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Author Topic: Systemic Isolation  (Read 240517 times)


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #50 on: August 06, 2016, 07:21:54 PM »
I have recently added the following byline, which is actually a paraphrased version of Megginson's actual quote:

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson

Leon C. Megginson was a Professor of Management and Marketing at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. Megginson wrote in 1963: ‘According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.’ (Megginson, ‘Lessons from Europe for American Business’, Southwestern Social Science Quarterly (1963) 44(1): 3-13, at p. 4.).  Megginson had an interest in the theories of evolution through ‘mutual aid’ advocated by the Russian zoologist Karl Kessler, and his statements about Darwin clearly reflect that.

As some people may well misunderstand the meaning of the paraphrased quote.  Therefore, I provide the following linked articles that elaborate on Karl Kessler's concept of "mutual aid"; which illustrate that as climate change amplifies the impacts of nature to the point where they are comparable to man's ability to cope with those impacts; then natural selection will help those who cooperate (thus reducing systemic isolation) to better survive:

The first linked article explains who Karl Kessler was and what influence his paper "The Law of Mutual Aid" had:,_Karl_Fedorovich_(1815-1881)

Extract: "In 1879 K. P. Kessler, zoologist and former rector of St. Petersburg University, read a paper entitled "The Law of Mutual Aid" before the members of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists.

Organic evolution depend more on the union between individuals of the same species in the struggle between its members."

The second linked article discusses how Kessler used the concept of "mutual aid" to criticize those who follow the Hobbesian notion of "Survival of the Fittest":

Extract: "“He [Karl F. Kessler] began his address ‘On the Law of Mutual Aid’ by criticizing those who invoked ‘the cruel, so - called law of the struggle for existence’ to resolve social and moral issues.” – Todes (1989: 110)."

The third article is:  "Mutual aid and the foraging mode of thought: Re-reading Kropotkin on the Khoisan - Alan Barnard", which discusses the work of the scientist, anarchist, and Russian prince, Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin (1842–1921) who applied Karl Kessler's concept of "mutual aid" to the Khoisan bushman:

Extract: "Peter Kropotkin's work offers an insight into the workings of pre-state as well as state societies. This paper utilizes Kropotkin's notion of ‘mutual aid’ and argues for a consideration of mode of thought (rather than mode of production), both in the analysis of certain kinds of stateless societies and in the analysis of differences between societies of differing levels of complexity. It examines specifically Kropotkin's ideas on ‘mutual aid among savages’ and his comments on Khoisan (Bushman and Khoekhoe) social organization in light of later ethnographic findings. The conclusion is that Kropotkin's optimistic social theory remains applicable, and that the historical trajectory he saw, emphasizing the significance of voluntary organizations over state formations, is worthy of renewed interest.

The mutual-aid tendency in man has so remote an origin, and is so deeply interwoven with all the past evolution of the human race, that it has been maintained by mankind up to the present time, notwithstanding all vicissitudes of history. Peter Kropotkin (1987a: 180).
The concept ‘mutual aid’ (vzaimopomoshch') is attributed to Russian zoologist Karl Fredorovich Kessler and dates from about 1880 (Kropotkin 1987a: 14, 24–27). The chapter of concern here is Kropotkin's Chapter 3, ‘Mutual Aid among Savages’ (1987a: 74–101), written in 1891 and first published as part of a series in the journal, The Nineteenth Century. Kropotkin used the word ‘savages’ in its neutral, and not its modern derogatory sense, and I shall do the same in this summary of his chapter.

The first thing Kropotkin does is to dispel the Hobbesian notion that primitive life was one of ‘war of each against all’. He suggests that mutual support, rather than mutual struggle, is evolutionarily adaptive. He says that those ‘tribes’ who develop an avoidance of internal competition stand the best chance of Darwinian survival."
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 08:51:48 PM by AbruptSLR »
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2016, 06:06:19 PM »
The first linked article (the second & third links are for background on 4IR) is entitled: "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Awakens the Importance of the Human Spirit."  If we understand "spirit" to mean not soul but rather the interaction of "free will" with dhamma then wisdom can be found in the mindful application of spirit much as Maxwell's Demon (see the fourth linked article) can be used to reduce entropy in a closed system.  In this sense the attached image from Matrix Revolutions shows Neo becoming one with everything (one with dhamma), as we will all better understand when the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 4IR, connects us with the Internet of Everything, IoE (or by analogy the Matrix), thus reducing systemic isolation (especially for those current youths who will be around following the coming partial socio-economic collapse prior to 2060, as shown for Zion in the immediate prior post):

Extract: "But one obvious fact is that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will yield another shift in the focus of humanness - shifting from mind to spirit. Just as the Second Industrial Revolution triggered the replacement of human physical labor with machines, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will trigger the replacement of human mental labor with artificial intelligence and robots.

The wisdom of spirit will become more important than knowledge and skills which can be aggregated through the Internet. A humble and sacrificial spirit to forgive others, even enemies, will be more important than selfish emotion and one’s own mind, which will often be considered as a failing factor compared to no-error machines. Love and respect for the weak and troubled will not be calculated in the machine’s optimization.

So this is good news. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has finally opened up a new era to the human race challenging us to focus on understanding who we really are. Yes. Indeed we are the spirit mastering the body and mind. As the Second Industrial Revolution yielded a current education system to sharpen our minds, we now need a new education system that awakens our spirit. The importance of the human spirit should be the guiding principle for future of education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

See also:
Are you ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?

Extract: "The Fourth Industrial Revolution, according to Canterbury Tech, blurs the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.

“It moves from simple digitisation (the Third Industrial Revolution) to innovation based on combinations of technologies. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing will continue to accelerate and progress."


The fourth industrial revolution 'will be a business reality within the next 10 years'

Extract: "Software giant Oracle has teamed up with the manufacturers' organisation EEF to help get companies fit for the 'fourth industrial revolution', or 4IR.

4IR is apparently being driven by digitisation, big data and other rapid advances in technology.
Eight in ten manufacturers (80 per cent) say that this next industrial transformation will be a business reality within the next ten years."

Regarding Maxell's Demon see:

In the future Maxwell's Demon (as a metaphor for the relationship between the extraction of work from a system and the information about this system) will not only allow for the design of more efficient cooling & energy extraction systems; but will also facilitate the use of AI to create a more sustainable global socio-economic system (with less waste by improved use of information):

Extract: "The demon’s ability to create this temperature difference without the expenditure of work appeared to Maxwell to be in violation of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that two bodies of different temperature, when brought into contact with one another in isolation from the rest of the universe, will establish a thermodynamic equilibrium. Another way of putting this is that in an isolated system, entropy never decreases—although Maxwell’s hypothetical did in fact seem to allow the entropy of the system to decrease.

In the years since Maxwell initially proposed his hypothetical, physicists have managed to satisfactorily explain away the evident paradox of Maxwell’s demon. According to some of these physicists’ explanations, although Maxwell’s demon is not directly doing work on the system, it is extracting information about the system by sorting the molecules. The process of extracting this information about the system is a form of work, and therefore the entropy of the system does in fact increase in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics.

Although physicists were able to show that Maxwell’s paradox didn’t actually violate the second law of thermodynamics, the exact nature of the relationship between the extraction of work from a system and the information about this system acquired through measurements which explained the paradox was not that well understood. This was the relationship that the Oxford team hoped to elucidate with their photonic demon.

According to the team, its experiment is the first step toward gaining a better understanding of how thermodynamics plays out on microscales. A better understanding of the link between information and thermodynamics could have a variety of real world applications, ranging from more efficient cooling and energy extraction systems to application in quantum information technologies.

“Personally I think that sort of technology will have a real impact on meeting the energy challenge facing the world,” said Dahlsten. “We are already thinking of ways in which features such as entanglement can be introduced in future experiments based on this one, as our interests gravitate around quantum information.”"
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2016, 07:09:38 PM »
To continue on with the Matrix analogy, I provide the following link to an article entitled: "The Best Movie You Never Saw: The Animatrix".  The Animatrix provides background on the Matrix universe, including on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the ensuing socio-economic collapse, and tie-ins between the wisdom of "spirit" (or free-will) and the Internet of Everything/Matrix (or dhamma) as indicated in the attached image from The Animatrix; that illustrates how "systemic isolation" can be reduced:

Extract: "THE ANIMATRIX plays out a series of "What Ifs" within the world of THE MATRIX. A world where anything’s possible, where – as in a story universe like STAR TREK, or as in our universe itself – we’ve no idea the limits of what could be happening in some forgotten pocket of its time and space. What better to talk about such possibilities than through animation, a medium where if it can be imagined it can exist. Rather like The Matrix itself, really, both being computer generated and all. Not only is there no spoon - there's no hand."
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2016, 10:40:17 AM »
In the Matrix/Reloaded/Revolutions, Agent Smith is a metaphor for ego that creates the Matrix of suffering (systemic isolation) that we all create/inhabit but which is an illusion and which comes to an end when Neo surrenders thus destroying ego/Smith at the "End of Days":

Future Blessings for Zion
Isaiah 54: …15"If anyone fiercely assails you it will not be from Me. Whoever assails you will fall because of you. 16"Behold, I Myself have created the smith who blows the fire of coals And brings out a weapon for its work; And I have created the destroyer to ruin. 17"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me," declares the LORD.…

Isaiah 54:16 Commentaries
54:11-17 Let the people of God, when afflicted and tossed, think they hear God speaking comfortably to them by these words, taking notice of their griefs and fears. The church is all glorious when full of the knowledge of God; for none teaches like him. It is a promise of the teaching and gifts of the Holy Spirit. All that are taught of God are taught to love one another. This seems to relate especially to the glorious times to succeed the tribulations of the church. Holiness, more than anything, is the beauty of the church. God promises protection. There shall be no fears within; there shall be no fightings without. Military men value themselves on their splendid titles, but God calls them, Wasters made to destroy, for they make wasting and destruction their business. He created them, therefore he will serve his own designs by them. The day is coming when God will reckon with wicked men for their hard speeches, Jude 1:15. Security and final victory are the heritage of each faithful servant of the Lord. The righteousness by which they are justified, and the grace by which they are sanctified, are the gift of God, and the effect of his special love. Let us beseech him to sanctify our souls, and to employ us in his service.

