Maybe we should have a topic for evaluating the different climate models. But I don't want to be the person that will open it, because I don't know enough about models.
Anyway, I believe that this news has not been include on this Forum and I find appropiate to included it here.
The most accurate climate change models predict the most alarming consequences, study finds
Washington Post
I don't want to open a separate folder to compare different climate model projections (as it would be too difficult), but I concur that higher performance models project higher values of climate sensitivity as indicated by the following reposted information and images:
The first linked reference cites findings from an improved version of CESM that increases ESS from 4.1C to 5.6C. If this is actually experienced this coming century, this is bad news for both people & the current biota:
William R. Frey & Jennifer E. Kay (2017), "The influence of extratropical cloud phase and amount feedbacks on climate sensitivity", Climate Dynamics; pp 1–20, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3796-5 "Global coupled climate models have large long-standing cloud and radiation biases, calling into question their ability to simulate climate and climate change. This study assesses the impact of reducing shortwave radiation biases on climate sensitivity within the Community Earth System Model (CESM). The model is modified by increasing supercooled cloud liquid to better match absorbed shortwave radiation observations over the Southern Ocean while tuning to reduce a compensating tropical shortwave bias. With a thermodynamic mixed-layer ocean, equilibrium warming in response to doubled CO2 increases from 4.1 K in the control to 5.6 K in the modified model. This 1.5 K increase in equilibrium climate sensitivity is caused by changes in two extratropical shortwave cloud feedbacks. First, reduced conversion of cloud ice to liquid at high southern latitudes decreases the magnitude of a negative cloud phase feedback. Second, warming is amplified in the mid-latitudes by a larger positive shortwave cloud feedback. The positive cloud feedback, usually associated with the subtropics, arises when sea surface warming increases the moisture gradient between the boundary layer and free troposphere. The increased moisture gradient enhances the effectiveness of mixing to dry the boundary layer, which decreases cloud amount and optical depth. When a full-depth ocean with dynamics and thermodynamics is included, ocean heat uptake preferentially cools the mid-latitude Southern Ocean, partially inhibiting the positive cloud feedback and slowing warming. Overall, the results highlight strong connections between Southern Ocean mixed-phase cloud partitioning, cloud feedbacks, and ocean heat uptake in a climate forced by greenhouse gas changes."
The second linked reference provides satellite evidence that the CMIP5 projections substantially underestimate the positive feedback from precipitating clouds. This is more evidence that consensus science has underestimated climate sensitivity:
J.-L. F. Li, Wei-Liang Lee, Yi-Hui Wang, Mark Richardson, Jia-Yuh Yu, E. Suhas, Eric Fetzer, Min-Hui Lo & Qing Yue (2016), "Assessing the Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Clouds on Winter Surface Air Temperatures and Land Surface Properties in GCMs Using Observations", JGR: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025175 "Using CloudSat-CALIPSO ice water, cloud fraction and radiation; CERES radiation and long-term station-measured surface air temperature (SAT), we identified a substantial underestimation of the total ice water path, total cloud fraction, land surface radiative flux, land surface temperature (LST) and SAT during Northern Hemisphere winter in CMIP5 models. We perform sensitivity experiments with the NCAR Community Earth System Model version 1 (CESM1) in fully coupled modes to identify processes driving these biases. We found that biases in land surface properties are associated with the exclusion of downwelling long-wave heating from precipitating ice during Northern Hemisphere winter. The land surface temperature biases introduced by the exclusion of precipitating ice radiative effects in CESM1 and CMIP5 both spatially correlate with winter biases over Eurasia and North America. The underestimated precipitating ice radiative effect leads to colder LST, associated surface energy-budget adjustments and cooler SAT. This bias also shifts regional soil moisture state from liquid to frozen, increases snow cover and depresses evapotranspiration (ET) and total leaf area index (TLAI) in Northern Hemisphere winter. The inclusion of the precipitating ice radiative effects largely reduces the model biases of surface radiative fluxes (more than 15 W m-2), SAT (up to 2-4 K), snow cover and ET (25-30%), compared with those without snow-radiative effects."
The third linked (open access) reference provides a comparison of the best 2014 version of Community Earth Systems Model run to date (CESM-H), and a standard ESM run (CESM-S) such as that used for AR5. The article, the attached image (and caption) and extracts, make it very clear that while the CESM-H run is not perfect (i.e. there is still a reason to run ACME/E3SM), it is a substantial improvement about the AR5 generation of climate models, and it projects higher increases in mean global temperature increases, and less sea ice (see the figure 1) than the AR5 generation of projections.
