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Author Topic: Petition  (Read 12260 times)


  • Nilas ice
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« on: March 18, 2013, 04:58:39 PM »
Dr. Myneni's petition to protect Earth from climate change
Professor Myneni of Boston University's Department of Earth & Environment, co-author of the greening Arctic study, has developed a simple one-sentence petition that he hopes one billion people will sign by Earth Day, 2014:

Dear Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon,

We, the People of the Earth, request You to act judiciously and expeditiously to protect the Earth from anthropogenic climate change.

People of the Earth

The petition, which I have signed, is at:, and was recently featured by Discovery News.

Jeff Masters

Just signed,


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Re: Petition
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2013, 05:58:13 PM »

Thanks for posting this. Just signed too.



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Re: Petition
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 02:09:22 AM »
Signed and reposted on Facebook. Only 9,300 signatures after the first month. I hope things pick up.


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 10:58:46 AM »
Just received e-mail:
Dear Friend of Your Climate Change,

Thank You for signing the petition. We are nearly 10,067 strong since we started on March 1st. The petition website is now in 16 languages with additional graphics. I will continue to build content in the coming days and weeks.

The goal now is for "Your Climate Change" to transition to "Our Climate Change".

We could grow from 10,067 to 100,000 in a matter of days! How?

Everyone knows 10 people right? So, I would like you to get 10 people to sign the petition. These could be:

Members of your family (spouse, adult children, brothers, sisters, parents and grand parents),
Relatives (aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins),
Colleagues (from work, your social circle)
Other contacts (please look in what ever mail utility you are using)

Please email them the following link with a few lines of introduction:

Have them see this scientifically-realistic video of global warming during the 21st century that I prepared:

Global warming and climate change will not go away. In about 2 years the concentration of heat-trapping gas, carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere will reach 400 parts per million! To put that in perspective, it has never been more than 300 parts per million for over half a million years, and possibly much much longer. It started to grow steadily since the industrial revolution in the mid-19th century (1850). We are doing a dangerous experiment - all life both on land and oceans will be impacted in ways that we cannot imagine.

Please get 10 people to sign the petition - that is all I will ever ask of you. I will then request each of the new signees to get 10 more to sign the petition. We will realize the dream of Our Climate Change in this manner.

The voice of a billion people is unlikely to be ignored by the Worlds policy makers.


Prof. Ranga B. Myneni



  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 09:20:30 PM »
Checking how it goes there I got: #Signees: .
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 09:41:57 PM by ivica »


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 07:29:33 AM »
Read of today, #Signees: 11470

Meanwhile, more than 100,000 people signed for a one-way ticket to the Mars.

Apparently, native earth-dwellers are minority of population of this planet.  :o
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 08:37:40 AM by ivica »


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 09:37:00 PM »
Too young to die...


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 10:43:06 PM »
What happened to our youngsters, are they "Children Of Advertisment", really, not able to think using their own head  ...


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2013, 12:10:50 AM »
C'mon kids, don't waste your time on that, we need you here. You surely know that current space technology still struggles how to make decent glove for astronaut, don't you? A glove!


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2015, 02:53:57 PM »
Checking today, what hapened there?
Well, I got this:
Ova veza nije sigurna

Firefox je povezan preko sigurne veze na, ali nije moguće potvrditi vjerodostojnost sigurnosti veze...
In short,web page seems to be hijacked,  accessing I see some strange chars.


  • Frazil ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2015, 08:24:39 PM »
Checking today, what hapened there?
Well, I got this:
Ova veza nije sigurna

Firefox je povezan preko sigurne veze na, ali nije moguće potvrditi vjerodostojnost sigurnosti veze...
In short,web page seems to be hijacked,  accessing I see some strange chars.