Proverbs: Commit your works to the LORD And your plans will be established. 4The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day of evil. 5Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; Assuredly, he will not be unpunished.…
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2016, 12:31:02 AM »
The Matrix makes many connections to "Simulacra and Simulation". Neo is seen with a copy of Simulacra and Simulation at the beginning of The Matrix. He uses the hollowed book as a hiding place for cash and his important computer files. Neo's hollowed copy of the book has the chapter "On Nihilism" in the middle, not at the end of the book, where it is in reality. Morpheus refers to the real world outside the Matrix as the "desert of the real", a reference to Baudrillard's work.  Furthermore, the Wachowski Bothers had all the actors in The Matrix read "Simulacra and Simulations".

Simulacra and Simulation (Simulacres et Simulation in French) was published in 1981 and is a philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard.  The following Wiki-linked article indicates that Baudrillard argues that people's thinking (including scientists & one percenters) have become dominated by symbols, signs and modelled simulations that have taken on a life of their own (& are true simulacra) but which bear little or no relation to physical reality (such as which Mother Nature responses to).

Extract: "Simulacra and Simulation (French: Simulacres et Simulation) is a 1981 philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard, in which he seeks to examine the relationships among reality, symbols, and society.

Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original to begin with, or that no longer have an original. Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.

...The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true.
— The quote is credited to Ecclesiastes, but the words do not occur there. It can be seen as an addition, a paraphrase and an endorsement of Ecclesiastes' condemnation of the pursuit of wisdom as folly and a 'chasing after wind'—see for example Ecclesiastes 1.16.

Simulacra and Simulation is most known for its discussion of symbols, signs, and how they relate to contemporaneity (simultaneous existences). Baudrillard claims that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is of a simulation of reality. Moreover, these simulacra are not merely mediations of reality, nor even deceptive mediations of reality; they are not based in a reality nor do they hide a reality, they simply hide that anything like reality is relevant to our current understanding of our lives. The simulacra that Baudrillard refers to are the significations and symbolism of culture and media that construct perceived reality, the acquired understanding by which our lives and shared existence is and are rendered legible; Baudrillard believed that society has become so saturated with these simulacra and our lives so saturated with the constructs of society that all meaning was being rendered meaningless by being infinitely mutable. Baudrillard called this phenomenon the "precession of simulacra"."

Ecclesiastes 1:15-18: "15 What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.  16 I said in my heart, “I have acquired great wisdom, surpassing all who were over Jerusalem before me, and my heart has had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.”  17 And I applied my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a striving after wind.  18  For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

This helps explain why scientific consensus (dominated by frequentist thinking) indicates that the most likely value for ECS is 3.2C, when in reality it is most likely closer to 4.6C; and supports the study of nonsensical forcing scenarios that require negative emission technology, while exhibiting high-levels of reticence to study upper-bound scenarios that would allow for proper risk evaluations.

In my last post, I connected Agent Smith to technology (i.e. a blacksmith who uses fossil fuels to forge tools & weapons) and by extension to capitalism that is facilitating our pathway of overshoot.  In this sense Agent Smith represents systemic controls to standardize people/markets by using aversion (see the first image as an example of Smith's aversion to humanity) to stamp-out intelligence that does not fit the system's model (simulacra).  However, the system model (simulacra) that we are talking about here resides in the brains/minds of people who have either created or bought into the system.  Also, I point out that the flipside of aversion in a two-faced/pre-conditioned mind is craving; as represented in the Matrix as the Merovingian (see the second attached image & the following Wiki-linked article) as the decadent aristocrat (1%) that indulges in hedonism & excess consumption by taking advantage of the system.

Extract: "The Merovingians feature in the novel In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust: "The Merovingians are important to Proust because, as the oldest French dynasty, they are the most romantic and their descendants the most aristocratic." The word "Merovingian" is used as an adjective at least five times in Swann's Way.
The Merovingians are featured in the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982) where they are depicted as descendants of Jesus, inspired by the "Priory of Sion" story developed by Pierre Plantard in the 1960s. Plantard playfully sold the story as non-fiction, giving rise to a number of works of pseudohistory among which The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail was the most successful. The "Priory of Sion" material has given rise to later works in popular fiction, notably The Da Vinci Code (2003), which mentions the Merovingians in chapter 60.
The title of Merovingian (also known as The Frenchman) is a fictional character and a supporting antagonist of the films The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions."

However, the Wachowski Brothers were well aware of the book "The Holy Blood and Holy Grail" depicting the Merovingnians as the descendants of Jesus, and thus it is not surprising that the refugees associated with various agents of the Merovingnian help (see the third attached image) Neo to learn to transcend simulacra thinking in order to become the "blind messiah" (see the fourth attached image) leading to blessings for Zion.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 10:21:22 PM by AbruptSLR »
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2016, 12:46:53 AM »
Most people don't realize...

They don't.

What is valued in western culture is the antithesis of interdependent achievement.

You have to do it all yourself or you can't do it.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2016, 12:58:32 AM »
You have to do it all yourself or you can't do it.

The linked videos indicate that the strong individual mythology in capitalism is an illusion for most people, as the approach that Trump is promoting, where he encourages his follower to believe that by "putting on airs/posturing" (or by acting like Donald Trump) they can protect themselves from a hostile uncertain world by benefitting at the expense of others.  This approach is promoted by modern capitalism as explained in the following linked videos entitled: "The Paradox of Choice" and "Smile or Die".

The Paradox of Choice:


Smile or die:

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2016, 07:14:23 AM »
Re: Baudrillard

"Spirit of Terrorism" rang truer to me than much of his other work, although i did like "Violence of the Image"



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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2016, 08:34:16 AM »
This is an interesting subject, but one that causes my brain to ache as I find it all hard to absorb. My eyes want to glaze over! One thing I find most interesting is Agent Smith's quote about humans being a virus. When I think about what we've done to our planet, a virus is a great way to describe us as we routinely exploit and use up resources without even considering the impact on other species that share this planet with us. I think we are planting the seeds of our own destruction and yet we blindly continue making the same mistakes over and over again.

In a way, I'm reminded of the early 1980's when in northeast U.S. (I lived in New Hampshire at the time), there was a growing infestation of gypsy moths. The gypsy moth population varies from year to year but starting around 1979, they started to produce at an exponential rate. By 1981, they were in such great number that they consumed the foliage of deciduous trees for thousands of acres stretching from southern N.H, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania. Traveling through Massachusetts, the devastation seemed almost apocalyptic! Here it was around June 20th and the caterpillars were beginning to enter their chrysalises and by early July were emerging as moths. By then the trees began budding a second set of leaves.

By late April 1982, the caterpillars were emerging from their egg masses and their numbers initially were greatly increased from 1981 but they soon began to die off from what the entomologists called "wilt" disease. By mid to late May, the caterpillars where literally falling out of the trees as they died in great numbers, leaving a remnant to continue their existence. Fortunately, most of the trees survived the stresses caused by the moths.

I think what happened to the caterpillars could easily happen to us. I hate to say it, but we could probably be overdue for a "thinning" out. Just because we are the dominant species on the planet right now does not guarantee it will remain so.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #59 on: August 29, 2016, 10:13:32 PM »
As my last post (Reply #54) shows an image of Neo as the "Blind Messiah" influencing the world outside of the Matrix (while on his way to the Machine City); I thought that I would edit one of my posts from the "Adapting to the Anthropocene" thread to address how:
(a) The Holoborg Interpretation of the theory of everything results in the universe effectively acting like a Matrix resulting from the interconnection of "free will";
(b) How the Holoborg Interpretation of the Establishment of Mindfulness, illustrates how the establishment of mindfulness (say by the "Blind Messiah" or say by Metteyya) could allow such an individual to influence time & space by influencing the interconnections of "free will";
(c) How the development of Artificial Wisdom with future computers could facilitate the establishment of Holoborg mindfulness; and
(d) How such concepts could help in the fight against climate change:
As discussed in the "Adapting to the Anthropocene" thread, the Holoborg Interpretation of the theory of everything, ToE, is that the interconnection of free will creates changing information that results in a dynamic Holographic Multiverse; which can be conceived as an information theory model where the bytes of changing/dynamic information (due to free will) form strings/membranes resulting in an illusion of a String Theory/Holographic Multiverse.  This multiverse contains suffering (including climate change) due to ignorance associated with aggregates-of-clinging/formations/ego (similar to the ignorance/errors from incomplete Frequentist process-based climate change models); and that Vipassana meditation offers a path to the cessation of such suffering leading to Nibbana (Nirvana).

