Happy New Year 2024 (and sorry for the forum being offline some hours) /DM
NASA Operation IceBridge is gearing up for another Arctic campaign. The team are just getting ready for deployment to Thule. Much like last year, all flights can be tracked via:http://airbornescience.nasa.gov/tracker/Photo courtesy of NASA / Christy Hansen:
Just took off for the first flight.
Well my thanks goes out to you and them!
Operation IceBridge is ending its Arctic 2015 campaign a few days early due to maintenance issues with the aircraft.
The C-130 is headed home! Follow along on the final leg of the journey as the team transits on down to the Eastern Shore: http://airbornescience.nasa.gov/tracker/
For the first time in its seven years of flights, NASA's Operation IceBridge, an airborne survey of changes in Earth’s polar ice, is conducting overlapping campaigns in Antarctica and the Arctic. Since 2009, IceBridge has studied Antarctic ice conditions each fall, but this year a new field campaign has been added to collect measurements of sea and land ice in the Arctic to provide insight into the impact of the summer melt season.The first flight of the Arctic campaign is scheduled for Sept. 23, weather permitting, with ongoing flights until Oct. 23. The Arctic campaign team will fly aboard NASA Langley Research Center's Falcon 20 aircraft. The plane will carry three instruments: a laser altimeter called the Airborne Topographic Mapper, a high-resolution camera technology called the Digital Mapping System (DMS), which allows researchers to create maps of polar ice, and an experimental infrared camera.