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Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« on: April 19, 2016, 01:24:48 PM »

I have an idea for what I think is a new topic....and something that might be needed...especially this year.  I think you and someone else had a couple of responses that were "censored" at WUWT.  I had a response to Joe Bastardi censored (not posted) just yesterday at Patriot Post.  I expect more of that to happen this "they" (deniers) try to put all their fingers and toes in the dam that is breaking around them.

When I responded to Bastardi on Patriot Post......I took the liberty of copying my post AND the post above it (before it was ultimately erased/censored).

Might you set up a thread or topic for "censored posts" that do NOT get posted to other sites?  Curious to hear your thoughts on that...

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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 03:06:21 PM »
I'm not sure about censored at WUWT, could be a software glitch. I'm not a fan of Anthony Watts, but the previous times he censored me, he was transparent about it.

Either way, the thread you suggest, could be useful (saves me the trouble of saving posts elsewhere). So why not let this be that thread straight away? I'll just move it to the Off-topic category/The rest.

Edit: done.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2016, 06:04:27 PM »
I'm not sure about censored at WUWT, could be a software glitch.

On the other hand I am certain about the "censored at WUWT" bit. By way of a few examples see:




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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2016, 07:53:36 PM »
If I were a betting man, I'd say the posts are being deleted without further notice.  ;)

That just shows how much Arctic sea ice is a problem for climate risk deniers. Almost every single argument of theirs can be wiped off the table, and shows just how little they know about Arctic sea ice.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2016, 10:06:41 PM »
I'm occasionally a betting man Neven, but I wouldn't take the other side of that wager! Watts and/or his minions even deleted this:
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2016, 11:22:43 PM »
Here are some comments I tried to post recently at WUWT. I don't know if they appeared or not. Sometimes I receive notifications of comments from others in my inbox, and then when I go to WUWT I can't find them.

The Canadian Ice service provides maps with ice density in 10 percent increments from zero to 100%.

It's called sea ice concentration (from which sea ice extent is derived to express total sea ice cover) and there are plenty of maps showing just this.

A suspiciously sceptical mind might possibly suspect that the NOAA numbers are more susceptible to “adjustment”. They wouldn’t do that, would they?

No, they don't. They do the same thing every year (sensor reports data, algorithm turns it into concentration maps/data, and so on). No method is perfect, but as long as it is consistent, it allows us to compare years and do long-term trend analysis. Especially if there are multiple sources of data.

That's why I don't think this kind of discontinuities, glitches, satellite sensor failures, aren't all that interesting to blog about. First of all, they're not a rare occurrence. These things happen several times a year, with trend lines going wonkers on some graph or other. Second, they get fixed. Fortunately for us, there are smart people working on these things. Data (from this source) will continue soon.

Yes, it's annoying, but not all that interesting really. It'd be interesting if all data sources disappeared at the same time (because of asteroids or Kessler syndrome), or if a data source would disappear forever. I don't believe that's the case here.

What is much more interesting, is the current situation with regards to Arctic sea ice. But okay, the melting season hasn't started in earnest yet, so maybe that's not something worth blogging about either. For now.


Anthony, quick question: Every time there's more than 100 comments below a blog post, I can no longer see the comments (although I do receive them in my inbox). Is that a browser issue on my side, or a Wordpress thing?


On-topic: It really is a shame the SSM/I broke down just now, as "an early melt event over the Greenland ice sheet occurred this week, smashing by a month the previous records of more than 10% of the ice sheet melting" (source: Polar Portal) because of an early 'heat wave'. It would've been interesting to see how this melting event stacks up in the NSIDC data set, which differs from the DMI's.

Let's hope that NSIDC can quickly resume daily reporting of sea ice concentration and extent numbers. And let's hope that this failure doesn't threaten the long-term time series, or else we'll only have the ASMR-2 sensor to provide passive microwave data (and I remember how it sucked when its predecessor AMSR-E failed).


This comment by Robert is now visible for me here, but there were others I'm still not seeing (although I did receive them in my inbox as automatic notifications). Some of my comments show up, but others don't. Is there some trigger causing this, or is it something in the Wordpress software? And am I the only person experiencing this?

Not that I plan on becoming a regular poster here, but I'd like to comment every once in a while if the subject is Arctic sea ice. If that's okay with you, Anthony. If it isn't, let me know (no harm done).

From now on I'll copy all my posts to WUWT or other climate risk denier websites here.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2016, 11:59:23 PM »
Feel free to browse the relevant archives Neven:

Some of your comments are there, but not others. How many of mine can you spot?
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2016, 12:54:39 AM »
I seem to have been banned from commenting on Robertscribblers site as none of my posts now appear.