In the "Adapting to the Anthropocene" thread, I have noted that in his book "How to Create a Mind The Secret of Human Thought Revealed", Ray Kurzweil studies the human mind as a guide for the development of more effective AI; and I have noted that Kurzweil's limited understanding of the mind limits the full effectiveness of his AI development efforts.  Also, I have noted that in his book "Born to be Good The Science of a Meaningful Life" Dacher Keltner studies how evolution has developed emotions within the human mind, which guide (and misguide) our lives; and that a meaningful life can be lived through mindfulness (& he concludes that a sense of awe can help one find ones place in the larger scheme of things).

Thus I offer the following information both as a guide to develop more effective AI models and a guide to develop more effective climate change models.
Regarding the first objective, I suggest that researchers (such as Kurzweil) expand their efforts from pure AI to Artificial Wisdom (via AI module + AWE module) = AW.
Where: AWE = Artificial Wisdom & Evo-emotions (evolutionarily developed emotions)

Regarding the second objective, I suggest that researchers (such as the developers of ACME) expand their efforts from advanced Earth Systems Models, ESMs, projections to Reduced-error Inductive Projections (via ESM module (at 95% CL) + DIB module) = RIP.
Where: DIB, Dynamic Inductive Bayesian, modules use all dynamic probability density functions, D-PDFs, for all available feedback mechanisms beyond those used in the 95%CL ESM module.

Currently, researchers appear to have little idea of how to program for wisdom (and thus do not know how to program an AWE module), nor do they have much idea of how to program a RIP, or a DIB, module.

Therefore, I have prepared the first schematic that provides a Holoborg Interpretation of how Vipassana meditation uses "atapi sampanjo satima, vineyya loke abhijjhadomanassesam" (ardent awareness and constant through understanding impermanence, having removed craving and aversions to the world of mind and matter), to enhance signal recognition (perception) in a dynamic noisy world (of mind & matter) in order to allow free will to recursively find wisdom (reduced error) by observing impermanence (associated with the Holoborg Interpretation concept of the free will producing changing information) using real-time observations by reducing error/ignorance, leading to a reduction in suffering (and from there to Nibbana).

In order to help decipher this first schematic (which is very rough & incomplete), I offer the second attached image that better illustrates the complex nature of the 5 Aggregates of Clinging, so that I can note that enhancing signal recognition by enhancing perception of 6 Sense Spheres allows free will to avoid reaction (due the wisdom gained by proper understanding of impermanence), resulting in an iterative reduction in the formation of sankharas.  Furthermore, to help decipher this last run-on sentence I provide the following information/links from the Internet on this subject:

"atapi sampajano satima:.

atapi = burner who is working hard
sampajanyam = equanimity (from the wisdom of understanding change in real time while observing body in body, sensations in sensations, mind in mind and mental contents in mental contents)
sati = awareness

The Buddha said: "Sampajanyam nahi rinchati" - Do NOT forget sensations.

Four paths to right awareness:
1) Observing body in body
2) Observing sensations in sensations
3) Observing mind in mind
4) Observing mental contents in mental contents"

"Whenever the Buddha was asked to describe sati (mindfulness or awareness), his explanation invariably included the term sampajañña.

Katam ca, bhikkhave, samma-sati? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kaye kayanupassi viharati atapi sampajano satima, vineyya loke abhijjha-domanassam.

And what, meditators, is right awareness? Here, a meditator dwells ardently, with constant thorough understanding and right awareness, observing the body in the body, having removed craving and aversion towards this world (of mind and matter).

From this it becomes evident that according to the Buddha, whenever there is samma-sati or satipatthana, it is always with sampajañña. That means it is with pañña (wisdom). Otherwise it is mere sati, which is mere remembrance or awareness.

In the Sutta Pitaka, the Buddha gave two explanations of the term sampajañña. In the Samyutta-nikaya the Buddha defines sampajano as follows:

Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sampajano hoti? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno vidita vedana uppajjanti, vidita upatthahanti, vidita abbhattham gacchanti; vidita sañña uppajjanti, vidita upahahanti, vidita abbhattham gacchanti; vidita vitakka uppajjanti, vidita upatthahanti, vidita abbhattham gacchanti. Evam kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sampajano hoti.

And how, meditators, does a meditator understand thoroughly? Herein, meditators, a meditator knows sensations arising in him, knows their persisting, and knows their vanishing; he knows perceptions arising in him, knows their persisting, and knows their vanishing; he knows each initial application (of the mind on an object) arising in him, knows its persisting, and knows its vanishing. This, meditators, is how a meditator understands thoroughly."

The following link discusses "Sankhara":

Extract: "Saṅkhāra (Pali; Sanskrit saṃskāra) is a term figuring prominently in Buddhism. The word means 'that which has been put together' and 'that which puts together'.
In the first (passive) sense, saṅkhāra refers to conditioned phenomena generally but specifically to all mental "dispositions". These are called 'volitional formations' both because they are formed as a result of volition and because they are causes for the arising of future volitional actions. English translations for saṅkhāra in the first sense of the word include 'conditioned things,' 'determinations,' 'fabrications' and 'formations' (or, particularly when referring to mental processes, 'volitional formations').
In the second (active) sense of the word, saṅkhāra refers to that faculty of the mind/brain apparatus (sankhara-khandha) that puts together those formations.

When preliminary nibbana with substrate occurs (that is, nibbana of a living being), constructive consciousness, that is, the house-builder, is completely destroyed and no new formations will be constructed. However, sankharas in the sense of constructed consciousness, which exists as a 'karmically-resultant-consciousness' (vipāka viññāna), continue to exist."

The following link discusses "Metta":

Extract: "Mettā (Pali) or maitrī (Sanskrit) is benevolence, friendliness, amity, friendship, good will, kindness, close mental union (on same mental wavelength), and active interest in others. It is one of the ten pāramīs of the Theravāda school of Buddhism, and the first of the four sublime states (Brahmavihāras). Mettā is love without the suffering that arises from attachment (known as upādāna)."

The following link discusses "The Twelve Nidanas":

Extract: "The Twelve Nidānas (Pali/Sanskrit: nidāna "cause, foundation, source or origin") are an application of the Buddhist concept of pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination). They identify the origin of dukkha (suffering) to be in avidyā (ignorance)."

If other Pali words, or concepts, do not make sense then feel free to use Wikipedia to gain more insight, as I believe that I have provide enough background to make the following two points.
1. As Google now searches the entire Internet to provide input to its AI program(s) to recognition patterns/signals in the data; researchers could connect a strong Vipassana meditator to an AWE module in order acquire a priori and to calibrate the iterative process of error reduction (cessation of suffering).
2. As ESMs use 95% CL models of feedback mechanisms, all climate change researchers could be required to link their raw data to the Internet, so that web-based AW computer system could calibrate DIB, Dynamic Inductive Bayesian, modules use all dynamic probability density functions, D-PDFs, for all available feedback mechanisms beyond those used in the 95%CL ESM module.

Finally I note that AI, AWE, ESM and the RIP modules would theoretically all work better using an advanced quantum computer (which should be available in a few decades time).

Edit, see also the linked video entitled "Ledi Sayadaw: Promotion of Meditation in Burma":
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 07:37:14 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #60 on: August 30, 2016, 12:19:23 AM »
You have to do it all yourself or you can't do it.

The linked videos indicate that the strong individual mythology in capitalism is an illusion for most people, as the approach that Trump is promoting, where he encourages his follower to believe that by "putting on airs/posturing" (or by acting like Donald Trump) they can protect themselves from a hostile uncertain world by benefitting at the expense of others.  This approach is promoted by modern capitalism as explained in the following linked videos entitled: "The Paradox of Choice" and "Smile or Die".

The Paradox of Choice:


Smile or die:

Something to think about.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2016, 04:14:44 PM »
The musical chairs piece is very apropos. Providing the equivalent of a stool for the dispossessed while tracking down the chair thief is rational. Pointing, laughing, or shielding our eyes while ignoring the empty space that once held a chair only encourages the next round of chair thieves.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2016, 06:11:04 PM »
In Reply #59, I go to some length to explain that sati (Pali for mindfulness or awareness, see the first Wikipedia link) needs to be understood in context of: atapi (ardency) sampajano (proper understanding equanimity in the face of constant change) satima (remaining constantly aware/mindful); as Sati is a metaphor for salvation in the Matrix movies.

In the beginning of Matrix Revolutions the little Indian girl Sati saves Neo from death (at the end of Reloaded) by guiding him to limbo (i.e. Mobil Ave or the Train Station) where he encounters an Indian 'family', see the first image.  Rama-Kandra (the father) and his wife (Kamala), who are both programs, have created a daughter, Sati.  To the Architect's way of thinking Sati is a program without purpose and will be deleted from the machine mainframe unless her parents can hide her.   They make a deal with The Merovingian to smuggle Sati into the Matrix, where The Oracle will care for her (see the second image).  Why do these programs care what happens to Sati? Why did they create her in the first place? The movie indicates that the answer is unconditional love (see the third image, which correlates Sati with the randomness created by the Oracle).

