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Author Topic: Qué se ficieron ?  (Read 58839 times)


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Qué se ficieron ?
« on: February 19, 2016, 06:19:22 AM »
I just read the post in the "Coal" thread of yet another coal company ducking out on pension, healthcare and cleanup, while rewarding those most responsible. Those will escape justice for the most part, but ought not to be forgotten. I nominate Don Blakenship as someone to keep track of. Feel free to add others.

Their victims ought not be forgotten either

"Wo sind die Tränen von gestern abend?"

Someday, another Zinn will write a people's history of climate genocide.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2016, 09:32:38 AM »
I just read the post in the "Coal" thread of yet another coal company ducking out on pension, healthcare and cleanup, while rewarding those most responsible. Those will escape justice for the most part, but ought not to be forgotten. I nominate Don Blakenship as someone to keep track of. Feel free to add others.

Their victims ought not be forgotten either

"Wo sind die Tränen von gestern abend?"

Someday, another Zinn will write a people's history of climate genocide.


Sidd, what does the Spanish thread title refer to?
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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2016, 10:49:14 AM »
Not to put words in his mouth, but could be referring to a poem by Jorge Manrique called The Coplas on the Death of His Father, the Grand-Master of Santiago
Stanza 16 in one translation reads
Of fair Don Juan the king that ruled us,—
    Of those hight heirs of Aragon,—
        What are the tidings?
Of him, whose courtly graces schooled us,
    Whom song and wisdom smiled upon,
        Where the abidings?
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second,  it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
       - Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 05:32:58 PM »
Not to put words in his mouth, but could be referring to a poem by Jorge Manrique called The Coplas on the Death of His Father, the Grand-Master of Santiago
Stanza 16 in one translation reads
Of fair Don Juan the king that ruled us,—
    Of those hight heirs of Aragon,—
        What are the tidings?
Of him, whose courtly graces schooled us,
    Whom song and wisdom smiled upon,
        Where the abidings?

I believe that poem contains "qué se hizieron?"  ???


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2016, 06:42:41 PM »
The meaning in that poem is sort of "what was of that vanity and richness after years when all dead" it is a song to believe in spiritual and to avoid mundane vanities. May be related to these CO2 industry guys lost by their ambition nonsensical while they leave a trail of enduring pain for the planet?
So not sure if this applies :-/ But anyway it is a nice title :)


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2016, 10:49:23 PM »
Oren: If you google it, have seen it written both with an h and an f.
Apparently it is a song eulogizing his dead father. If you wish it to you could interpret it as eulogizing the way the leaders are treating their workers and that despite all the gains the leaders may get in the immediate, they in the end will still lose all.
If that is the point then he is asking to put a name to those who are leading us in the folly that we are currently going.
Case in point would be the Koch brothers who are using their power and money to push us in a direction that will continue to increase CO2 levels. When they are dead they will take nothing with them and future generations will hopefully tie their names directly to what they will have to put up with and try and fix at their (future generations) cost.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 11:06:26 PM by LRC1962 »
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second,  it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
       - Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2016, 06:00:37 AM »
you guys figured it out. Both the spanish and the german quote may be found in the wikipedia under "ubi sunt"

I intended the title to be read as "Where are they now?"

Where are these people now and where are their victims ?

Rex Tillerson and the people of Linden and Elizabeth NJ are my next nomination.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2016, 09:34:04 AM »
sidd: Today's translation would probably read as such. That translation which is counted as one of the best was done several hundred years ago.
As a Canadian, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Some have said personally responsible for killing more then one environmental international treaty, and main enabler for current development of the Alberta Tar Sands.  :-[ >:(
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second,  it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
       - Arthur Schopenhauer


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« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 11:08:47 PM by sidd »


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2016, 03:01:32 AM »