My "crime" appears to be providing data that shows that nuclear is required if we are to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and I always provided data to back any assertions that I made.  I am a big fan of David MacKay and his book Sustainable energy without the hot air.  His passing is a great loss.

I think the trigger for my banishment was when I defended Australian scientist Barry Brook and his website Bravenewclimate.  Barry is very concerned about climate change and has concluded that it is so serious that nuclear is required and actively supports this position by continually providing objective evidence, often quoting David MacKay.

I was shocked that Robert would ban such a Climate Change champion and said so.

I am now quite old and have watched the greenie denier debate with increasing dismay for over 40 years as each side becomes more firmly entrenched in their ideological  positions and CO2 emissions continue to climb.

Until both sides decide to have a "grown up conversation" (quoting David MacKay) I do not see any chance of any meaningful emissions reduction this century. 

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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2016, 09:10:50 AM »
I seem to have been banned from commenting on Robertscribblers site.

I suspect I have been too, although I must admit that I haven't actually tried recently. I got bored with posting actual Arctic data that never saw the light of day.

It's so much more fun doing that at Judy Curry's then getting abused by Willard A. Watts for my trouble!

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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2016, 12:51:37 PM »
It's so much more fun doing that at Judy Curry's then getting abused by Willard A. Watts for my trouble!

Nice:)  I really like the DMIGate Skulduggery piece.  Holding them accountable.

There are only 2 things that we do during our "waking hours":  (1)  Make decisions, and (2) Execute on decisions.  Good decisions require GOOD INFORMATION.....and good information requires FACTS and HONESTY.

Especially in a democracy.....facts and honesty are paramount.  Bad decisions are made when we have bad info or false info.  That held true for the tobacco holds true for global warming.....and it holds true for ALL DECISIONS:  We need GOOD INFORMATION.....and good info STARTS WITH FACTS.

For mankind to ever move towards an "advanced society"....we have to move towards a society that makes BETTER DECISIONS....with BETTER INFORMATION.  And we have to hold others accountable WHEN THEY LIE AND MISLEAD (like Bastardi, Watts, FOX, etc..etc..etc.)....or even when someone is just wrong.

If we do not hold someone accountable AND speak out about someone else lying/misleading/ignoring facts.......then we are helping them to promote those lies (because we COULD HAVE....and SHOULD HAVE called them out).

I'll step off the soap box now....but this is really something WE HUMANS need to do a better job of.  I DO think we are at the beginning of a LONG ROAD towards an advanced society....because this will likely take hundreds of years to master.....and the internet can be a very useful tool if used appropriately.  And what better issue to use it on.....than likely the most important issue that mankind has faced to this date:  Global warming.

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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2016, 01:25:59 PM »
We don't have hundred of years, we are facing extinction faster than that ! At 3°c our body is not at all adapted so we have to evolve meaning reducing our size and thus our brain, but we won't have time for that and 3°c is only a check point that would happened early may be around 2050. Urgent action is needed to stop what we are doing and absorb as much green house gaz we can... even if it is too late, that is our duty to try !


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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2016, 06:39:09 PM »
Good point, L, and well put.

tom and Jim, I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from not seeing your postings for a while at robertscribbler's blog (unless you have been directly told that you are banned, of course).

As far as I know, I'm in continual good standing, yet occasionally there are periods where my posts don't show up there. Others have said the same thing. There seems to be some glitch in his program that randomly does that sometimes.  It can be a bit frustrating, but in general, he has a very good blog, I think.

Of course, it's completely within his rights to ban or delete any post he wishes.

And of course lots of other blogs have concluded that discussion of nuclear power, pro or con, usually devolves into unhelpful sloganeering on both sides, so have banned it--nothing to take personal or, imho, tohate the whole blog for.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2016, 05:24:37 PM »
Update on Bastardi post in the "Patriot Post".   Laughable....and predictable.

History in the Making — The El Niño/La Niña Couplet? Joe Bastardi

Looks like Patriot Post cutoff comments to the blog (after 1 week) just after another denier (Norman oil geologist and consultant.....and denier himself) was able to write a response on Joe's behalf.  Here is a link to look up our friend Norman Page:

Just like WUWT......when Monckton was being taken apart by Peter Hadfield.  Watts shut down the debate as Monckton was getting hammered.

So.....since Joe Bastardi has been in the news....after not taking a bet with Bill Nye....and guess the Patriot Post figured it better get one of Joe's denier friends (oil consultant...geologist....Norma Page) to write a response in Joe's behalf.  And just after he writes his several paragraphs of ABSOLUTE NONSENSE....the Patriot Post shuts off comments.  Timely...