Extract: " Sati (in Pali;  Sanskrit: smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness, a spiritual or psychological faculty (indriya) that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. It is the first factor of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. "Correct" or "right" mindfulness

Bhikkhu Bodhi also points to the meaning of "sati" as "memory":
The word derives from a verb, sarati, meaning “to remember,” and occasionally in Pali sati is still explained in a way that connects it with the idea of memory. But when it is used in relation to meditation practice, we have no word in English that precisely captures what it refers to. An early translator cleverly drew upon the word mindfulness, which is not even in my dictionary. This has served its role admirably, but it does not preserve the connection with memory, sometimes needed to make sense of a passage.

The practice of mindfulness supports analysis resulting in the arising of wisdom (Pali: paññā, Sanskrit: prajñā)

In the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, sati and sampajañña are combined with atappa (Pali; Sanskrit: ātapaḥ), or "ardency," and the three together comprise yoniso manisikara (Pali; Sanskrit: yoniśas manaskāraḥ), "appropriate attention" or "wise reflection.""

In the way of backstory, the Matrix trilogy is a story about the doctrine salvation (soteriology), using the Bhagavad Gita about the battle of Dharma-Yudhha to establish dharma (dhamma in Pali can be taken as the laws of the universe, and proper understanding those laws can lead to timeless Nibbana) as an action packed spiritual inspiration; and the following linked Wikipedia link explains that the Gita is a synthesis of Hindi, Buddhist, Jain and yogic soteriologies together with Indian, Greek, Iranian and Kushan cultures.

Sati's father Rama Kandra, (usually Ramchandra) was an incarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism. He destroyed demons in his quest to rid the world of evil.  Sati's mother Kamala is another name for Laksmi; which, is the Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune. The Rama Kandra family are closely tied to the themes of Hinduism, including the Bhagavad Gita, in the Matrix.  The Merovingian is a decadent aristocrat who rules the 'underworld', like Hades from Greek mythology. Hades was also the character who stole Persephone (the Merovingian's wife) and forced her to live with him in Hell.

Extract: "The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna. Facing the duty as a warrior to fight the Dharma Yudhha or righteous war between Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna is counselled by Lord Krishna to "fulfill his Kshatriya (warrior) duty as a warrior and establish Dharma." Inserted in this appeal to kshatriya dharma (chivalry) is "a dialogue ... between diverging attitudes concerning methods toward the attainment of liberation (moksha)". The Bhagavad Gita was exposed to the world through Sanjaya, who senses and cognizes all the events of the battlefield. Sanjaya is Dhritarashtra's advisor and also his charioteer.

The so-called "Hindu Synthesis" emerged during the early Classical period (200 BCE - 300 CE) of Hinduism.

It developed in interaction with other religions and peoples:
The emerging self-definitions of Hinduism were forged in the context of continuous interaction with heterodox religions (Buddhists, Jains, Ajivikas) throughout this whole period, and with foreign people (Yavanas, or Greeks; Sakas, or Scythians; Pahlavas, or Parthians; and Kusanas, or Kushans) from the third phase on [between the Mauryan empire and the rise of the Guptas].

The Bhagavad Gita is the sealing achievement of this Hindu Synthesis, incorporating various religious traditions.

Deutsch and Dalvi note that the authors of the Bhagavad Gita "must have seen the appeal of the soteriologies both of the "heterodox" traditions of Buddhism and Jainism and of the more "orthodox" ones of Samkhya and Yoga", while the Brahmanic tradition emphasised "the significance of dharma as the instrument of goodness"."

See also:

In the Holoborg Interpretation of ToE, metaphors like the programs Rama Kandra and Kamala represent sub-systems/sub-structures of "free will" within the larger universal law of dhamma, while Sati brings unconditioned expression of "free will" in each new moment as represented by a child's fresh view of the world (see the fourth image).  However, as sati also means memory its freshness can only be understood in term of the endless process of atapi sampajano satima (or "wise reflection."); which is why the Oracle keeps reminding Neo that he has already made his choice but now needs to understand why.  I also note that in the Holoborg Interpretation of ToE, the illusion of time is created by experiencing a sub-set of the full "Matrix" of free will interconnections, and the illusion of self/ego that one experiences in such a sub-set embedded in time creates the memory, while the process of atapi sampajano satima creates a new cycle of liberation/salvation.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 10:18:17 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2016, 11:29:37 PM »
The Holoborg Interpretation of the Theory of Everything, HIOTTOE, assumes that all functioning humans can become enlightened by means of their own/individual proper effort/work (atapi), equanimity (sampajano/understanding) and free will (sati/insight/awareness). However, in HIOTTOE the physical laws (or dhamma) of the holographic universe is based on fundamental information transferred from one point of free will to another, where the number of free will points can be estimated using information theory and Shannon entropy (note that the work performed by Maxwell's Demon to change Shannon entropy can be associated with atapi; while the number and configuration of interconnections between free will points can be associated with sampajano; and the fundamental interconnection between points can be associated with sati).  Thus information theory can be used to estimate the number of free will points required to create the universe that we observe.

In first attached image from the first linked Wikipedia article indicates that Shannon entropy H (where H is named after Boltzmann's H-theorem, see the second link) can be determine by the formula where pi is the probability of character number i showing up in a stream of characters of the given "script" (where the character is the information transmitted in the interconnections).

See also:

Extract: "In information theory, systems are modeled by a transmitter, channel, and receiver. The transmitter produces messages that are sent through the channel. The channel modifies the message in some way. The receiver attempts to infer which message was sent. In this context, entropy (more specifically, Shannon entropy) is the expected value (average) of the information contained in each message. 'Messages' can be modeled by any flow of information.
In a more technical sense, there are reasons (explained below) to define information as the negative of the logarithm of the probability distribution. The probability distribution of the events, coupled with the information amount of every event, forms a random variable whose expected value is the average amount of information, or entropy, generated by this distribution. Units of entropy are the shannon, nat, or hartley, depending on the base of the logarithm used to define it, though the shannon is commonly referred to as a bit.
The logarithm of the probability distribution is useful as a measure of entropy because it is additive for independent sources. For instance, the entropy of a coin toss is 1 shannon, whereas of m tosses it is m shannons. Generally, you need log2(n) bits to represent a variable that can take one of n values if n is a power of 2. If these values are equally probable, the entropy (in shannons) is equal to the number of bits. Equality between number of bits and shannons holds only while all outcomes are equally probable."

Named after Boltzmann's Η-theorem, Shannon defined the entropy Η (Greek letter Eta) of a discrete random variable X with possible values {x1, …, xn} and probability mass function P(X)…"

However, as Quantum Information theory confirms that Shannon Entropy can be related to thermodynamic entropy which is equal to the natural logarithm of the number of microscopic system configurations times the Boltzmann constant (see the third linked article).

Extract: "In thermodynamics, entropy (usual symbol S) is a measure of the number of microscopic configurations Ω that correspond to a thermodynamic system in a state specified by certain macroscopic variables. Specifically, assuming that each of the microscopic configurations is equally probable, the entropy of the system is the natural logarithm of that number of configurations, multiplied by the Boltzmann constant kB (which provides consistency with the original thermodynamic concept of entropy discussed below, and gives entropy the dimension of energy divided by temperature)."

But the fourth linked Wikipedia article indicates the Boltzmann constant can be related to Avogadro's constant; which thus indicates that the number of free will points is proportional to 6.022140857 x 1023  (Six-hundred thousand billion billion points of free will). This makes for a lot of sub-systems that can create illusions (of time, space, etc.) and that one needs to acknowledge via sati to become one with everything (see the last three images from The Matrix); or else one might move in the other direction and create more entropy (more suffering via a poorly trained Maxwell's Demon (atapi) and an incorrect understanding of the universal laws).

Extract: "In chemistry and physics, the Avogadro constant (named after the scientist Amedeo Avogadro) is the number of constituent particles, usually atoms or molecules, that are contained in the amount of substance given by one mole. Thus, it is the proportionality factor that relates the molar mass of a compound to the mass of a sample. Avogadro's constant, often designated with the symbol NA or L, has the value 6.022140857(74)×1023 mol−1 in the International System of Units (SI).

Avogadro's constant is a scaling factor between macroscopic and microscopic (atomic scale) observations of nature. As such, it provides the relation between other physical constants and properties. For example, based on 2014 CODATA values, it establishes the following relationship between the gas constant R and the Boltzmann constant kB,
and the Faraday constant F and the elementary charge e,
The Avogadro constant also enters into the definition of the unified atomic mass unit, u,…"

See also:
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 10:17:57 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #64 on: September 01, 2016, 11:47:10 AM »
While many of these posts seem either esoteric, and/or speculative, at best; nevertheless, with continued progress on both ToE (see Susskind's work linked below) and Quantum Information theory (see the links about Maxwell's Demon below), some of the points made could help to calibrate future efforts to develop quantum Artificial Intelligence, AI, and Artificial Wisdom, AW:

The first linked reference not only provides possible insights in how to move beyond the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and how to unite the General Theory of Relativity with Quantum Theory:

Leonard Susskind (2016), "Copenhagen vs Everett, Teleportation, and ER=EPR"

Abstract: "Quantum gravity may have as much to tell us about the foundations and interpretation of quantum mechanics as it does about gravity. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and Everett's Relative State Formulation are complementary descriptions which in a sense are dual to one another. My purpose here is to discuss this duality in the light of the of ER=EPR conjecture."

