Climate Change will probably become a driver for people leaving not only from the third world, but from many first world areas, especially in California which is already experiencing a severe drought
Meanwhile in Britain, there appears to already be deteriorating relations between people
Also, papers are reporting on an apparent ISIS subject amongst the Refugees
Finally, I wanted to ask this forum a question, this is mainly in response to a lot a series of overly optimistic comments on the Collapse, ISIS and SyrianCivilWar Subreddits. This is mainly on the subject on the potential for ISIS to become a primary force in Western areas, primarily Europe because Europe has opened its arms to the Refugees that are currently fleeing and so I wanted to ask if people here thought that ISIS would be able to mount a strong attack on the west through having the hidden ISIS militants attack all at once, this could be after ISIS mounts a cyberattack disabling communications, thus getting rid of NATO's ability to tackle the problem, and allowing for the Caliphate to expand rapidly across Europe as ISIS attacks cause chaos, allowing for ISIS to charge through Turkey after a weakened Europe. Comments on Reddit strongly oppose this idea and discount it as either Science Fiction, in terms of ISIS disabling communications, and are confident that the Terrorist Group is unable to mount a strong attack as they will be crushed by NATO anyway. So I am skeptical as to whether there is some truth to this argument or if they are either overconfident or are trying to mask their fears of ISIS becoming a primary force in the west, I must admit, I've been fearful of ISIS ever since the Refugee Crisis began as I always thought that the chaos and confusion from attacks within Europe would rid NATO of it's ability to respond.