I wasn't aware that science was telling us that if the ice went away, it would never return, even if we mitigated AGW/CC and global average temps went back to their more suitable (for human habitability) recent historical levels.
I thought that the Arctic sea ice had melted and returned at the end of warm periods in the past, and I had no reason to believe that it wouldn't recover again if the current AGW/CC event was reversed. (However, I don't see mitigation and a warming trend reversal as likely in the near future.
As expected, the findings presented in this paper were quickly - and grossly - cherry-picked and misinterpreted by Anthony Watts at his WUWT denialist website. His fraudulent gloating ignored the fact the the paper stated that mitigation and a reversal of the current warming trend was required for ice to recover. However, his b.s. was joyously celebrated as true by his dumbed down denialist minions, and as expected, Sou at HotWhopper quickly demolished this latest WUWT idiocy.
Although I have not read the paper, I don't really see significance or controversy here.