Extract: "Sooner or later we will have to give up the security of an asymptotically cold boundary, and formulate a theory in which the universe is a highly interconnected network of entangled subsystems, with no preferred uber-observer. I expect that when this happens ER=EPR will take its place as one of the cornerstones of the new theory.
What all of this suggests to me, and what I want to suggest to you, is that quantum mechanics and gravity are far more tightly related than we (or at least I) had ever imagined. The essential nonlocalities of quantum mechanics - the need for instantaneous communication in order to classically simulate entanglement - parallels the nonlocal potentialities of general relativity: ER=EPR."

See also:

Also see:

Also, in the future Maxwell's Demon (as a metaphor for the relationship between the extraction of work from a system and the information about this system) will not only allow for the design of more efficient cooling & energy extraction systems; but will also facilitate the use of AI to create a more sustainable global socio-economic system (with less waste by improved use of information):

Extract: "The demon’s ability to create this temperature difference without the expenditure of work appeared to Maxwell to be in violation of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that two bodies of different temperature, when brought into contact with one another in isolation from the rest of the universe, will establish a thermodynamic equilibrium. Another way of putting this is that in an isolated system, entropy never decreases—although Maxwell’s hypothetical did in fact seem to allow the entropy of the system to decrease.

In the years since Maxwell initially proposed his hypothetical, physicists have managed to satisfactorily explain away the evident paradox of Maxwell’s demon. According to some of these physicists’ explanations, although Maxwell’s demon is not directly doing work on the system, it is extracting information about the system by sorting the molecules. The process of extracting this information about the system is a form of work, and therefore the entropy of the system does in fact increase in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics.

Although physicists were able to show that Maxwell’s paradox didn’t actually violate the second law of thermodynamics, the exact nature of the relationship between the extraction of work from a system and the information about this system acquired through measurements which explained the paradox was not that well understood. This was the relationship that the Oxford team hoped to elucidate with their photonic demon.

According to the team, its experiment is the first step toward gaining a better understanding of how thermodynamics plays out on microscales. A better understanding of the link between information and thermodynamics could have a variety of real world applications, ranging from more efficient cooling and energy extraction systems to application in quantum information technologies.

“Personally I think that sort of technology will have a real impact on meeting the energy challenge facing the world,” said Dahlsten. “We are already thinking of ways in which features such as entanglement can be introduced in future experiments based on this one, as our interests gravitate around quantum information.”"

See also:


Mihai D. Vidrighin, et al. "Photonic Maxwell's Demon." Physical Review Letters. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.050401

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2016, 06:39:03 PM »
As a follow-on to my Reply #63 (where I demonstrate that in the HIOTTOE the number of free will points required to create our observed universe is proportional to Avogadro's constant, see the first image of the formula for Shannon entropy and the second image of the formula for thermal entropy based on statistics), I would like to emphasize just how fundamental this constant is by noting that:

1) The Avogadro constant enters into the definition of the unified atomic mass unit, u; and under the current definitions of the International System of Units (SI), a measurement of the Avogadro constant is an indirect measurement of the Planck constant, h.

2) The Avogadro constant can be used to calculate the elementary charge of an electron, e and the gas constant, R.

3) Measurement of the Avogadro constant, can be correlated to measurement of: the proton-electron mass ratio, the molar mass constant, the Rydberg constant, the speed of light and the fine structure constant.


Edit: The linked Wikipedia article elaborates on how the "devil is in the details" of how entropy relates to the definitions of the system(s) under consideration:

Extract: "Dissatisfaction with the Von Neumann entropy from quantum information points of view has been expressed by Stotland, Pomeransky, Bachmat and Cohen, who have introduced a yet different definition of entropy that reflects the inherent uncertainty of quantum mechanical states. This definition allows distinction between the minimum uncertainty entropy of pure states, and the excess statistical entropy of mixtures.
Ultimately, the criticism of the link between thermodynamic entropy and information entropy is a matter of terminology, rather than substance. Neither side in the controversy will disagree on the solution to a particular thermodynamic or information-theoretic problem."

See also:


Astashenok, A.V., Yurov, A.V. & Yurov, V.V. (2016), "The possible resolution of Boltzmann brains problem in phantom cosmology", Gravit. Cosmol. 22: 212. doi:10.1134/S0202289316020031

Abstract: "We consider the well-known Boltzmann brains problem in the framework of simple phantom energy models with little rip and big rip singularities. It is shown that these models (i) satisfy the observational data and (ii) may be free from the Boltzmann brains problem. Human observers in phantom models can exist only during a certain period t < tf (tf is the lifetime of the universe) via the Bekenstein bound. If the fraction of unordered observers in this part of the universe history is negligible as comparison with ordered observers, than the Boltzmann brains problem does not appear. The bounds on model parameters derived from such a requirement do not contradict to the allowable range according to the observational data."

« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 11:43:35 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #66 on: September 03, 2016, 11:57:55 PM »
In "Paradise Lost" Milton coins the phase "… as proud as Lucifer".  Lucifer (Morning Star) is a metaphor for falling from grace due to pride, and in the Matrix Revolutions, Lucifer is represented by the Merovingian who presides over the "Hel Club".  Morpheus, Trinity & Seraph descend into this metaphorical Hell to fight (see the first image) to save their friend Neo, who is trapped by the Trainman, who is a metaphor for the ferryman who works for Hades/Lucifer/the Merovingian to transfer souls. 

As The Matrix recurrently focuses on the many transitions one makes while fighting to overcome uncertainty/ignorance, I focus in this post on Seraph (who in the Bible/Tora/Kabbalah is a Seraphim, or a high angels who act go-betweens mankind and God), see the following three Wikipedia links and associated extracts.  In the phrase/process "atapi sampajano satima", Seraph could be thought of as atapi/effort, the energetic/burning messenger between mankind and higher understanding/insight (sampajano/satima) who also authenticates the truth from illusion (i.e. challenge-response authentication).  In Revolutions Seraph had formerly been a protégé of the Merovingian (i.e. they were both fallen angels); but Seraph rebelled (against hedonistic clinging/craving) and came to protect both the Oracle & Sati (insight).

In Kabbalah, the seraphim are continually "burning-up" in selflessness; and in the HIOTTOE atapi results in a "burning-up" of illusion/ego/pride leading to an understanding /equinity and reflected wisdom/insight regarding the constantly changing nature of the reality resulting from the interfaces between soulless-free will in an information network (or holographic universe).  In a quantum information sense Seraph can be thought of a Maxwell's Demon (see the second, third & fourth images) energetically fighting entropy and burning with a glowing light (as seen by Neo).
Further, I note that in Reply #20 I pointed-out that the Buddha thought that following his death that mankind would become less skillful about how to gain infight on how to overcome uncertainty; which seems to be the case (even though we have become technologically more skillful).   Hopefully, mankind will learn how to better fight against wicked problems like climate change after the coming singularity, so that they can selflessly return to the paradise that they lost without the pride of Lucifer:

"Whoever he summons, he first tests that person with another battle, in order to "test his/her heart's resolve" (or, more technically, a Challenge-response authentication).
In Revolutions, Trinity and Morpheus meet with the Oracle so that she can help them locate Neo. She explains that he lies within a place that is neither the Matrix nor the Machine world: a construct created by the Trainman, who works for the Merovingian. Seraph leads Morpheus and Trinity into the Megacity's subway system in search of the Trainman, but he eludes them in a foot chase and exchange of gunfire. The three then track down the Merovingian at his decadent nightclub, Club Hel.

During the assault on Hel's gates, Seraph is referred as "wingless", by one of the guards and the Merovingian refers to him as "his protégé". The three make their way to the club and defeat a number of the Merovingian's guards. The Merovingian calls him the "Prodigal Child" returning and "Judas", suggesting that Seraph betrayed the Merovingian to serve the Oracle. He also calls Seraph "L'ange sans ses ailes", which is French for "The angel without its wings."

Later, Seraph tries to flee with Sati, a program seeking refuge in the Matrix, from the increasingly powerful Smith. In due course, Smith catches up to them. Seraph mentions that he has defeated Smith in the past; nonetheless, Smith assimilates them and the Oracle, gaining her powers of precognition, adding three more copies of himself to his growing collective of Smiths.
Upon Smith's destruction at Neo's hands, all the programs and minds that Smith has infiltrated are freed from his influence, including Seraph's. He meets the Oracle in a park as Sati creates a beautiful sunrise in Neo's honor.

… it was revealed that Seraph had been an Agent of the first iteration of the Matrix (the Seraphim), who resembled angels. He had ended up in the employment of the Merovingian, where he had remained for some time. After an unknown period of being an enforcer for him, he had rebelled, and had been tortured, his wings removed. It has not been revealed how he escaped.

Seraph is a biblical allusion to the first of nine orders of angels, the Seraphim (singular Seraph). This allusion is also evidenced by the fire-like appearance of Seraph when Neo sees him in his coded form. It is also hinted when the Merovingian's guards state that he is "wingless." The word 'seraph' comes from the Hebrew word saraph meaning 'burning one'."

Extract: "A seraph (/ˈsɛr.əf/, "the burning one"; pl. seraphs or seraphim /ˈsɛr.ə.fɪm/, in the King James Version also seraphims (plural); Hebrew: שָׂרָף śārāf, plural שְׂרָפִים śərāfîm; Latin: seraphim and seraphin (plural), also seraphus (-i, m.); Greek: σεραφείμ serapheím) is a type of celestial or heavenly being in Christianity and Judaism. The singular "seraph" is a back-formation from the plural "seraphim", whereas in Hebrew the singular is "saraph".