As a Canadian, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Some have said personally responsible for killing more then one environmental international treaty, and main enabler for current development of the Alberta Tar Sands.  :-[ >:(
PM Harper's killing of decades long studies re Climate Change, his demand that all Canadian climate studies respect his governments "intellectual" property rights, and therefore not disclose their results, his mockery of science by the appointment of PM Gary Goodyear, a Young Earth Christian as Science Minister, all assure that some of us will always place Harper near the top of any listing of those responsible for what the world is facing.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2016, 05:39:54 AM »
I give you Robert H. Buker, Jr. CEO US Sugar.

and the entire Everglades ecosystem for the victims, humans grudgingly included

this is inspired by the post by Sigmetnow on the "Places becoming less livable" thread

As a meta point, i think every time we name an entity as responsible, we ought to name the victims also, as a matter of respect and memory.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2016, 02:01:08 AM »


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2016, 04:53:01 AM »
I give you Howard Kuker and the people of Little Haiti (thanks to Sigmetnow from the "Places becoming less livable" thread )

Railway tracks and blight in Little Haiti.  Kick out the underclass trailers at 1500 bux a pop thru chinese shell companies, and i wonder about hot money fleeing china trying to stay ahead of the Ministry of Discipline auditors.

But, clearly, not the smallest piece of this green earth escapes avarice. And dear god, how small.

Seventeen acres. Thats a square of 1/3 mile edge. Elevation 10-38 feet. Thats less than the birch tree i planted couple three years shy of a decade ago.

Howard Kuker, in his own inimitable words, from the article:
Howard Kuker, the lawyer representing the new owners of Little Farm, says he sympathizes with the people who are being evicted, but claims the small sum of money they offered residents was “more than what was required.” He said that his clients hadn’t cited the elevation of their land as their prime motivation for purchasing it, and noted that the tract’s value lies in its size. “You’re talking about 17 acres of land,” he says. “You can make your own city there.”

I do wonder if his putative chinese clients, their government, or the rising tide will get him first ...



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2016, 10:31:15 PM »
The people of West Virginia and Don Blakenship.

"Former coal executive Don Blankenship has been sentenced to one year in prison and fined $250,000 for conspiracy to violate mine safety standards in the deadliest U.S. mine explosion in four decades"

29 dead men costs you a year in club fed and some pocket change. 


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2016, 10:26:28 PM »
The USA and the people of the Marshall islands.

" ... the Marshall Islands signed a compact of free association with the US, granting its people certain privileges, but not full citizenship.

The deal also settled of “all claims, past, present and future” related to the US Nuclear Testing Program ...

the US government insists that it has honoured all its obligations, and that the jurisdiction for the dome and its toxic contents lies with the Marshall Islands.


Traditional livelihoods were destroyed by the testing: the US Department of Energy bans the export of fish and copra – dried coconut flesh used for its oil – on the grounds of lingering contamination.


Are you going to put a sign up so that the birds and turtles also understand?"

As pointed out already by Thucydides, the strong do as they will, the weak suffer what they must. The real obscenity is that the dome contains only a very small fraction of the contamination, and no effort was made to clean or contain the rest.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2016, 08:58:31 PM »
Great Barrier Reef: who's profiting from the destruction and devastation?
The coal industry, but also “the carbon lobby’s hired help”; banks; newspapers....
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2016, 05:35:41 AM »
should have posted this here :

"Fossil fuels require sacrifice zones"

Strong polemic from Klein:


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2016, 08:01:26 AM »
Great Barrier Reef: who's profiting from the destruction and devastation?
Great Barren Reef doomer porn tourist agents?


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2016, 07:51:33 AM »
For the people of Indonesia, two films called "The Act of Killing" and "The Look of Silence" by Joshua Oppenheimer.

" ... a poem about a silence borne of terror — a poem not only about the necessity of breaking that silence, but also about the trauma that comes when silence is broken. "

Watch 'em both, and steel your stomach first.
Thank you Dr. Oppenheimer.

