have yet to see a coherent argument here that discusses how the model holds that, under current climate system forcings that the arctic sea ice is set to follow the model results and enact a magical "recovery".
This is the results of their model outputs, unless, am I reading the paper incorrectly? I don't think so!
You are reading the paper incorrectly. The model does not hold that under current forcings, the arctic sea ice is set to recover.
The abstract states, "If the associated parameters are set to values that correspond to the current climate, the ice retreat
is reversible and there is no instability when the climate is warmed." (Emphasis added)
You are reading this to say, "at current forcings, the ice retreat
will reverse."
This is not what the abstract means, and is not supported by any further discussion in the paper. From the first paragraph of the paper, "Arctic sea ice is undergoing a striking, closely monitored, and highly publicized decline. A recurring theme in the debate surrounding this decline is the question of how stable the ice cover is, and specifically whether it can become unstable." (citations to other papers and references to figures in this paper are omitted from all quotes)
The question is not whether the
extent (or other measure) is stable. (In other words, whether the extent will rise to the level of 1980 even in the face of current forcings.) The question is whether the
decline is stable. In other words, can the decline transition to a sudden irrecoverable collapse?
From paragraphs 2 and 3, "This nonlinearity has long been expected to affect the stability of the climate system in the sense that it can potentially trigger abrupt transitions between ice-free and ice-covered regimes. ... The idea of an irreversible jump from one stable state to another gained momentum when studies using idealized latitudinally varying diffusive energy balance models (EBMs) of the annual-mean equilibrium state of the global climate encountered such bistability in realistic parameter regimes."
Later in the Introduction, "The discrepancy between the instabilities found in idealized models and the smooth ice retreat found in most comprehensive GCMs raises a conundrum: Is the disagreement between the two approaches the result of a fundamental misrepresentation of the underlying physics in GCMs, or is it rather the result of some aspect of the simplifications used in the idealized models? In more general terms, what physical processes dictate whether there are multiple sea ice states under a given forcing?"
In other words, are there two (or more) possible fixed equilibrium levels for the sea ice under the same forcing? Under a given forcing, the climate system will move toward an equilibrium. Is it possible that the equilibrium depends on the starting climate or the path taken by the climate to the equilibrium?
Section 3 of the paper describes the model results. From the first paragraph of section 3, "In this section we discuss the simulated climate in the parameter regime (D = D* and S
1 = S
1*), first with F = 0, then in the case where the climate is warmed by increasing F, and finally when F is ramped back down." Here D is the heat diffusion from the energy balance model and S
1 is the seasonal variability of solar radiation from the single-column model, both of which I've described in previous posts. F is the forcing.
The results for F=0 are given in the first paragraph of section 3a. "The associated surface temperature and ice thickness are roughly consistent with present-day climate observations in the Northern Hemisphere." The paragraph provides more numerical comparisons and refers to several graphs as well.
The results for increasing F are given in section 3b. The second paragraph of this section states, "the climate climate steadily warms and the seasonally varying sea ice cover steadily recedes until the pole is ice free throughout the year. The summer ice disappears at F = 2.5 W m
-2 and the winter ice at F = 11 W m
Once the winter ice disappears, the forcing is then decreased until the ice reappears again. The fundamental question is what level the forcing must be reduced to in order for the winter ice to reappear and what further level the forcing must be reduced to in order for the summer ice to reappear. In idealized models (the energy balance model or the single-column model, or similar models cited from other papers), the ice does not reappear until F is far below the level at which it disappeared. In comprehensive GCMs, when the forcing is decreased, the sea ice reappears at the same forcing level at which it disappeared.
The first paragraph of section 3c states that, "It is noteworthy that the sea ice declines smoothly, with no jumps occurring during the transition from perennial sea ice to seasonally ice-free conditions and then to perennially ice-free conditions. Rather, the summer and winter sea ice edges both respond fairly linearly to F." The third paragraph states, "After the climate has become perennially ice free, we slowly ramp F back down again. We find that the the ice
recovers during cooling along the same trajectory as the ice retreat during warming, with no hysteresis. The linearity and reversibility of the response in the present model is consistent with results from most comprehensive GCMs, and it is in contrast with previous results from EBMs and SCMs." (Emphasis added)
The paper goes on to state that if S
1 is set to 0 rather than the physically realistic S
1*, the model reduces to an EBM. Likewise, if D is set to 0 rather than the physically realistic D*, the model reduces to an SCM. They then perform the same experiment, of increasing the forcing until the sea ice completely melts, and then decreasing the forcing until the sea ice reappears, in each of these cases.
From paragraphs 5-6 of section 4a, considering the EBM, "The system therefore does not support an ice cover with an equilibrium ice edge poleward of x
i = 0.98, or 79° latitude. We define two critical values of the forcing F: (i) F
w is the value at which the system first transitions to a perennially ice-free pole in a warming scenario, and (ii) F
c is the value at which the wintertime ice cover first reappears in a cooling scenario.… A saddle-node bifurcation occurs at each of these values in the parameter regime…. The width of the hysteresis loop is then defined as deltaF = F
w - F
c. Note that deltaF may be seen as a societally relevant measure of instability and associated irreversibility, since it indicates how much the radiative forcing would need to be reduced for the sea ice to return after crossing a tipping point during global warming, although it should be noted that this requires long time scales for the climate system to equilibrate."
The discussion of the SCM regime is more brief, but states in section 4b, "As in typical SCMs, we find bistability in the parameter regimes (D = 0, S
1 = S
1*), with deltaF = 7.0 W m
From the Conclusions section, "Previous studies using seasonally varying SCMs and spatially varying EBMs have found instabilities in the sea ice cover associated with the ice–albedo feedback. Studies using comprehensive GCMs, however, have typically not found such instabilities. Here we developed a model of climate and sea ice that includes both seasonal and spatial variations.… When we varied the parameters, we found that including representations of both seasonal and spatial variations causes the stability of the system to substantially increase; that is, any instability and associated bistability was removed.… This result may help to reconcile the discrepancy between low–order models and comprehensive GCMs in previous studies. Specifically, it suggests that the low–order models overestimate the likelihood of a sea ice "tipping point." … (T)he present model simulates sea ice loss that is not only reversible but also has a strikingly linear relationship with the climate forcing as well as with the global–mean temperature. This is in contrast with SCMs and EBMs, and it is consistent with GCMs."
Note that absolutely nowhere in the paper does it state that sea ice levels can rise to a level associated with a lower forcing, even at a higher forcing. In fact, it clearly states that equilibrium sea ice levels are linear with climate forcing. More forcing always results in less ice.