Great famines following major droughts will be the great killers in the coming years, no matter what we do and how we organize ourselves. The devastating flooding events all over the World right now are just part of the prelude.
In the meantime, I give you my best wishes (and worst fears) for the coming year:
1) All sensible international organisations (e.g. IEA, Arctic Council, EEA, UNFCCC, IPCC, WMO, Nordic Council & EU) will come together according to the Paris Agreement and lay all their eggs in the same basket in New York in April 2016. Or, they will start a cock fight over the implications of the Paris Agreement.
2) A majority of consumers world-wide will in 2016 start asking for healthy local produce based on organic farming and sustainable land-use. Or, they will continue buying the cheapest crap they can find in the supermarket and develop obesity, diabetes and the World’s most expensive health care systems.
3) A majority of tourists world-wide will in 2016 prefer to travel slowly and respectfully through healthy ecosystems and robust landscapes. Or, they will hurry through amusement parks and shopping centres and fill up their homes with loads of garbage brought home from far-away places they soon forget.
4) An increasing majority of city-dwellers will in 2016 turn to co-creation of their own futures in urban open spaces in order to create liveable and sustainable urban ecosystems. Or, they will isolate themselves in poorly built shoeboxes with horrendously in-efficient heating and cooling systems, which will leave homeless people in the streets to suffocate in a terribly polluted and hostile urban environment.
5) Driven by shear necessity, an increasing number of investment decisions amongst citizens, municipalities and industry will in 2016 seek to achieve resilience through integrated mitigation and adaptation measures. Or, industrialized countries will continue to push other countries down a narrow mitigation road at the same time as these countries will identify a screaming need for immediate adaptation and emergency relief payouts following deadly weather and climate catastrophes.
6) University people across the World will in 2016 decide to use the Internet for trans-disciplinary research and genuine trans-national collaboration. Or, individual researchers will keep their findings to themselves for years after discovery in order to boost their scientific careers and ultimately bolster their own egos at the most prestigious universities.
7) An overwhelming majority of pension funds across the globe will in 2016 decide to vote with their feet in order to secure sensible degrowth through clever investments in energy efficiency and free renewable energy sources. Or, pensioners will decide to take as much cash out of their pension schemes as possible and make sure to invest this in un-insured beachfront properties, so they can watch the tide come in and send them to their graves in a hurry.
All members of Neven’s Arctic Sea Ice Blog will in 2016 contribute all they possibly can to climate change risk reduction through clever engagement with decision makers and wise divestments from fossil fuel companies in every decision they make. Or, we will suffocate in our own drivel as the last multi-year sea ice leaves through the Fram Strait to build up a cold “Blob” south of Greenland, which will cast us all into unprecedented havoc, mischievement and overall misery.
Happy New Year!
PS JimD, let me kindly remind you of your own rules put forth at the top of this thread: E.g. no links and no arguing...