I think this election has reached the definition of "ugly" already
As ugly as it has been already.....I can assure you, it will get worse. It truly is amazing....and pathetic. And "this" is supposed to be intelligent life? Really? If Trump goes below 35% in the polls....it will get REALLY UGLY.
As a US citizen....I am appalled. As an Independent....I'm not a big Clinton supporter by any means. But Trump....wow. I thought Sara Palin set a new "low bar" when she ran with McCain.
The really bad thing about politics....is the same bad thing about marketing: Much of it is a lie. Trump takes it to a whole new level.
If Trump is made out to be the absolute chump/idiot during the upcoming debates that I think he is....this could really turn into a rout. As in....Arizona and Georgia going for Clinton.
The interesting thing over the next 3 years for me....will be the continued march of global warming.....and the fact that you people who have either (1) been terribly wrong on global warming, or (2) been lying about global warming. Clearly...I happen to think they (Joe Bastardi, FOX News, fossil fuel companies, etc) have been lying. And THAT will be interesting. Where does FOX News hide? There are 20 years of tapes showing them lying. There is 10 years of tapes showing that either Joe Bastardi is lying....or he's avoiding the truth like the plague. Same for many in the Republican party. Where do they hide?
Mankind can't advance further until we start LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH. In the US....there is such a focus on MARKETING. Whether it is a new car....or someone running for president who is woefully unqualified. In the US the focus is on marketing and winning a "debate". Again...whether it is consumer product....or a political product.
Mankind needs to learn to focus on WHAT IS TRUE....not "WHAT WE CAN SELL AS TRUE" (like Trump).
In order to do that....we need to have the proper INCENTIVES....AND....DISINCETIVES in place. In the US....the journalists have done a HORRIBLE JOB during this election season. Journalists SHOULD BE the ones picking and parsing everything politicians say....AND SHOWING TIME AND AGAIN WHEN THEY ARE LYIING.
In the US....we even have a LYING CHANNEL: FOX News. Talk about pathetic.
My hope is that Trump gets squashed. THAT will be a good thing for global warming. And over the coming few years....I hope that everyone will remember....and point out....who was wrong, and who was right on global warming.
And that FOX News has been lying FOR 20 YEARS.