R. Justin Small, Julio Bacmeister, David Bailey, Allison Baker, Stuart Bishop, Frank Bryan, Julie Caron, John Dennis, Peter Gent, Hsiao-ming Hsu, Markus Jochum, David Lawrence, Ernesto Muñoz, Pedro diNezio, Tim Scheitlin, Robert Tomas, Joseph Tribbia, Yu-heng Tseng, & Mariana Vertenstein, (December 2014), "A new synoptic scale resolving global climate simulation using the Community Earth System Model", JAMES, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 1065–1094, DOI: 10.1002/2014MS000363 "High-resolution global climate modeling holds the promise of capturing planetary-scale climate modes and small-scale (regional and sometimes extreme) features simultaneously, including their mutual interaction. This paper discusses a new state-of-the-art high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulation that was performed with these goals in mind. The atmospheric component was at 0.25° grid spacing, and ocean component at 0.1°. One hundred years of “present-day” simulation were completed. Major results were that annual mean sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial Pacific and El-Niño Southern Oscillation variability were well simulated compared to standard resolution models. Tropical and southern Atlantic SST also had much reduced bias compared to previous versions of the model. In addition, the high resolution of the model enabled small-scale features of the climate system to be represented, such as air-sea interaction over ocean frontal zones, mesoscale systems generated by the Rockies, and Tropical Cyclones. Associated single component runs and standard resolution coupled runs are used to help attribute the strengths and weaknesses of the fully coupled run. The high-resolution run employed 23,404 cores, costing 250 thousand processor-hours per simulated year and made about two simulated years per day on the NCAR-Wyoming supercomputer “Yellowstone.”"
Extracts: "The high-resolution CESM was run under “present-day” (year 2000) greenhouse gas conditions (fixed CO2 concentration of 367 ppm). This was chosen so that direct comparisons could be made with recent-era observations of fine-scale and large-scale phenomena. The prognostic carbon-nitrogen cycle was not used in this simulation.
In the following, this simulation will be referred to as CESM-High Resolution (CESM-H).
The interpretation of the model data employed in this paper is that the CESM-H and CESM-S are the best simulations available at their respective resolutions, for the same model version, and for year 2000 conditions."
Caption for the first image: "Time series of globally averaged quantities for 100 years of CESM-H (thick black line) and 166 years of CESM-S (thin gray line). (a) Top of atmosphere net radiation, positive incoming to Earth. Data are 10 year running mean. (b) Surface (including ocean, land, ice) temperature, 10 year running average. Sea ice area in (c) Northern Hemisphere and (d) Southern Hemisphere. (e) Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), 12 month running averages, (f) transport through Drake Passage due to Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), annual values."
The following link provides public access to various model run outputs:, Proistosescu & Huybers (2017) show that HadGEM2-ES indicate a range of ECS of from 6 to 8C (see the third & fourth images)
Cristian Proistosescu and Peter J. Huybers (05 Jul 2017), "Slow climate mode reconciles historical and model-based estimates of climate sensitivity", Science Advances, Vol. 3, no. 7, e1602821, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602821 other efforts to improve the state-of-the-art in ESM projections see also: for fourth image: "Fig. 1. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) facilitates the comparison of results from various climate models. Shown here are relative error measures of different developmental tests of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) model. Results are based on the global seasonal cycle climatology (1980–2005) computed from Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) experiments. Rows and columns represent individual variables and models, respectively. The error measure is a spatial root-mean-square error (RMSE) that treats each variable separately. The color scale portrays this RMSE as a relative error by normalizing the result by the median error of all model results [Gleckler et al., 2008]. For example, a value of 0.20 indicates that a model’s RMSE is 20% larger than the median error for that variable across all simulations on the figure, whereas a value of –0.20 means the error is 20% smaller than the median error. The four triangles in grid square show the relative error with respect to the four seasons (in clockwise order, with December–January–February (DJF) at the top; MAM = March–April–May, JJA = June–July–August, and SON = September–October–November). The reference data sets are the default satellite and reanalysis data sets identified by Flato et al. [2013]. TOA = top of atmosphere, SW = shortwave, LW = longwave. Credit: Erik Mason/"
And for information on HadGEM3-GC3.1 see:
Title: "HadGEM3-GC3.1: The physical coupled model core of UKESM1 now frozen"