Aircraft & shipping weren't regulated in Paris and that blows us by 2C on the face of it.
I found this today of Boeing's test flight of 50-50 biodiesel, that's good news is some ways yet doesn't relieve the industry of putting greenhouse gases directly into the stratosphere, sources on the ground take time to drift up & of course plants & soils absorb it.
That's a big deal, we're at 3-ppm/year, Pleistocene average 1-ppm/1000-years, big jump up end of the last ice-age 1-ppm/180-years, it's acidifying the oceans 10-times faster than the PETM time to wake up.
At 405-ppm we're committed to 25m/82ft of sea-level rise it's only how fast, recall that sea-level doesn't stop until centuries after CO2 turns around, consider that.
Do you really need to fly?
The metrics prove the situation is indelible geologically speaking, consider leaving the Steam Age for electricity a good move as well.