A connection to global warming ? Here is an article from the filmmaker.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2016, 05:41:46 AM »
In remembrance of the people of Iraq maimed, tortured and killed in a war of choice abetted by a sycophantic satrap, the Chilcot Report:

Chilcot cannot, of course, step too far over the line. Macaulay's exoneration of Clive, followed by indictment of Hastings did it better.  The executive summary recalls Pope:

"Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer,
And without sneering, teach the rest to sneer."

The full text is much harsher and  I have not yet read the whole thing, just some sections. Blair is revealed enthusiastically fellating Bush the lesser in pursuit of  pointless war,  brutal occupation and catastrophic result. Dearlove emerges as the sole voice warning that "the intelligence and the facts were being fixed around the policy" in DC. I think he was also instrumental in toning down the JIC reports, which apparently were far more circumspect that Blair made them out to be, both to the Cabinet and the public. Goldsmith is shown to be a lawyer of the worst kind, and the Cabinet and military don't cover themseves with glory either.

Not as hard to read as the  US Senate torture report or the Taguba report, but quite disgusting. But the least I can do is read it, and remember. I owe it to the people of Iraq, some of my tax dollars are still killing them. And others.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2016, 05:00:01 PM »
More damning from Peter Oborne "not the chilcot report"
the truth about Chilcot "Do not expect a full truth and a full accounting from the Chilcot panel of establishment trusties today. Remember who they are"
Generally Craig Murray brings an insiders knowledge to bear on the operation of the UK state, and I take him for an honest man.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2016, 02:44:38 PM »

The people most directly responsible for high concentration of environmental lead in the USA  were Thomas Midgley Jr, Charles Kettering and Charles Allen Thomas. GM and Esso(Exxon) formed the Ethyl Corp. Their gasoline additive Tatraethyllead contained lead, exposing a entire generation of chirlden living in the US to dangerous levels of lead.

“Tetraethyllead has been recognized as a contributor to soil, air and water lead pollution, and is toxic to humans. While leaded gasoline made engines more efficient, lead pollution has increased by over 625 times previous levels in the past century due partly to pollution by leaded fuel. Ethyl Corporation historically denied that tetraethyllead poses significant public health risks in excess of those associated with gasoline itself.”

There is something eerily familiar about the efforts of the petroleum industries denial and resistance to scientific evidence that demonstrated just how dangerous lead additives were/are to the public’s health.

Special timeline: Leaded gasoline

1829 —   Description of lead poisoning by an anonymous Roman hermit  translated by Humelbergius Secundus, 1829 (Lewis, 1985).
“Hence gout and stone afflict the human race;
Hence lazy jaundice with her saffron face;
Palsy, with shaking head and tott’ring knees.
And bloated dropsy, the staunch sot’s disease;
Consumption, pale, with keen but hollow eye,
And sharpened feature, shew’d that death was nigh.
The feeble offspring curse their crazy sires,
And, tainted from his birth, the youth expires.”


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2016, 06:29:52 AM »
Fanjul. Mott. Bush. Scott. Remember these names and all the live things in the Everglades and the coasts of Floriday. Including, I suppose the people.

Dear God, must we also poison the Everglades before we drown it ?



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2016, 08:40:00 PM »
Duke Energy, Randall Williams and the poisoned people of North Carolina.

"North Carolina's top public health official acted unethically and possibly illegally by telling residents living near Duke Energy coal ash pits that their well water is safe to drink when it's contaminated with a chemical known to cause cancer ..."

" Williams signed the letters reversing the decision himself, after another public health official in Rudo's department refused on ethical grounds ... "



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2016, 10:44:11 PM »
Gregory Pilcher. Robert Wohleber. Luke Corbett. Chris Watson. These men profited from poisoning thousands of people and animals and trees. Remember their names and their victims.

The EPA went after the whistleblower.

