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Author Topic: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC  (Read 120591 times)


  • Grease ice
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Donald Trump is a well renowned "Climate Change Denier" and I fear that if he were to be elected, there would be no  chance that the US would take any actions to mitigate AGW/CC.

As an American, I'm embarrassed that one of our major political parties has stooped so low as to nominate him to be their candidate!!

If you really want to know what I think about "The Donald", here it is:

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  • Frazil ice
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2016, 05:24:57 PM »
He'll make the.second great dying great again
Can't think of a signature


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2016, 11:05:43 AM »
What's truly sad, OL, is that Hillary is only better in the "understands" categories and may be worse actually in the aggregate. It's tough to say for sure since she changes positions depending on audience. Neither appear to have any core beliefs, philosophy, character, or concern for others. Either will be a disaster.

It's an excellent year to vote third-party. I recommend going Green. :)


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2016, 12:48:37 PM »
As an Independent voter (not Republican...and not Democrat).....I appreciate you putting this subject on the site.  You see, the atmosphere couldn't care less what my ideology is (I'm a fiscal conservative and a social moderate).

I also see that Bill Nye has entered the fray.....taking on global warming and encouraging voters to make a difference this year:

Note that Bill Nye mentions the "Patriot Post" in that article.  This is an ultra conservative site that Joe Bastardi has posted his rubbish to for many years.  In fact....Joe posted an article in which he said:  "The same outlet that is now actively touting man-made global warming (which one isn’t?) was not singing the same tune in the 1970s, and this Time magazine cover from April 9, 1977 proves it."

Well.....not exactly.  In fact...not at all.  Joe apparently either photoshopped or used someone else's photoshopped the April 9, 2007 Time cover.....which actually stated:  "The Global Warming Survival Guide".....and then changed the date to 1977 and changed the title to:  "How To Survive The Coming Ice Age."

You see...Joe Bastardi works for the fossil fuel companies.  He travels around the country giving his dog and pony show to any denier group that wants to hear him.  His company also receives "fees" for a subscription to "weather forecasting."  I wonder how many of those companies paying "fees" are paying because of his spewing of climate lies....and not his forecasting?  Remember....Joe is the guy who predicted in 2010 that the ice was going to start recovering and eventually go back to the levels in the 1970's.  NOT much of a forecaster.  Here is the 5 minute youtube clip: 

Donald Trump will say ANYTHING to get elected.  So far....the press has done a HORRIBLE job of calling him out on his numerous lies.  Bill Nye understands the importance of the global warming issue....and understands that the only way to convey what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING to the atmosphere and the to directly challenge those that lie about global warning such as Marc Morano and Joe Bastardi.

I agree 100%.  I also know that YOU.....ALL OF YOU....that live in the US need to COMMUNICATE WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE ABOUT WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.  Yes...I was yelling ;D  Even those of you that do NOT live in the US....can help by speaking the truth at various denier sites....and just talking to people you know that DO live in the US.

Donald Trump has dismissed global warming as a Chinese conspiracy to defeat US manufacturing.  If Trump does such a HORRIBLE JOB of analyzing global warming......what will that poor decision making process yield on other important issues?

It's game time....and everybody needs to get involved.  The stakes are FAR to high to allow someone to lie his way into the US presidency.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2016, 05:54:03 AM »
Nobody knows what Trump believes. To some extent, every politician says what they think will get votes, as opposed to what they believe, but Trump does this more than anyone ever before. He doesn't value consistency or ideology at all. He is putting on a show. He is entertaining.

So perhaps he will continue on exactly the same path, to ensure his second four year term. Or perhaps he will do the opposite, because he actually has some understanding of the real issues.

I have no idea, and I don't believe anybody who claims to.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2016, 01:45:42 PM »
Nobody knows what Trump believes.
I beg to differ. We  know exactly what he believes. Force everyone else to pay his costs and take all the profits. He will run the government to line his own pockets, fix US deficit problems by declaring bankruptcy, Create a worldwide depression and in the end declare himself as the smartest man in the world.
Trump is all about Trump and absolutely NO ONE else matters to him.
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second,  it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."
       - Arthur Schopenhauer


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2016, 01:51:22 PM »

Trump is all about Trump and absolutely NO ONE else matters to him.

