Just received e-mail:
Dear Friend of Your Climate Change,
Thank You for signing the petition. We are nearly 10,067 strong since we started on March 1st. The petition website is now in 16 languages with additional graphics. I will continue to build content in the coming days and weeks.
The goal now is for "Your Climate Change" to transition to "Our Climate Change".
We could grow from 10,067 to 100,000 in a matter of days! How?
Everyone knows 10 people right? So, I would like you to get 10 people to sign the petition. These could be:
Members of your family (spouse, adult children, brothers, sisters, parents and grand parents),
Relatives (aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins),
Colleagues (from work, your social circle)
Other contacts (please look in what ever mail utility you are using)
Please email them the following link with a few lines of introduction:
https://www.yourclimatechange.org/ Have them see this scientifically-realistic video of global warming during the 21st century that I prepared:
Global warming and climate change will not go away. In about 2 years the concentration of heat-trapping gas, carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere will reach 400 parts per million! To put that in perspective, it has never been more than 300 parts per million for over half a million years, and possibly much much longer. It started to grow steadily since the industrial revolution in the mid-19th century (1850). We are doing a dangerous experiment - all life both on land and oceans will be impacted in ways that we cannot imagine.
Please get 10 people to sign the petition - that is all I will ever ask of you. I will then request each of the new signees to get 10 more to sign the petition. We will realize the dream of Our Climate Change in this manner.
The voice of a billion people is unlikely to be ignored by the Worlds policy makers.
Prof. Ranga B. Myneni