appear to be unrelated to bed topography. The implication is that these surface waves reflect variations in the coupling between ice and the bed and that they may move as individual ice columns and migrate through the glacier. According to this hypothesis, surface waves represent regions of high longitudinal tensile stresses on the ice surface and the dominant resistance for the flow of Byrd Glacier is due to these longitudinal stress gradients. This theory contrasts several studies that conclude the driving stress of Byrd Glacier is primarily resisted by isolated regions of high basal drag (‘sticky spots’). This research investigates the surface wave theory, which has not been tested previously due to the lack of high-resolution bed topography data. From November 2011 to January 2012, the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (University of Kansas) collected bed topography and ice thickness data over ~55 000 km2 of Byrd Glacier and its catchment. This dataset, in combination with satellite-derived velocity data, will be used to explore the origin and evolution of surface waves and their relationship to bed topography and longitudinal stress patterns. A correlation of the surface slopes (waves) and the bed topography slope will be performed to determine if wave location is independent of bed relief. Wave migration requires ice–bed decoupling, which could be an indication of Byrd Glacier having a thawed bed in contrast to a frozen one.
Morphology of basal crevasses at the grounding zone of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
Corresponding author: Robert Jacobel
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The transition from limited- or no-slip conditions at the base of grounded ice to free-slip conditions beneath floating ice occurs across the few-kilometers-wide grounding zone of ice sheets. This transition is either an elastic flexural transition from bedrock to hydrostatically supported elevations (often tidally influenced), or a transition from thicker to thinner ice over a flat bed, or some combination of these processes. In either case, ice must flow across a changing stress field, often resulting in brittle deformation, which is manifested as basal crevassing at the ice-sheet base and tidal strand cracking on the ice-sheet surface. Thus the position and morphology of basal crevasses reveal important information about the stress state across this transition. We acquired gridded ground-based radar surveys at two locations of the Whillans Ice Stream grounding zone, one over a subglacial peninsula where the transition to floatation is abrupt and the second over a subglacial embayment where several dynamic subglacial lakes drain to the ocean, likely resulting in episodic high sediment and water flux across the grounding line. Our surveys indicate a complex pattern of basal crevasses: some are related to basal topography, but others more likely are associated with ice flexure across the basal channel carrying water and sediment to the ocean. Owing to the high reflectivity of sea water and the relatively shallow ice thickness, we image off-nadir crevasses where the radar energy is first reflected from the ice–water interface and then from the crevasse, forming a double image together with the direct reflection. For a basal crevasse with shallow dip, this geometry effectively enables imaging the crevasse from both upper and lower faces simultaneously, producing curious results similar to a clothing-store mirror. Similarly, we see returns from some crevasses that are subsequently reflected to the receiver from the ice–water interface, producing a crevasse signature with a reversed phase echo due to the second reflection. In several cases, these crevasse echoes mimic the geometry of a sub-ice ‘wedge’ dipping into the sediment, while in reality the radar never penetrates below the basal interface. Our results indicate that basal crevasses offer a rich but unexploited dataset for diagnosing stress state and salient processes, such as subglacial stress change over drainage channels, across grounding zones, and that special care is needed when interpreting subglacial returns in radar data."
Radar/seismic imaging of a subglacial estuary at the grounding zone of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
Corresponding author: Knut Christianson
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The most common view of subglacial water flow across ice-sheet grounding zones is akin to a subaerial waterfall, where water enters the ocean due to the steep gradient in subglacial hydropotential with essentially no marine influence inland. However, our radio-echo sounding and active-source seismic surveys image a grounding zone more analogous to an estuary or tidal lagoon at the downstream end of the hydrologic system that links the active subglacial lakes beneath Whillans Ice Stream to the ocean beneath the Ross Ice Shelf. Kinematic GPS and radar data indicate a hydropotential trough upstream of grounding that continues until the ice goes afloat. Immediately upstream of floatation, irregular basal ringing that persists well below the basal interface is consistent with reflections from on- and off-nadir water-saturated sediments, or, more simply, a till delta. Seismic data also indicate prograding sedimentation as the ice goes afloat and show that the hydropotential trough is linked to the ocean by a large subglacial channel, which has an apparent width of 1 km and maximum depth of 7 m. Pressure differences along the trough axis are within a range that can be overcome by tidally induced processes, making interaction of subglacial and ocean water likely. A shallow water column in the embayment (never thicker than 12 m) and low radar basal reflectivity also imply a well-mixed tidal estuary, with complex interaction of subglacial and ocean water and sediment. Our results highlight the need for joint radar/seismic surveys to properly assess the nature and spatial extent of basal conditions in grounding zones, and the need to consider complex interactions of subglacial and ocean water, sediment and tidal processes across a few-kilometer-wide grounding zone in ice-sheet models.