Short...and accurate.  I have NEVER seen someone who is so "self absorbed" by himself.  I have been a "student" of ego in the business world, and I have seen some pretty big ego's.  But none of them hold a candle to Trump.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2016, 07:46:16 AM »
If Trump gets elected the world has gone mad even madder.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2016, 06:47:41 PM »
This is the type of philosophy that Trump would likely bring to many issues. from one of his strong supporters...and...believe it or not, someone who was one of the FINAL THREE CANDIDATES FOR THE VP SLOT.  Yes....this is from Newt Gingrich.

The following is a video clip from John Oliver...and the whole clip is good.  But pay special attention to the clip from about 4:11 in the clip....through the end....paying CLOSE ATTENTION to Newt Gingrich.

And it is really what Donald Trump is doing....and doing effectively.  He uses lies and emotion to CREATE A FEELING....which happens NOT to be true.  But like marketing people....if you repeat it enough times, it takes on "the feeling of being true".

If you look at Donald Trump himself...and his absolute lack of well as the people he has supporting him:  (1) Rick Scott...Governor of Florida, who was the CEO of Columbia Healthcare when they produced the largest Medicare scam in US history....and Rick Scott took the 5th amendment 75 times.  (2)  Newt Gingrich....former head of the US House of Representatives until he was kicked out....and as you just saw....he doesn't much care for FACTS and STATISTICS....he's looking for "feelings" he can manipulate (3)  Chris Cristy.....of "bridgegate" fame.  He is either a liar OR the worst boss in history, as multiple people working under him perpetuated the bridge gate scandal.

You folks in Europe and elsewhere must be looking at the US and thinking:  "What the hell are they doing....and WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD VOTE FOR TRUMP?"

You know that Trump doesn't look at facts.  He thinks that global warming is a does his VP candidate Mike Pence.  Incredible.....
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2016, 04:41:30 AM »
TFortunately......the Trump meltdown has started.  Expect John McCain to pull his endorsement soon.  Paul Ryan as well.

This has all the hallmarks of a total meltdown.  TOTAL.  With an ego as large as was just a matter of time before Trump.....destroyed Trump. happened BEFORE the election.

Part of me wonders whether Trump will quit.  If his poll numbers drop below 35% in the next couple of weeks....and too many Republicans are jumping ship.....THAT could happen.  I don't think his fragile ego will allow him to get flogged in the election.

This could get ugly.....
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


  • Grease ice
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2016, 10:59:31 PM »
This could get ugly.....

Yeah. I wonder what would happen should Trump pull out or be forced out. It's been sort of fun watching both parties eat themselves though. Maybe it's (beyond) time for a third party that represents sanity and the environment.


  • Frazil ice
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2016, 02:56:35 AM »
This could get ugly.....

Yeah. I wonder what would happen should Trump pull out or be forced out. It's been sort of fun watching both parties eat themselves though. Maybe it's (beyond) time for a third party that represents sanity and the environment.

If everyone disaffected with the 2 major candidates could agree on a 3rd party candidate, they could win.  But they probably wouldn't be able to agree on anything since they run the gamut from tea partiers to Sanders socialists.
Feel The Burn!


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2016, 07:20:08 AM »
I think this election has reached the definition of "ugly" already. If Trump (should be Rump, based on his behavior!) continues down the same road, the only thing the Republican leadership can do is disavow him. What follows may be a Clinton landslide of epic proportions. Interesting to watch. If Trump does win, giving him the nuclear launch codes would be only a little better than giving the codes to Kim Jong Un!


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2016, 10:21:20 AM »
We are probably all equally fascinated & appalled watching this spectacle unfold from each & every corner of the world.
I hope those of you US citizens wont mind/be offended by my posting this opinion piece from our local paper down here in NZ:
"Bruce Bisset: America's future looking dim
Dumb and Dumber was the name of a comedy movie whose premise, loosely, was that no matter how incapable you are you can "succeed" despite yourself. You'd be forgiven for thinking the American presidential elections are a sequel.........."

(I think the writer is possibly originally from Nth America too.)


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2016, 01:29:07 PM »
I think this election has reached the definition of "ugly" already

As ugly as it has been already.....I can assure you, it will get worse.  It truly is amazing....and pathetic.  And "this" is supposed to be intelligent life?  Really?  If Trump goes below 35% in the will get REALLY UGLY.