"In fact, many of them did better than that, not only avoiding serious consequences for their fraud but actually profiting handsomely from it. Kerr-McGee general counsel Gregory F. Pilcher, for instance, made $9 million off the reorganization, which was clearly designed to avoid the costs of cleaning up the contamination caused by the company. Kerr-McGee senior vice president Robert Wohleber made more than $20 million on the deal. And former Kerr-McGee chairman Luke Corbett walked away with $200 million. In all, Kerr-McGee received $761.8 million in transferred stock in the spinoff process.

All seem to have weathered what turned out to be a brief storm rather well. Corbett is now the lead independent director of OGE Energy. Wohleber went on to become the director of the Summit Midstream energy company, after directing his secretary to destroy all of his documents related to the Tronox spinoff (and having that secretary dutifully carry out his instructions and wipe his computer clean of all emails and files), according to court documents. Chris Watson, the Lehman Brothers executive who helped come up with the whole scheme, went on to become a managing director for Barclays."

Read and weep.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2016, 01:38:12 AM »
I at one time owned a liquid waste disposal company and I can assure you that in California and Nevada much worse crimes were being committed as far back as the early 70's.

Until ~1990 Clark County (Las Vegas) authorised dumping of liquid waste of all types near a WW2 machine gun range that has since seen large residential development. The waste was simply spread on the desert to dry or to run off as groundwater. This waste included industrial sludge, old fuel from Nellis AFB and residential septic tank liquids.

California was worse, but generally not authorised.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2016, 09:58:19 PM »
Eric Conn. Tom Coburn. And those in the sacrifice zones of the USA.

"Conn racked in more than $20 million in fees."

"The Social Security Administration ... gave them [clients of Eric Conn] 10 days to collect their medical records from years before and prove once again they had been disabled."

"They can't go back to original files they handed over to their lawyer. Conn is alleged to have destroyed millions of pages of documents. "

"Melissa Jude ...  pulled over to the side of the road and shot herself in the head."

Coburn: " isn't fair."

David Autor: "Disability is a social construct; it's how much we want you to be suffering before you shouldn't have to work."

"She trained herself to hate this house she had loved so much. She will not weep when the bank comes to take it away."

Read the whole thing.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2017, 11:38:42 AM »
Jimmy Dore has a list:

! No longer available
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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2017, 08:52:36 PM »
I have been watching Cory Booker for a decade now, he has belied my hopes. Looking at the pharma donations to him and his ilk, what suprises and saddens most is not so much that he has been bought, but that he has been bought so cheaply.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2017, 12:23:58 AM »
Appeal denied. For one lousy year in jail and a quarter million fine. The guy should've been sentenced to life.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2017, 07:16:56 AM »
Appeal denied. For one lousy year in jail and a quarter million fine. The guy should've been sentenced to life.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2017, 07:39:04 AM »
Well, losing the appeal is a good thing at least.  Here's the previous coverage on blankenship on the coal thread.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2017, 06:59:03 AM »
Remember Paul Wheeler. Remember Johns Hopkins. Remember, most of all, his victims denied insurance coverage for black lung. I knew one who died couple years ago.

These doctors and a famous institution were paid millions to deny coal miners medical benefits.

"Dr. Paul Wheeler, who headed the Johns Hopkins unit, has retired, Matthews said. Wheeler did not find a single case of severe black lung in the more than 1,500 cases decided since 2000 ... "

"Last year, the Department of Labor told approximately 1,100 coal miners that their black lung benefit claims may have been wrongly denied ..."



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2017, 06:57:18 AM »
Back to slavery.

"West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya ..."

"After his sale, the Senegalese migrant was taken to a makeshift prison of a kind that has been well documented in Libya. Those held inside are forced to work without pay, or on meagre rations, and their captors regularly call family at home demanding a ransom."

"Men who lingered there too long without the ransom being paid were taken away and killed ..."

Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton. Susan Price. Samantha Power. Stephen Harper. Nicolas Sarkozy. David Cameron. Silvio Berloscuni ...