Seraphim appear in the 2nd-century BC Book of Enoch where they are mentioned, in conjunction with cherubim, as the heavenly creatures standing nearest to the throne of God. They are also called the Ikisat (Ethiopic: አክይስት — "serpents", "dragons"; an alternate term for Hell) which, along with the cherubim and Paradise, are under the rule of Gabriel.

In Kabbalah, the seraphim are the higher angels of the World of Beriah ("Creation", first created realm, divine understanding), whose understanding of their distance from the absolute divinity of Atziluth causes their continual "burning up" in self-nullification. Through this they ascend to God, and return to their place.

Christian theology developed an idea of seraphim as beings of pure light who enjoy direct communication with God."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #67 on: September 04, 2016, 03:53:31 PM »
As the Matrix focuses on transitions to overcome uncertainties, it is worth noting that there are primarily two scientific approaches to dealing with uncertainties, which are the Frequentist and the Bayesian approaches.  The Frequentist approach is dominated by statistics derived from experiments to estimate probability density functions, PDF, and if the experiment is constructed correctly then the associated statistically determined PDF my offer guidance on how to address coming issues.  The Bayesian approach assumes an existing PDF contains errors and that it must be refined via new information/data/observations in order to develop a closer approximation of the probabilities of coming events. 

While in theory the two approaches can yield equal scientific findings, in practice the Frequentist approach of its practitioners being "… as proud as Lucifer", that their statistically constructed PDF contains no errors by ignoring the reality that they do not understand (& thus are not considered by their experiment/model).   However, the Bayesian approach starts out by humbly acknowledging that their existing PDF contains errors that that new data must continuously be added in order to achieve a closer approximation of the true probabilities of uncertain coming events, and thus is more suitable for addressing wicked problems (like climate change).

In this regards, the linked article indicates that by evolving in a world full of wick problems the human brain/mind has been wired to be an expert "guessing machine".  Furthermore, this article indicates past attempts to use Frequentist-type of thinking has led to limited progress in understanding the wick problem of mental illness, and it finds that Bayesian analysis to be much more effective evaluation tool given the complexity of mental disorders.

Extract: "“The brain is a guessing machine, trying at each moment of time to guess what is out there,” says computational neuroscientist Peggy Seriès."

Furthermore, the Buddha Gotama developed the meditation practice of Vipassana (mindfulness/insight) to help rid the mind of mental illness; which inhibits one from living with the truth of reality.  In this regards, the Buddha Gotama never taught a religious doctrine.  He taught that there is "free will" but no soul, and while dhamma is awe inspiring, he taught that there is no magic in the universe, and that time and space are illusions.  Thus the HIOTTOE does not recognize a "God" beyond the truth of dhamma as an expression of information (as in information theory) transferred in a network  of 6.02 x 1023 points (with varying numbers of connections per point) of free will.  However, it does recognize patterns of sub-structures of the whole network (determined by rudimentary free will) that determine basic physical parameters of the universe that underlie some of the discussions about the Anthropic Principle.

That said, the Buddha Gotama died in (or around) 483BC, and his teachings have been misunderstood in the ensuing years, to the extent that for all of our technological advances, virtually everyone has lost the skills required to become a bodhisatta (an enlightened one).  However, the surviving teachings of Buddha Gotama's are clear that there are three types of Great Bodhisattas: (1) those in whom wisdom (panna) is predominant (such as the Buddha Gotama); (2) those in whom faith (saddha) is predominant; and (3) those in whom energy (viriya) is predominant.  The Great Bohisatta Metteyya is prophesized to be of the energy (viriya) type; which may (or may not) have significance as the projected "singularity" approaches.

Separately, and as a side note, the following linked Wikipedia article may offer some insight as to why Seraph (a challenge-response authentication, in information theory) is Chinese in the Matrix (instead of say Jewish):
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 10:16:13 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #68 on: September 05, 2016, 09:23:34 AM »
The linked article indicates that the theories of cosmic inflation, eternal chaotic inflation, multiverses and the "Many Worlds" interpretation, all result logically from quantum theory and the Standard Model.  Such logic implies acceptance of the existence of an infinite number of infinities; which as Paul Davies states is essentially the same thing as accepting a magical universe where anything can happen.  Such considerations makes the Holoborg Interpretation seem much more reasonable as while it does invoke the use of "free will" it does not invoke the use of magical thinking:

Extract: "What's the evidence for these theories of cosmic inflation, eternal chaotic inflation and multiple universes? It's challenging, to say the least, considering that cosmic inflation began and ended within the tiniest fraction of the first second of our universe's existence. And, eternal chaotic inflation, by definition, cannot be seen, as other universes, arguably generated by eternal chaotic inflation, are disconnected permanently from our universe.

Yet lines of corroborating evidence (beyond the elegance of the equations) have convinced many cosmologists to such a degree that cosmic inflation and eternal chaotic inflation have become, in essence, the "standard model" of cosmology. As for cosmic inflation, it seems to solve, at the same time, several, separate enigmas in the origin and structure of the universe (including the horizon problem I mentioned earlier). Moreover, cosmic inflation makes interesting predictions, especially about the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, a remnant of the Big Bang — predictions that have been confirmed and reconfirmed by increasingly precise data from satellites.

As for eternal chaotic inflation, it seems to be the unavoidable consequences of the mathematics of cosmic inflation: Once cosmic inflation starts, it seems impossible to stop. However, while there have been tantalizing hints of possible corroborating data, none is convincing (yet?).

"What string theory brings  is something about the number of possibilities," Susskind said. "But its numbers are far, far larger than the number of atoms in the universe — the number 10 to the 500 [10^500] gets bandied about. This does not mean 10^500 different pocket universes, but 10^500 different types of them in a string theory 'landscape' — each one being repeated over and over again [in different instances of the type]. So, on the one hand, string theory gives you the analog of the different number of ways of re-arranging a DNA molecule. What cosmic inflation theory gives you, on the other hand, is how do you bring these different [pocket] universes into existence?"

"That's why a multiverse of innumerable bubble or pocket universes can have a very wide variety of physical properties," Vilenkin said. "A property of inflation is that it will explore the whole landscape of these possibilities, or 'vacua,' because quantum mechanics allows tunneling through energy barriers to other minima. Moreover, quantum mechanics tells us that if a transition between two minima is not absolutely forbidden by some law, then it must inevitably happen. This means that all possible transitions between all possible states must happen."

Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at MIT, goes further. He envisions four kinds of multiverses that may exist, labeling them "Levels":

Level I: Space in our universe goes on far beyond that which we can see, and perhaps goes on forever — which would mean that infinitely many other regions exist in our own pocket universe, regions like our observable universe, where the laws of physics are the same.

Level II: Infinitely many other regions exist in the same space-time as that of our universe, but they are disconnected permanently from our own pocket universe, and within each of them the laws of physics are different (described by Linde's eternal chaotic inflation and potentially the string theory landscape).

Level III: A kind of space different from the space-time of our universe exists (called "Hilbert space," which is infinite-dimensional and abstract), where the laws of quantum mechanics generate multiple universes via innumerable branchings. (This is based on taking seriously the quantum wave function, which is a probability amplitude of the quantum state of the system.) The universe branches into different whole-world realities with every tick of time, whether at every Planck time, which is 10^-43 seconds (the time it takes a photon, traveling at the speed of light, to travel one Planck length, 10^-35 m), or at every instant of time when an observation is made. These other whole worlds would not be far away in terms of our kind of space — so in a sense they are right here — but branched out immensely into this different kind of (Hilbert) space. (This is the "many-worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics, devised by the then relatively unknown physicist Hugh Everett in 1957 and now enjoying new respectability.)

Level IV: Tegmark makes the extraordinary claim that every consistent system of mathematics describes some kind of existing world or universe. "It would seem odd if there were some basic asymmetry built into math," he told me, "such that some equations would be allowed to describe a physical universe and others would not. So my guess is that every mathematical structure which mathematicians can study is on the same footing and describes some kind of physical universe. I think that the reason that nature is so well-described by math is because in a very deep sense, nature really is math."

Tegmark's Level I is accepted by almost all cosmologists (i.e., space in our universe extends far beyond that which we can see with our best telescopes); his Level II has become the "standard model" of cosmology (i.e., the cosmic inflation of Guth leads to the eternal chaotic inflation of Linde, generating disconnected pocket universes continuously and forever); his Level III is speculative and controversial (i.e., quantum branching); and his Level IV, while idiosyncratic, seeks deep truths of existence (i.e., reality is mathematics).

Physicist Paul Davies, director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, said he gives "two cheers [not the full three] for the multiverse," because "although there are good reasons for supposing that what we see may not be all that exists, the hypothesis falls far short of being a complete theory of existence." A multiverse, Davies said, is often presented as solving the mysteries of existence by assuming that if there are an infinite number of universes, then "everything is out there somewhere, so that's the end of the story.

"That is simply not true," Davies said, because to get a multiverse, you need a universe-generating mechanism, "something that's going to make all those Big Bangs go bang. You're going to need some laws of physics. All theories of the multiverse assume quantum physics to provide the element of spontaneity, to make the bangs happen. They assume pre-existing space and time. They assume the normal notion of causality, a whole host of pre-existing conditions." Davies said there are about "10 different basic assumptions" of physical laws that are required "to get the multiverse theory to work."