As a US citizen....I am appalled.  As an Independent....I'm not a big Clinton supporter by any means.  But  I thought Sara Palin set a new "low bar" when she ran with McCain.

The really bad thing about the same bad thing about marketing:  Much of it is a lie.  Trump takes it to a whole new level.

If Trump is made out to be the absolute chump/idiot during the upcoming debates that I think he is....this could really turn into a rout.  As in....Arizona and Georgia going for Clinton.

The interesting thing over the next 3 years for me....will be the continued march of global warming.....and the fact that you people who have either (1) been terribly wrong on global warming, or (2) been lying about global warming.  Clearly...I happen to think they (Joe Bastardi, FOX News, fossil fuel companies, etc) have been lying.  And THAT will be interesting.  Where does FOX News hide?  There are 20 years of tapes showing them lying.  There is 10 years of tapes showing that either Joe Bastardi is lying....or he's avoiding the truth like the plague.  Same for many in the Republican party.  Where do they hide?

Mankind can't advance further until we start LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH.  In the US....there is such a focus on MARKETING.  Whether it is a new car....or someone running for president who is woefully unqualified.  In the US the focus is on marketing and winning a "debate".  Again...whether it is consumer product....or a political product.

Mankind needs to learn to focus on WHAT IS TRUE....not "WHAT WE CAN SELL AS TRUE" (like Trump).

In order to do that....we need to have the proper INCENTIVES....AND....DISINCETIVES in place.  In the US....the journalists have done a HORRIBLE JOB during this election season.  Journalists SHOULD BE the ones picking and parsing everything politicians say....AND SHOWING TIME AND AGAIN WHEN THEY ARE LYIING.

In the US....we even have a LYING CHANNEL:  FOX News.  Talk about pathetic.

My hope is that Trump gets squashed.  THAT will be a good thing for global warming.  And over the coming few years....I hope that everyone will remember....and point out....who was wrong, and who was right on global warming.

And that FOX News has been lying FOR 20 YEARS. 
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2016, 04:22:39 PM »

Thanks for the article. Speaking for myself, I don't mind and am not offended by the article you posted.


Your reply to my post was spot on in my opinion. I'm a native of New Hampshire and I moved to Florida almost three years ago. I think Florida will go to Trump, because I seem to be surrounded by people (mostly retirees like myself), who are drinking the Trump cool-aid and don't seem concerned at all by what he's said in the last three to four days.

I also agree that FOX news is heavily biased, but they're not the only ones. That's why I like to get my news from multiple sources.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2016, 09:26:25 PM »
Anyone wanting a little "good news" on the election front (from a global warming perspective) might like Nate Silver's most current numbers:

The last 6 days have NOT been kind to comrade Trump.  If you haven't taken a look at "" before it is worth checking out.  Please note that it is NOT a poll.  Nate Silver is a "statistics nerd" who compiles polls....throws out polls that have a bad history....or bad mechanics (too small a sample size, etc).  He actually has 3 different "sets" of numbers.  The one I linked was the BEST FOR TRUMP.  The other two....are even worse.

There are still 3 months anything can happen.....but now maybe I can get some sleep for a few weeks if the numbers stay this way... ;D

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2016, 12:06:06 AM »
A week is a long time in politics... and there are about twelve of them left. I, for one, am not calling this yet.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2016, 06:50:00 AM »
This week alone is one to remember for the ages in American politics. Unbelievable stuff from the GOP nominee.

In any case - a Trump Presidency would be more dangerous to trying to lower AGW/prepare for climate change than other candidates. I don't see how he could not be in the same boat as Infohoe. Prove me wrong - and I'd be glad for that. But I think it's already too late and we need to start mitigating.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2016, 07:59:29 AM »
Media don't touch the subject of this thread here (not unusual), it's more about Trump's other cock-up's, like the Khan story.

L.A. resident and Swedish songwriter Daniel Ledinsky's feelings (of despair):


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2016, 08:19:33 AM »

Is "infohoe" a reference to Sen. Daniel Inhofe? I agree with you and Paddy that it is too soon to call. The debates should be very interesting.