Remember those names. They made this market.


« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 07:16:59 AM by sidd »


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2017, 01:25:50 PM »
Back to slavery.

"West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya ..."

"After his sale, the Senegalese migrant was taken to a makeshift prison of a kind that has been well documented in Libya. Those held inside are forced to work without pay, or on meagre rations, and their captors regularly call family at home demanding a ransom."

"Men who lingered there too long without the ransom being paid were taken away and killed ..."

Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton. Susan Price. Samantha Power. Stephen Harper. Nicolas Sarkozy. David Cameron. Silvio Berloscuni ...

Remember those names. They made this market.


We came. We saw. He died... Ha - Ha - Ha
What a lovely, compassionate woman. I know!  We'll all dress up like pussy and protest ... Putin - That Animal



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2017, 09:25:55 AM »
Remember the people of Mississippi.

How do you steel your heart to reject 98.58% of all that apply for help. That help is the princely amount of a maximum of $170 a month for a family of three, or let us say, generously, $60 a month per person.

11,717 applied. 167 were approved.  If you gave all 11,170 of them the maximum it would be 25 million a year.  Couch change for a nation that spends more per day bombing foreign lands.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2017, 01:10:55 AM »
Remember Gina Haspell. And those she tortured like Abu Zubadayah, who turned out to have nothing to do with Al Quaeda. For her services, she has ascended the post of new deputy rectal feeder of the USA.

The article links to the Senate torture report, if you can stand to read it. No names in the Senate report, but heres some more to go with Gina Haspell. Alfreda Bikowski, Jose Rodriguez, James Mitchell, Bruce Jessen, all sheltered and nurtured by the Peace Caesar. And guess what, if you pay taxes to the USA, you are paying for the legal defense for the last two.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2017, 05:42:03 PM »
Remember Gina Haspell. And those she tortured like Abu Zubadayah, who turned out to have nothing to do with Al Quaeda. For her services, she has ascended the post of new deputy rectal feeder of the USA.

The article links to the Senate torture report, if you can stand to read it. No names in the Senate report, but heres some more to go with Gina Haspell. Alfreda Bikowski, Jose Rodriguez, James Mitchell, Bruce Jessen, all sheltered and nurtured by the Peace Caesar. And guess what, if you pay taxes to the USA, you are paying for the legal defense for the last two.


That's a horrendous link.


You just don't get it !!!

The only approved way of attacking our Orange Overlord is to incessantly repeat that he is Putin's Poodle.
He may attack Syria, drop the MOAB on Afghan caves, and drive the Pacific fleet onto Korean beaches, but we know that it's all part of Putin's Plan. These are just distractions to divert our attention from Putin's Pernicious Plans that Threaten the Free World, well, at least Our World.

People won't pay attention to Trump's Torturers, Trump's Anthracite Advocacy, or Trumps Evisceration of the EPA. To weaken Trump we must first call attention to PROOF that Putin Swung the Swing States, the FACT that Hillary actually won, and the CERTAINTY that Putin Controls the Entire Electoral College !!!

We care about the environment, climate change, and even auto mileage. To address these important issues we must first assure American voters that Putin Stole Your Last Election. Otherwise they'll ignore our plea for clean air. If we want Trump to change his position on coal, first he needs to know that we know that Putin is Really in Charge. If we don't want him to advance the career of torturers, then he must Repudiate Russia.

All these things are important, and once we're assured that Every One Knows That Putin is Evil, we'll attend to them.

I'm saddened that you are so easily distracted.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2017, 07:57:40 AM »


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2017, 09:03:00 PM »
Brezenski is dead. I tip a glass to his victims.