This will have an element of fun to it.  it is too bad that our society puts up with folks like this who lie/mislead/and avoid facts and science at all costs.  But I guess everyone has to make a living....even if they have to lie to do it.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2016, 12:02:22 AM »
Watts has another post up concerning Arctic sea ice. I tried to post this (don't know if it will be accepted):

“it’s an El Niño year” department

So, how did the sea ice fare in 97/98?

With NSIDC’s DMSP F17 satellite out of commision, measuring a new record low might be a bit of a challenge.

You almost sound happy. :-p

If there is a new record there will be plenty of other sensors out there to record it. And I think that by that the NSIDC will have transitioned to the SSMI/S aboard DMSP F18. Let's hope they do. It's crazy to think that one day the long-term passive microwave data set stops, simply because there are no more sensors up there.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2016, 01:23:00 AM »
Your recent comment at WUWT is currently still invisible Neven, as are an ever growing list of mine!

Here's a virtual postcard I sent Mr. Watts this morning:

It would seem he hasn't bothered to read it yet!
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2016, 08:39:49 AM »
Your recent comment at WUWT is currently still invisible Neven, as are an ever growing list of mine!

That comment seems to have been approved. Here's a new one I wrote:

But, you almost seem happy that sea ice is dwindling.

Well, it's a fascinating spectacle to watch, but it actually has me greatly worried. We need that sea ice to keep certain other things stable (weather, Greenland ice sheet, permafrost). Changes this big, this fast, leave us open to all kinds of things we can't foresee.

Seems like they may not want to claim a fix just yet.

That's right. I talked to Julienne Stroeve at the EGU General Assembly yesterday, and she told me that the problem is caused by a solar panel that was moved to shade a nitrogen tank on the satellite. They moved it again, and this had seemed to have solved the problem. But unfortunately data glitches returned, so now they're not sure if it can be fixed. Switching to the SSMI/S sensor on F18 takes a lot of time and work.

The real question is: What happens next time a sensor stops reporting accurately? The passive microwave data set based on the SSMI/S sensor is long and continuous. It'd be a real shame if it stopped, if only because we need data diversity.
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2016, 09:59:43 AM »
Mr. Watts seems happy to admit that he's censoring my helpful comments at WUWT:

I’m sure “Jim” will create yet another fake persona to tell me why that’s not true.

Let's wait and see if your latest emerges intact shall we? Since Anthony's laser sharp investigative skills have somehow seen through my latest subterfuge I wonder what identity I should assume next in order to avoid my apparently inevitable fall onto his cutting room floor?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 10:25:58 AM by Jim Hunt »
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2016, 04:52:15 PM »
Have you thoug  ht abot


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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2016, 05:06:10 PM »
Watts seems happy to admit that he's censoring my helpful comments at WUWT

Watt's is funny.  I loved how he "stopped the debate" when Hadfield was taking apart Monckton....limb by limb.  Same for you:  Watt's doesn't like you posting FACTS and SCIENCE on his website.  His money is made by fossil fuel companies and their third party payers to tout the "benefits of fossil fuels."  Same for Bastardi.

The truth NEVER GOES AWAY.  Having people like Monckton, Bastardi, Watts, etc....avoiding the truth...doesn't make the truth go away.

Where are all the cooling temperatures Joe Bastardi calls for?  Where is the "building of the Arctic ice sheet"?  Where is the "Greenland isn't melting" that Watts called for?

This year is one more turning point in the unmasking of fossil fuel companies and the lies they have perpetrated over the last 35+ years. 

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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2016, 06:16:34 PM »
Anthony Watts apologises for the tardiness of his news.  He has been travelling, apparently back in time. His witty response to Neven comes to us all the way from 2011:

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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2016, 11:17:17 PM »
I've posted something on WUWT again, don't know if it will show up as it explains why something is misinformation...

Nope, wanted to paste, but bloody Firefox crashed when trying to. It's all gone now. Oh, well. I'm going to look at the ice a bit (was too busy all day).
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Re: Posts that have been censored on other sites...
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2016, 03:17:43 PM »
Watts is waxing lyrical about events in the Arctic once again, aided and abetted by Viscount Monckton of Brenchley. Read all about it at:

Evidently fearing the worst, Monckton opines that:

It’s possible, though not all that likely, that there will be no Arctic icecap for a week or two this summer.

Currently languishing in the WUWT "memory hole" can be found the following elucidatory comments of mine:
"The most revolutionary thing one can do always is to proclaim loudly what is happening" - Rosa Luxemburg