I think Trump supporters act like they are smoking crack. By the way, I thought you were unfairly criticized on the IJIS thread recently.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2016, 08:22:33 AM »

I checked out, thanks for the tip.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2016, 01:42:11 PM »
Sometimes....less is more.  I'll let the following video clip speak for itself:

LMAO.... :)
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2016, 03:02:39 PM »
On a more serious note....Clinton may now have the opportunity to push a more "green agenda" forward in the coming months BEFORE THE ELECTION.

Right looks like Georgia and Arizona MAY slide onto Clinton's side by election day.  In fact.....the "line of defense" for Trump right now includes the states of Utah, Missouri, and SOUTH CAROLINA.  Yes....SOUTH CAROLINA.

Why is that important?  Lindsay Graham is one of the US Senator's from South Carolina.  And although he is a Republican.......drum role please.....BELIEVES IN GLOBAL WARMING (and I say global warming...because he believes man is causing a great deal of the "climate change" right now).

If I were in the Clinton campaign.....I would SERIOUSLY consider spending some money in South Carolina....and start building bridges TO Senator Graham.  If Trump continues to or all of the three states mentioned "could" slide into the Clinton camp (Utah, South Carolina, and Missouri).

Utah is also a state with a LOT OF SUNSHINE.  So the "green" part of Clinton's future policy COULD START LAYING SOME GROUNDWORK NOW.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2016, 06:51:50 PM »
The "cracks" are growing wider....and more people are jumping off the "Trump Train".  It might be heading for a ravine without any track:
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


  • Frazil ice
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2016, 11:57:37 PM »

Is "infohoe" a reference to Sen. Daniel Inhofe? I agree with you and Paddy that it is too soon to call. The debates should be very interesting.


I think Trump supporters act like they are smoking crack. By the way, I thought you were unfairly criticized on the IJIS thread recently.

I think it's "Jim" - but it's this guy that I'm referencing -

Still very close to call with 90+ days to go. If y'all haven't registered vote, please do - no matter your views and opinions, it's important to get your vote counted!


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2016, 02:35:15 PM »
The "Trump Train" continues to run off the tracks.  The newest version of has Trump CONTINUING to drop in the polls.

If you're a "visual person" like will especially like the 5th graphic in the link.  It shows a "winding road" that shows SOLID HILLARY states on the far left...and SOLID TRUMP states on the far right.  In the middle is the dotted line that denotes the 269 electoral college votes needed to win.  You can see that Clinton is continuing to "move into Trump territory" and picking off more and more states as time goes by.   As I noted a day or two ago.....the line of defense for Trump has moved to the states of Georgia, Arizona, South Carolina, Utah, Missouri...and now even TEXAS.  There hasn't been any RECENT polling in Texas.  And since Mark Cuban has come out in support of Clinton....that will NOT help "the Donald" there.

One interesting thing to that if Trump WERE (it's early...I know) to win South Carolina and Georgia......she would have EVERY EAST AND WEST COAST STATE in her column.

Donald will need a big win in the coming debates.  It is...of course...possible.  And now it is a must for him to get back in the race...
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2016, 04:58:33 PM »
270 electoral votes are needed to win.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2016, 06:17:27 PM »
Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 

What scares me is the thought that all the voters Hillary really needs, will see the strong polls, and not bother to go vote.  If the Libertarian or Green parties can pick up a few states (unlikely), it could force a situation where no one gets to 270, and the newly elected congress selects the next president.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2016, 08:28:28 PM »
270 electoral votes are needed to win.

270 are needed for Cinton....but only 269 are needed for Trump.  The Republicans control the House of Representatives...and in a tie situation (269 to 269)....the House would vote Trump in.
FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2016, 06:17:47 AM »
If Trump keeps alienating Republicans, 269 may not be enough.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2016, 01:05:37 PM »
One of the interesting things about this contest, to me, is how unpopular both leading candidates are:

I wouldn't predict that either large party will haemorrhage states to any third party, however; from prior elections and polling of current intention it seems more likely that many voters will hold their nose and vote for the candidate they dislike less to keep the other one out.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 03:19:48 PM by Paddy »


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2016, 03:10:37 PM »
Both candidates show high unfavorables, but several Republicans, even some high level staff members of former Republican administrations have declared for Clinton.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2016, 05:43:55 PM »
Paddy: Here's an article I just spotted today


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2016, 06:03:26 PM »

Trump's feud with much of the Republican party looks likely to do both sides a fair bit of damage. IMHO, the republicans should probably focus all their efforts on the house and senate.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2016, 07:34:25 PM »

Trump's feud with much of the Republican party looks likely to do both sides a fair bit of damage. IMHO, the republicans should probably focus all their efforts on the house and senate.

