i try to provide the shortest possible resume as to the discussions about how this season compares to 2012:
a) key point 1: the lower the numbers are, the more impossible it will be to keep a head start of any kind
. to make this clear, once the minimum is below 1 million km2 it's impossible to keep a 1 million km2 heastart.
. in other words, the loss of the 1 million advance, mostly due to the very high start in 2012 can'b persist by
. any logic, at least not without additional extreme events.
b) as I stated earlier to chime in on who said what: i said that any exaggeration undermines credibility and what
. the realists among us are facing now, is that those who turn their face after wind each day, depending what
. happened yesterday, which is useless IMO, now use exactly those exaggeration to "proof" the realists wrong.
and this is exactly what happens in the bigger context, all the deniers ( the real ones ) would be out of ammunition for a long time already had not some of those who see what's coming always tried to make their
point with exaggerations and early doomsday arguments.
thing is that we should not try to proof our point, just carefully and well backed provide our views and relatively
soon sit put for a while until time has come to provide more evidence. it does not matter whether we are lowest today or not, or have been lowest (in one of many criteria) yesterday. we are getting lower and lower, thinner and thinner and worse and worse structural integrity and are braking a big number of other records. this is what
counts and any trial to predict tomorrow comes with i huge risk (error quota) which will provide ammunition (argumetns) for those who don't want to see or can't judge from data.
EDIT: not as short as i wanted but too little is as bad as too much