Yeah, I got the same thing which is a shame because I only heard about this petition today.
Can't think of a signature


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2015, 10:22:37 PM »
"World leaders will meet in the U.N. Climate Summit at Paris in late November 2015, to sign a treaty to tackle climate change. After decades of failed negotiations, we need to increase the pressure on our governments for them to be more ambitious to solve the climate crisis." - See more at:

Catholic Climate Petition

To Local, National & International Leaders:

Climate change affects everyone, but especially the poor and most vulnerable people among us. Inspired by Pope Francis and the Laudato Si' encyclical, we call on you to drastically cut carbon emissions to keep the global temperature rise below the dangerous 1.5°C threshold, and to aid the world’s poorest in coping with climate change impacts.
You do not have to be Catholic to sign this petition.


  • Grease ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2015, 01:27:25 AM »
While I am not a Catholic and I do not agree with the Catholic church's position on any number of other issues, I gladly signed this petition.  Pope Francis has a large following and if enough people globally demand changes, some of the world's leaders might  start to pay attention.

I encourage everyone to sign this position and put the link on your Facebook page and other social media networks you are a part of.

Again the link is:
"Share Your Knowledge.  It's a Way to Achieve Immortality."  ......the Dalai Lama


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2015, 07:51:42 AM »
Oh yes OLN, we must build on what connects us. There is no other way longterm.

Again the link is:


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2016, 04:54:15 PM »
To EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, to the government of Croatia, and all Ministries and regulators responsible for Health and Environmental Policy:

"As citizens around the world we are alarmed that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic to humans." We call on you to exercise the precautionary principle and immediately suspend approval of glyphosate, present in herbicides like Monsanto’s RoundUp. We request you include the studies in the International Agency for Research on Cancer's report in your current safety assessments, and ensure all reviews are transparent, based on independent studies, and evaluated by independent researchers without conflicts of interest. Until glyphosate can be proven safe, you must ensure people are not exposed to it."

Help us, signing petition, here.


  • Nilas ice
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Re: Petition
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2016, 07:35:19 PM »
Posted on: August 16, 2016, 08:42:39 PM.

I've found this in my e-mail box:

----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. James Hansen,
To: Ivica Kolar
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2016 3:07 PM
Subject: Scientists are counting on you, Ivica

Stand with Scientists: Tell the AGU to Drop Exxon.

It's long past time for prominent scientific societies to take a stand against Exxon's dangerous lies and well-documented attacks on climate science and scientists.
Stand with Scientists: Tell the AGU to Drop Exxon!

Dear Ivica,
I’m reaching out today because my fellow scientists and I need your help.
I am the former Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and currently an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, where I direct a program in Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions. I was among many scientists who raised early awareness of the reality of global warming and the threats it poses, but who are now distressed by the absence of an adequate policy response.
I am also a proud member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the largest association of Earth scientists in the world. The AGU is a well-respected institution that works to advance public understanding of science and holds a strong position on the urgency of climate action.
The AGU is a forum for thousands of climate scientists whose work has helped alert the world to the dangers of climate change. Yet, to our amazement, the AGU continues to accept funding from Exxon Mobil, one of the world’s leading funders of climate change denial.
Stand with us scientists in telling the AGU: Stop accepting funding from Exxon, a company that misleads the public about climate change and is under investigation for doing so.
AGU members study our planet in so many different ways, yet we are all united by our quest for truth — a value ingrained in AGU’s own sponsorship policy, which expressly forbids AGU from accepting funding from any organization that supports science misinformation. This policy was put in place for good reason, and the AGU must start abiding by it — starting with Exxon.
Exxon has been deceiving the public about the science of climate change for decades, to the tune of $33 million in funding to climate denial since 1998 — and the deception continues to this day. As I write this, Exxon is funding climate change denying think tanks (like the American Enterprise Institute), trade associations (like the American Legislative Exchange Council), and more than one hundred climate change denying politicians.
Energy companies like Exxon should turn to large investments in clean energies. Instead, they financially support climate change denial and major public advertising campaigns designed to keep the world hooked on fossil fuels — even though the science shows that fossil fuel emissions must be phased out rapidly for the sake of young people and future generations.
That’s why I’ve joined with 300 of my fellow Earth scientists, including Kerry Emanuel, Catherine Gautier, Charles Greene, Elisabeth Holland, Michael Mann, Nathan Phillips, and Bob Ward on an open letter calling on the AGU to reject sponsorship from Exxon once and for all. Today, we’re asking you to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us scientists by adding your name.
Despite our pleas so far, the AGU Board decided at their last meeting to continue accepting funding from Exxon. In response, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Representative Ted Lieu backed us up with a letter of their own, finally prompting the AGU Board to vow to once again “review and discuss the information” at its next meeting this September. But nothing has changed yet. So, as we approach this September’s board meeting, we now need your support.
We’re working with and The Natural History Museum to invite you, the public, to add your weight behind us. Join us in this collaborative campaign of scientists and citizens. Help us remind one of our world’s great bastions of science that its leadership matters to us all. This September, as AGU’s board decides if it will stand or falter in the face of attacks on its own science and scientists, the eyes of the world will be watching.
Please sign our petition to tell the AGU to drop Exxon sponsorship.
Our science shows that the inertia of the climate system, especially of the ocean and the great ice sheets, is not our friend. We risk handing young people and future generations a climate system with built-in change so advanced that unacceptable consequences are practically out of their control. We have no time to waste — least of all on lending the social license of our scientific institutions to those who undermine our science.
Thank you for helping us hold the AGU accountable and for standing up for science — today and every day.
Dr. James Hansen
Former Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