From what I've read today, they are very concerned with losing their majority. I think they're strategy during this election cycle has been to fund the senate and house reelections with money that normally would have gone to the presidential nominee.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2016, 07:53:50 PM »
South Carolina and Texas may be the "next shoes to drop" on the election map.  They are very close to being 50/50 states right now.

I couldn't imagine Texas and South Carolina being "winnable" for Clinton just a month ago.

Long term....the Republicans have a HUGE PROBLEM that is not going away:  Demographics....

1)  Fewer and fewer biased old white men
2)  More and more latino's
3)  More blacks
4)  More Asians
5)  Fewer bigots

Texas was supposed to be "on the map" by the Dems EVENTUALLY.  But not THIS YEAR.  They are within a couple percentage points of being a tossup. 

Every time I look at gets worse and worse for Trump.  Looks like he is going to be rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic for the next 90 days....

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2016, 02:28:28 AM »
There is a mechanism for the RNC to replace their nominee under extraordinary circumstances, according to this AP article.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2016, 12:05:45 PM »
Two more articles about the election, or more specifically about Trump. The first is from BBC, the second from CNN.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2016, 12:56:18 PM »
As if ANYONE needed anything more in order to NOT VOTE FOR is an article describing two more former Republican EPA heads coming out in favor of Clinton:

The fact that Trump wants to do away with the EPA fits the NEW Republican agenda (which has changed DRASTICALLY over the years via lobbyists).
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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2016, 05:57:28 PM »
If William Shirer was still alive, he'd probably be working on a new book titled: "The rise and fall of Donald Trump"! It appears increasingly likely that his candidacy will end before the election, because the republican party will have no choice but to replace him if he continues with his incendiary rhetoric.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2016, 06:55:29 PM »
Here's hoping, anyway.

It'll be interesting to see whether the whole thinly veiled invitation to assassinate the opposition loses him any more support.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2016, 11:06:28 PM »
Here's hoping, anyway.

It'll be interesting to see whether the whole thinly veiled invitation to assassinate the opposition loses him any more support.

Doubtful. It's the same hateful message that has gotten him to where he is.  :(


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2016, 01:30:44 AM »
Here's hoping, anyway.

It'll be interesting to see whether the whole thinly veiled invitation to assassinate the opposition loses him any more support.

Doubtful. It's the same hateful message that has gotten him to where he is.  :(

I wish I could disagree with you but the facts say otherwise. If someone told me last year that Trump would be the republican nominee in 2016, I wouldn't have thought it possible. Trump's nearest competition in the primaries was Ted Cruz who is only a little less scary!


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #44 on: August 11, 2016, 07:49:57 AM »
This presidential election cycle continues to surprise, with Trump blaming Obama and Clinton for the creation of ISIS. He also claims that his campaign has had no discussions regarding his second amendment comments with the US Secret Service, while the Secret Service has stated they have had more than one discussion with his campaign. Former republican congressman and talk show host, Joe Scarborough wrote a piece in the Washington Post calling for the GOP to dump Trump. Scarborough, a fellow Floridian who is a conservative republican, was elected in 1994 during Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America", which to me establishes his conservative credentials. The only question I have is when the republicans or GOP (Grand Old Party) intend to show Trump the door?

They may not have the stomach for it, but I cant imagine why they wouldn't intervene. Time will tell.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2016, 01:28:39 PM »
The only question I have is when the republicans or GOP (Grand Old Party) intend to show Trump the door?

NOT going to happen.  If Trump wouldn't quit....they can't just "replace him."  The only chance they had was IF Trump's ego decided that he would get beat badly in the upcoming election.  Apparently his ego thinks he will still win.....which is POSSIBLE by the way.  Definitely NOT likely...but possible.