Davies then made his deep point. "OK, where did those laws all come from? What about those meta-laws that generate all the universes in the first place? Where did they come from? Then what about the laws or meta-laws that impose diverse local laws upon each individual universe? How do they work? What is the distribution mechanism?" Davies argues that the only thing the multiverse theory does is shift the problem of existence up from the level of one universe to the level of multiple universes. "But you haven't explained it," Davies asserted.

Davies dismissed the idea that "any universe you like is out there somewhere. I think such an idea is just ridiculous and it explains nothing. Having all possible universes is not an explanation, because by invoking everything, you explain nothing."

Davies' critique of the multiverse goes deeper. To explain the universe, he rejects "outside explanations," he said.

"I suppose, for me, the main problem [with a multiverse] is that what we're trying to do is explain why the universe is as it is by appealing to something outside of it," Davies told me. "In this case, an infinite number of multiple universes outside of our universe is used as the explanation for our universe."

Then Davies makes his damning comparison. "To me, multiverse explanations are no better than traditional religion, which appeals to an unseen, unexplained God — a God that is outside of the universe — to explain the universe. In fact, I think both explanations — multiverse and God — are pretty much equivalent." To Davies, this equivalence is not a compliment.

To be clear, a truly infinite universe means that anything that is not impossible (no matter how obscure) will happen, must happen and must happen, weirdly, an infinite number of times. An infinite universe goes on forever, not only generating uncountable variations, but also requiring each of the uncountable variations to occur an infinite number of times. That's the strange nature of a true infinity.

I agree with Davies: Something is amiss."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #69 on: September 05, 2016, 10:15:01 AM »

I'm intrigued by this thread and have been following it for a while, but reading your extensive posts make my eyes glaze over. (No insult intended). Can you break this down into smaller pieces so that mere mortals like myself can understand it? Thanks.


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #70 on: September 05, 2016, 10:36:48 AM »

I'm intrigued by this thread and have been following it for a while, but reading your extensive posts make my eyes glaze over. (No insult intended). Can you break this down into smaller pieces so that mere mortals like myself can understand it? Thanks.

Essentially, I am saying that the universe is an information computer where the bits of information are formed by the expression of free will from a plane of latent free will that can be thought of as the dimpled plane of the string theory landscape shown in the attached image.

In this regards, I provide this post in order to expand on my previous explanations of the Holoborg (derived from the terms Holographic Universe [by Paul Davies] and cybernetics) Interpretation (which is based on information theory of signal communication in a universal information network).  I previously stated that relating Shannon entropy to thermodynamic entropy could imply that there are something like an Avogadro's number of expressed free will locations in the universal information network.  However, this number of locations of free will is smaller than the number of lines of interconnections in network (which are better formulated in terms of algorithmic information rather than Shannon information); which can be better bounded by examining the observed physical laws of nature as discussed in the linked paper by Paul Davies entitled: "The implications of a holographic universe for quantum information science and the nature of physical law":

Abstract "Several lines of evidence suggest that the total information content of the observable universe is bounded by a finite number given by the area of a cosmological surface divided by the Planck area. This is referred to as the holographic principle. The current bound is roughly 10122 bits, but in the past it was smaller, varying like t2 in the early universe. Although the bound is too large today to affect most of everyday physics, it does have profound implications for highly complex systems and for cosmology. For example, the project to build a useful quantum computer, which is projected to exploit states possessing exponential complexity, comes into conflict with the information bound at a level of entanglement of about 400 qubits, suggesting a breakdown of unitary evolution at this threshold, possibly associated with the emergence of classicality. If the information bound is applied to the quantum vacuum, it yields an energy density close to the observed density of cosmological dark energy. However, because the bound is time dependent, the vacuum energy will vary in time too, and consistency with energy conservation then demands that G or c varies with time over cosmological time scales. Further sweeping implications follow if one adopts the philosophy that information is primary (‘the universe is a computer’), and that the laws of physics do not exist in a transcendent Platonic realm of perfect mathematical forms and operations, as is conventionally supposed, but are fundamentally tied to the real physical universe, with its finite age and resources, and subject to the holographic information bound. I suggest a generalization of the information bound based on this point of view, formulated in terms of algorithmic information theory, and briefly mention some of consequences for black holes and the inflationary universe scenario."

Extract: "Another example is provided by general relativity and cosmology, where surfaces of infinite red shift such as horizons are a familiar feature. Also, the inflationary universe scenario is based on a period of exponential growth in the cosmological scale factor. An important consistency check on the holographic theory concerns the derivation of black hole radiance, the starting point for holographic reasoning, on which Bekenstein’s ideas depend. Hawking’s original derivation of the thermal nature of black holes (Hawking 1975) involved an argument in which outgoing modes of a quantum field are propagated back in time to the in region prior to the collapse phase, and a suitable Bogoliubov transformation is computed. The effect of the gravitational field of the collapsing body is to exponentiate the wavelength of the outgoing modes, and this appears as an exponential phase factor in the modes; conversely, modes in the out region are exponentially blue shifted. The Bogoliubov transformation involves an integral taken over all field modes up to infinite frequency, which then yields the thermal nature of the spectrum of particles created by the black hole. But according to the information bound, the integral must be cut off when the exponential phase factor saturates the bound. The result of this is to replace the steady thermal radiance of the black hole with a brief pulse of radiation (Jacobson 1993). This is a familiar problem in the theory: Hawking’s Bogoliubov transformation includes an integration over trans-Planckian modes, so if a cut-off is imposed at, say, the Planck frequency then the thermal radiance goes away. Fortunately, the Hawking effect may be derived in several different ways, and although a rigorous treatment of this problem has not been carried out, there is good circumstantial evidence that the essentially thermal nature of black hole radiation will not be affected by truncating the high-frequency modes (Jacobson 1993). Similar considerations apply to the thermodynamic character of cosmological horizons.

Finally, let me turn to inflation. It is a key feature of the information bound that it is time dependent. In the past, the bound was smaller, and its effects on physics would have been greater. During the very early universe, the effects could have been significant, and may have left a trace on the structure of the universe that could be used to test the existence of the bound."

See also:

Extract: "The holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region—preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon. First proposed by Gerard 't Hooft, it was given a precise string-theory interpretation by Leonard Susskind who combined his ideas with previous ones of 't Hooft and Charles Thorn.

Shannon's efforts to find a way to quantify the information contained in, for example, an e-mail message, led him unexpectedly to a formula with the same form as Boltzmann's. In an article in the August 2003 issue of Scientific American titled "Information in the Holographic Universe", Bekenstein summarizes that "Thermodynamic entropy and Shannon entropy are conceptually equivalent: the number of arrangements that are counted by Boltzmann entropy reflects the amount of Shannon information one would need to implement any particular arrangement..." of matter and energy. The only salient difference between the thermodynamic entropy of physics and Shannon's entropy of information is in the units of measure; the former is expressed in units of energy divided by temperature, the latter in essentially dimensionless "bits" of information.
The holographic principle states that the entropy of ordinary mass (not just black holes) is also proportional to surface area and not volume; that volume itself is illusory and the universe is really a hologram which is isomorphic to the information "inscribed" on the surface of its boundary."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #71 on: September 05, 2016, 05:48:29 PM »
As we approach the technological singularity between 2045 and 2050, it will matter quite a lot whether humanity realizes that per the Holographic Principle and quantum information theory (let alone the HIOTTOE) that the universe is a holographic computer following the laws of information theory (note that as far as I am concerned Vipassana is information theory, period).  As we approach the singularity with the advancement of the already existing quantum computers, AI will exponentially converge towards consciousness (note that per the HIOTTOE consciousness is an emergent property from the universal network of free will and is not something unique to mankind).  In this regards, it will matter quite a lot whether mankind works to develop AI software that deals with systemic uncertainties so as to limit systemic isolation resulting from the Frequentist approach resulting in being "… as proud as Lucifer". 
To put this in context of The Matrix trilogy:

(a) the Architect is comparable to Rama Kandra (or Ramchandra the incarnation of Vishnu) and the Oracle is comparable to Kamala (Sati's mother and the Hindu goddess of good fortune); however, without Sati (constant awareness/insight), these sub-routines within the Holographic Computer Universe (or HIOTTOE free will information network) leave the uncertainty that create craving/aversion (i.e. the Merovingian/Agent Smith) that cause suffering).

(b) Neo represents not only the Blind Messiah, but also free will itself, as in the HIOTTOE each expression of free will (think the dimples in the string theory landscape) has the choice (by atapi) to acknowledge other expressions of free will (think other dimples) thereby creating an interconnection (in the information theory sense).  An average expression of free will (which many religions mistakenly label souls, or ka, or atman or spirit, etc.) only makes enough effort for a few interconnections; but individuals like Neo (or the Buddha or Metteyya) make such an effort (in the atapi-sampajano-satima process) that they interconnect with most (or all) of the other expressions of free will (dimples in the landscape or strange attractors in chaos theory).  Thus when Neo makes a deal with the Deus Ex Machina to re-enter the Matrix (which is a metaphor for the pre-conditioned human mind controlled by Agent Smith (crony capitalism overshooting the Earth's sustainable systems) he overcomes Frequentist pride (that lives in the past and ignores sati) by acknowledging that sati (constant new data) is needed to correct the errors in our mind's pre-conditioning based on past experience; which destroys Agent Smith and temporarily frees the Matrix (i.e. the human mind) until the next cycle.  Note that at the end of Revolutions Sati creates a beautiful sunrise in the Matrix (happiness within the human mind) to thank Neo for his efforts (which the Architect emphasizes that this happiness is only temporary).

