I would not trust anything coming from the IPCC for the questions of carbon budget. They are completely wrong ! We don't have a carbon budget we are in debt since we passed the 290 ppm CO2 limit, that was around 1870... That does mean we will have to absorb all what we have emitted since then and more in order to avoid more than 5 meters of sea level rise... The revolution can start if people are aware of the climate situation. If there is no information, there would be chaos (would it be worse...may be not) Does the politics can do something about it... I think they can't, simply because we are not in democracy, it is the oligarchs that play the game and politics are in front. A possibility would be to manage a new system of voting and taking decisions at a national level, like random chose among the population, short term mandate, revocation if failed to achieve the set goals, etc. Would it be enough... (
) no, even with a real democracy, local powers will still be there, green washing will still be very tempting because we are all in competition for everything. I don't think that is possible quickly enough. What we can do, if we want to avoid coming back to Indian tribes (and shamanism (religion is often the last thing we look at, but very important)). We could set a multinational, where the hierarchy would be inverted, it would own the land and buildings (locally, via local subsidiaries), that won't change much for people they would still own there accommodation via usufruct (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usufruct), we could adopt the rules that we want to see at a national level locally first, then the ideas will spread. Because it would be a network of collective organisations (max 50 people please) (we will have to adopt some management values like a certain ecological footprint applied in a defined radius) we would be (eventually) able to resist the global inertia that will keep us on death tracks.