Many of the features in September 2016 Arctic Ocean resembled the ice floe filled Southern Oceans' in Austral autumns of the Antarctic where pulverized sea ice regenerates very rapidly.
Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO) has been commissioned by the regional government to carry out intentional sea ice demolition operations. The 'ice chipping' is carried out during the sunlight-filled spring season by cutting slivers off the sea ice edge whenever the winds blow the loosened sea ice towards warm ocean (waters to melt it). During sunlight filled spring this "sea ice demolition" helps for an earlier onset of open ocean, summer season, and lengthens fishing season. This raises local temparature up to +2C and is popular among local boters and fishermen: operation to the spring-time "sea ice demolition" ('ice chipping') is the autumn-time "sea ice creation" when in the cooling autumn darkness the broken up and scattering sea ice induces the growth of sea ice once freezing air temperatures are around. Despite all talk about people being worried about Arctic warming, sea ice creation in autumn has not been popular - quite unlike its opposite when ice chippers have been breaking sea ice to warm winds to melt.
Arctic Ocean in September 2016 with its highly pulverised sea ice (at the beginning of month) was much like "Mother Earth's" own ice chipping operation in Antarctic-style with a very rapid rebounce of sea ice area as winds and sea currents spread the myriads of ice floes in frost conditions to facilitate ice growth. However, had these concentration centres (ice floes) been lost, then the re-emergence of sea ice would have been very different: delayed.
The rapid sea ice formation has caused reduction in ocean ventilation in comparision to situation where all sea ice had been lost. This could mean that there might be a tiny bit more energy left for the next melting season. It all depends how thick snow blankets are formed over the sea ice and how thick the sea ice forms. The number of leads in Arctic sea ice over the coming months will determine how much heat is lost during winter from the ocean. As sea ice has been thinning, and become more seasonal ice rather than multiyear ice, it breaks easier and forms more leads.
This September there certainly were no need for Captain Krasin to pulverize ice to make it grow faster in cooling autum darkness, Mother Earth made our season with +6.855 standard deviation as sea ice returned record fast when these myriads of ice floes spread and refused back together. For normally distributed data it falls outside 99.999999999% it was the tipping of 2016.