Time to do a bit on PIOMAS volume.
Given the sea ice area and extent data, a bit of a surprise to find volume 3rd lowest in the satellite record.
PIOMAS Volume as at 01 Mar 2024 20,380 KM3
- Volume gain from minimum on this date is 15,729 km3, 50 km3, (0.3%), more than the 10 year average of 15,679 km3.
- Volume is at position #3 in the satellite record
- Volume is 1,694 km3 MORE than 2017
- Volume is 690 km3 MORE than 2018
- Volume is 81 km3 LESS than 2021
- Volume is 583 km3 LESS than 2022
- Volume is 299 km3 LESS than 2023
Average remaining volume gain (of the last 10 years) would produce a maximum volume in April 2023 of 22,534 km3, 1,752 km3 above the 2017 record low maximum volume of 20,782 km3, which would be 4th lowest in the 45 year satellite record.
N.B. Click on image for full-size