We'll see what the polls say at the end of August.  If Trump is behind by 8 - 10% then...Trump is going to have to really "win" the upcoming debates big.  And I personally don't think he can do that since he doesn't seem interested in actually learning what is going on in the world.  If the Democrats had anyone other than Hillary running.....they would be beating Trump like a red headed step child in the polls.  And if the Republicans had anyone other than Trump....they would be beating Hillary the same.  Instead....we get the worst of both worlds.  AMAZING.

It looks like Trump has a strong base of about 30% - 35% that will vote for him NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES OR SAYS.  PERIOD.

I've seen some really narcissistic people....I've seen some really egotistical people....and I've seen some real "bullies".  But I have NEVER seen someone who combines all 3 qualities to the extent that Trump does.

I'm curious to know what the European's on this site think of Trump and the US elections.  Are you folks thinking....."what the hell are they doing?  Have you folks gone mad?"


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2016, 02:25:17 PM »
"If Trump wouldn't quit....they can't just 'replace him.' "

It's my understanding that they actually could, though it would be highly unusual and they'd probably have to claim that he had gone insane or something (which wouldn't be too much of a stretch with Trump). And some actually are thinking along these lines:
"A force de chercher de bonnes raisons, on en trouve; on les dit; et après on y tient, non pas tant parce qu'elles sont bonnes que pour ne pas se démentir." Choderlos de Laclos "You struggle to come up with some valid reasons, then cling to them, not because they're good, but just to not back down."


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2016, 06:06:43 PM »
If the RNC tried to replace Trump....the Republican party would implode.  Remember....the 30 - 35% "base" that Trump has....don't CARE what he says or what he does.

They would get blown away at the ballot box in down ballot elections.

The Republicans really are in a "bad place" in the US.  This will likely be the first time that Republicans have lost the "college educated" vote.

I don't know how the Republicans expected to win the election when they:

1)  Ticked off blacks
2)  Ticked off Latino's
3)  Ticked off women
4)  Ticked off gays
5)  Ticked off Asian's

I actually think Trump will be bankrupt WITHIN 4 years.  He has golf properties which don't throw off much cash (break even)....he is apparently up to his gills in debt....and the next time the economy turns down, which is likely to happen sooner rather than later....I think he will be toast.

His properties have lost "foot traffic" ever since he entered the race.

And commercial real estate in New York City look to already have started a decline.  How long and how steep that will be is obviously unknown.

But such a reckless candidacy.....assuming he loses.....will do NOTHING to promote either him or his businesses.

Also....think about this:  What truly successful developer could stand to have their 4 "best and brightest" away from the business for over a year IF that business was truly "humming".

Also....look at Trump University.  That was a CLEAR FRAUD.  Companies in trouble do some really strange things when they get backed into a corner.

Why no tax returns from Trump?  We will NEVER KNOW....until after he declares bankruptcy.   Because win or lose....we will NEVER see his tax returns.


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2016, 12:29:45 AM »
I'm curious to know what the European's on this site think of Trump and the US elections.  Are you folks thinking....."what the hell are they doing?  Have you folks gone mad?"
I think that every four years.  ;)

Coincidentally, I watched this documentary (shortened version) a few days ago, called Lifting the Veil: Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy. It's 5 years old and is about how the US political system is basically run by one party (serving the mega-rich), or a polyarchy, "a system where small group actually rules on behalf of capital, and majority’s decision making is confined to choosing among selective number of elites within tightly controlled elective process. It is a form of consensual domination made possible by the structural domination of the global capital which allowed concentration of political powers".

There's a lot of Bernie Sanders clips in the documentary, and it really makes one wonder how on Earth it is possible that Clinton became the Democratic nominee. I really don't understand that.

Anyway, here is the long version on Youtube:

The next great division of the world will be between people who wish to live as creatures
and people who wish to live as machines.

Wendell Berry, Life Is a Miracle


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Re: What Would a Donald Trump Presidency Mean to Combating AGW/CC
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2016, 05:22:13 AM »
it really makes one wonder how on Earth it is possible that Clinton became the Democratic nominee. I really don't understand that.
Neither do I.

Correcting Neven's link above:
Edit; Guess I couldn't, what have you done now Neven? ;)
Here's the link:

I guess you over there will have to vote for the "so called lesser of two evils which still want's to eat you". Or rather the whole planet. I haven't watched all of it, it's better here but not much. I don't have a party to vote for anymore and voting for our green party feels just like that.