“Climate experts urge leading scientists' association: reject Exxon sponsorship,” The Guardian, 02-22-2016
“Exxon's Donations and Ties to American Geophysical Union Are Larger and Deeper Than Previously Recognized,” InsideClimate News, 06-26-2016
“Scientists to AGU: Drop Exxon Sponsorship,” The Natural History Museum, 05-06-2016
“Organizational Support Policy,” American Geophysical Union, 04-2016
"Ending ExxonMobil Sponsorship of the American Geophysical Union," Report, 02-2016 fights the denial, distortion and disinformation that block bold action on climate change. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. Help us end climate denial once and for all by contributing here.

I'm not scientist, not officially at least, also I'm not US citizen. Anyway I've added my name there (signing the petition) because I'm a human and citizen of this planet and as such very concerned about current situation and prospects of future...

UPDATE 2016-09-24

What happened at AGU?
I got e-mail from today. Thanks, Amanda et al.

Earlier this month, and The Natural History Museum hand-delivered your petition signature — along with over 53,000 others — directly to the board at AGU headquarters in Washington, DC. That number is now at 56,000 — and growing.

We're floored. In a crushing blow to scientific integrity, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) board just announced that it will continue to accept sponsorship from Exxon, one of the world's leading funders of climate change denial.

Today's news is disappointing — and perplexing. By making this decision, the AGU board has ignored the pleas of 300 prominent climate scientists, hundreds of AGU members, and 56,000 petition signers.



"Update: AGU Board Maintains Its Decision Regarding ExxonMobil," AGU: From The Prow, 09-23-16

“Scientific organizations must stop taking money from Exxon,” The Hill, 09-14-16

"Exxon Sowed Doubt About Climate Science for Decades by Stressing Uncertainty," InsideClimate News, 10-22-15



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Re: Petition re AGU accepting money from Exxon
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2016, 03:10:44 PM »
Inside Climate News article:

AGU Will Accept Exxon Money, Despite Scientists' Protest
Saying it has no evidence Exxon is currently funding climate denial efforts, the American Geophysical Union maintains its sponsorship by the oil giant.
In a majority vote, AGU board members decided at a meeting last week that the organization would continue accepting money, if offered, from the oil company.

"We concluded that it is not possible for us to determine unequivocally whether ExxonMobil is participating in misinformation about science currently, either directly or indirectly," AGU President Margaret Leinen said in a statement on Thursday.
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.