An excellent must read article marking the passing of one of a handful of the truly monstrous people that exerted power during the last 50 years. Hopefully a stake isn't needed with modern embalming methods.
His MO may be noted when following current events in Washington. These are the tactics that brought many anti-western leaders to their knees, it will be interesting to see whether they bring down an American president.
 Soros and Murdoch are 86. Brzezinski was 89, and Kissinger is 94. Horrid to contemplate that all will almost certainly die peacefully. I wish I could believe in an afterlife.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2017, 07:23:24 AM »
On the 29th of December last year, just before another cheerless New Year's Eve I posted about the people of Kentucky and a fraudster called Eric Conn.

Well, guess what. He flew the coop. As fark puts it:

"You know, on second thought, maybe it WASN'T such a hot idea to give bail to a guy accused of scamming the government out of $600 million, who spoke several languages, had crossed the border 140 times in six years, and swore he'd never go to jail"$600-million-who-spoke-several-languages-had-crossed-border-140-times-in-six-years-swore-hed-never-go-to-jail



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2017, 11:06:00 PM »
Sarkozy, Cameron, Obama, Clinton for the destruction of Libya, once the richest country in Africa and where many refugees went to find a place to live (rather than Europe). Did not constitute any kind of threat to those countries or NATO, and had actually made significant changes to reduce tensions.

Now its a refuge for the Islamic State, competing warlords, and has cities that have been destroyed just as much as Aleppo.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2017, 09:33:04 PM »
I travelled through the Badlands recently, spent some time with the Lakota on the "reservation" (that word turns to bile in my mouth.)  Unemployment there is 90%.

Then I visited Wounded Knee.

There is a quote from Thomas Jefferson, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." If there is a place that cries out for justice, it is Wounded Knee.

That place reeks of evil. Not only for the massacre, but for the present, naked degradation of the Lakota, a once proud nation.

The graves are unkept and overgrown. The guy running a "museum" there was recently busted for running drugs out of it.  His little daughter was begging from tourists in the parking lot. An Ogallala police officer (they run their own government) showed up and was questioning the rest of his family, who were panhandling as well.

While I was standing, dumbstruck, at the gravesites, something happened to give me hope. A small procession appeared in the dust and wound its way up the hill. They were the descendants of those killed, and they often march there to pray. They do remember. So should we.

My heart was too full to join them. I left them to their prayers.


« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 11:05:00 PM by sidd »


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2017, 01:17:23 AM »
Home of the brave land of the free. Once was.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2017, 11:34:54 PM »
Faces of evil: Mitchell and Jessen are two of the principal architects of the torture program. If you pay taxes to the government of the USA you already paid these guys 80 million and at this very moment you are paying for their defense. Remember them, who empowered them and who refused to prosecute them criminally. This is a civil lawsuit unfortunately, and these guys will never serve a day in a US prison. But who knows, mebbe they will get careless and find themselves in a less corrupt legal jurisdiction.

watch the video if you have the stomach.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2017, 07:08:01 AM »
Lawsuit settled. I paid for their employment, their legal defence and now i pay for the "undisclosed settlement."


  • Grease ice
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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2017, 03:39:18 PM »
And now "you've" elected a congress and president that favour torture again.


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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2017, 06:17:47 AM »
Re: And now "you've" elected a congress and president that favour torture again.

Agreed. For too long i ignored most politics, half-heartedly supported or opposed local politicians, thought i could work around what was going on in the political sphere. I accept blame.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #48 on: October 12, 2017, 10:26:33 PM »
Let them starve, and keep them caged until they die. The USA is a post justice country now. No need for trials, evidence or any of that frippery. Forever prisoners of a forever war.



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Re: Qué se ficieron ?
« Reply #49 on: October 13, 2017, 06:19:10 AM »
Let them starve, and keep them caged until they die. The USA is a post justice country now. No need for trials, evidence or any of that frippery. Forever prisoners of a forever war.


Those imprisoned at the "secret" prisons will probably never walk among us. It would be nice to know what becomes of the guards, where will they go and what jobs will they take when the army is done with them?