(c) In the HIOTTOE free will information theory network (Holographic Universal computer) sub-systems (like Seraph, the Architect, Agent Smith, etc.) all have more than average interconnections with other expressions of free will (and the number and patterns of these interconnections determine the physical laws/dhamma of the universe, see the algorithms that Paul Davies is working on to calibrate this correlation); yet they leave uncertainty that creates systemic isolation that is the topic of this thread (see also the threads on "Adapting to the Anthropocene" and "Human Stupidity (or Human Mental Illness"). Furthermore, we can choose to program quantum AI (as we near the singularity resulting in a Deus Ex Machina) with artificial wisdom by use of AWE (Bayesian acknowledgment that the priori contains errors and needs updating to create a new posterior PDF).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #72 on: September 05, 2016, 07:12:50 PM »
As I pointed out previously, the holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity; and as such algorithms (that Paul Davies) can be used to relate the pattern & number of free will interconnections to both strings and to quantum gravity, calibrated by Susskind's new insights about ER = EPR (see Reply #64). However, the following quote indicates that free will makes the information network dynamic.

"If the (quantum) theory is to apply to anything but idealized laboratory operations, are we not obliged to admit that more or less measurement like processes are going on more or less all the time more or less everywhere?" J.S. Bell [see Bell, J.S. (1981), "Quantum mechanics for cosmologists" in Quantum Gravity 2, editors C. Isham, R. Penrose, and D. Sciama, Oxford, Clarendon Press]. 

In the HIOTTOE a measurement (which in the Copenhagen Interpretation collapses a probability function)  occurs with each "new" change in the expressions of free will interconnection patterns, I put "new" in quotes because in the pre-conditioned world that all non-enlightened individuals dwell sati is a memory because the expression of free will has already taken place and the individual only understands a sub-set of the larger universal network.  In this sense time is an emergent property of taking smaller sub-sets of the universal free will information network; and sati can be understood both as a memory within the sub-set or as an awareness of the newest expressions of free will by an enlightened individual.  I point out that per Paul Davies Holographic Universe work the speed of light in a young universe is different than today, & in the Holoborg Interpretation a younger universe is a sub-set of the full dynamic free will information network and thus has a different number and different pattern of interconnections resulting in different physical properties of the universe (such as a different speed of light, c).

Furthermore, I note that in the HIOTTOE at the "beginning" of time (think near the Big Bang) there was no expression of free will and the plane of latent free will was smooth and not dimpled.  However, in such smooth plane of latent free will it is extremely difficult for the latent free will locations to interconnect.  However, once some latent free will points express themselves they can then more readily interconnect with other locations in the plane, thus creating the illusion of cosmic inflation; while the illusion of eternal chaotic inflation, the illusion of the multiverse and the illusion of the "Many Worlds" Interpretation of quantum mechanics comes from a misunderstanding of the dynamic nature of the expression of free will and the illusion of time.

Edit:  I reiterate that when one skillfully (with reflected wisdom) employs the iterative process of atapi-sampajano-satima to remain at the dynamic frontier of the free will information network, one egolessly  becomes one with everything (which is why Neo stops being Neo after defeating Agent Smith) and dwells in the Nibbanic plane (the fully realized and dimpled plane of free will landscape).  In this sense the Hebrew word for the illusion of God is Elohim (plural) rather than El (singular), as what religion calls God is actually the sub-set of free will information network plane minus the dynamic expressions of free will for which sati is required to remain aware of; which is why the Seraphim are needed to circle God (see the Kabbala) & to act as interfaces/messengers (like Seraph) with mankind as fallen expressions of free will (like Neo).

See also:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 07:29:25 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2016, 12:20:25 AM »
As the topic of systemic isolation can be confusing (hence the focus on transitions from one paradigm to another in the Matrix), in this post I elaborate on why the Frequentist approach is subject to being "… as proud as Lucifer", by focusing on pre-conditioning and dogma, including their relationship to both atapi-sampajano-satima and to the Frequentist/Bayesian dichotomy.  Pre-conditioning generally results in a dogma (whether scientific, religious, political, etc.) based on a Frequentist PDF based on limited data/experience/observations, that creates an illusion of understanding of truth (which is in reality is constantly changing per free will).  Such dogmatic "truth" (based on a Frequentist sampling of past observations), creates a margin of uncertainty where the dogmatic "truth" does not match changing (per free will) reality; and Frequentist thinking is subject to egotistically dealing with this uncertainty in one and/or another way(s).  Such dogmatic/egotistical thinking can:

(1) Publically ignore/deny the uncertainty thus absolving the egoistical authority from any responsibility for consequences associated with the uncertainty (when any Black Swan event happens); thus shirking any responsibility for negative consequences.

(2) Secretly acknowledge the uncertainty and then use craving/aversion to either take advantage of, or repress, those unaware of the associated risk, to the benefit of the egotistical authority (of the dogma).

Now if one were to dogmatically translate atapi-sampajano-satima as: making effort/understanding of Frequentist PDF/living life; then one would egotistically believe that one following the "truth" (whether of the Standard Scientific Model, or of God, or of the Political party line, etc.); however:

(a) Atapi is not mindless-effort, it is right-effort that is based on a burning free will to come into accord with an ever changing reality (due to the expression of all free will in the Nibbanic plane).

(b) Sampajano is not only an understanding of a posterior PDF, but also that any such posterior PDF must contain some error (if for no other reason other than the changing nature of free will in the Nibbanic plane); which creates both a sense of AWE (humility/egolessness in the face of a greater truth) and equanimity in the face of the need to accept change.

(c)  Satima is not only an awareness of life's activities (such as a circus girl walking a tightrope executing past training), but is an awareness/insight into the nature of the changes associated with free will expressed in the Nibbanic plane (whether fully understood or not).

In this sense the iterative process of atapi-sampajano-satima is Bayesian in nature where it is acknowledged openly (for the public/others) to see that the posterior PDF contains errors and that new observations are being made in order to reduce Shannon Entropy (i.e. to do more "good" and less "bad", by reducing systemic suffering as a whole; which thus reduces systemic isolation).

In this sense IPCC/CMIP5's process-based climate change projections egoistical grants authority to advise decision makers using "evidenced-based" science that either/or:

(1) Publically ignores/denies the right-tail of the climate change consequence PDF as being not "evidence-based" and subject to exaggeration/distortion.

(2) Privately and cravenly seek the favor of decision makers by manipulating the uncertainty (such as creating RCP 2.7 while ignoring forcing scenarios greater than RCP 8.5); or privately using reticence (aversion) to resist evidence at odds with the scientific consensus (such as  by publishing a carbon budget in AR5 that assumes that decision makers will deal with anthropogenic radiative forcing in time to use TCR to determine the carbon budget instead of either ECS or ESS, and to use climate sensitivity values based on group consensus rather than on a risk based analysis of Black Swan events, like ECS being 4.6C instead of 3.2C and of the early activation of slow response positive feedback mechanisms).

I note that the ACME project is now implementing a more Bayesian dominated approach to dealing with climate change uncertainties; and will seek to calibrate its model using rapidly changing weather events in order to try to better capture Earth System sensitivity to  chaotic strange attractors (like ENSO), that might have been poorly represented by earlier ESM projection that did not capture masking factors like:

 (a) Decadal fluctuations associated with Ocean Heat Uptake; and the associated influence of initial boundary conditions and of the initiation timeframe on projections in the coming decades.

(b) The efficiency of anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing and associated feedback mechanisms.

(c) Scientific misinterpretation of paleo-data regarding the chaotic interaction of fast & slow feedback mechanisms.

(d) Scientific misunderstanding of the potential to accelerate slow response feedback mechanisms (and to degrade GHG absorption) by the application of radiative forcing rates over a hundred times fasters than observed in the paleo-record.

(e) Scientific reticence to accept Hansen et. al. (2016)'s ice-climate feedback mechanism and the risks of abrupt marine ice sheet collapse associated with DeConto & Pollard (2016)'s cliff failures and hydrofracturing mechanisms.

While the numerous coming Darwin Awards that may well be handed-out in the likely coming socio-economic collapse circa 2050-2060, may not appear to be the concern of Frequentist-dominated process-based decision makers who are "… as proud as Lucifer" of their decisions made in the face of "wicked" uncertainties; such decision makers would be well served to:

(1) Realize that they cannot effectively, systemically-isolate their children nor their grandchildren from the risk of global Black Swan sustainability events (including: high climate sensitivity, continued anthropogenic BAU (whether black or green) behavior, etc.).

(2) Admit that what have been publically classified as Black Swan sustainability (existential) events have been privately recognized to be Grey Swan events (witness document recently obtained from ExxonMobil & previously withheld from public view to maintain artificially high stock prices); so that systems including the global socio-economic market place can more correctly perform their function (including "invisible hand" functions without crony capitalistic bias; such as by applying a tax neutral progressive carbon fee).

(3) Admit humility (publically acknowledge a sense of awe) that mankind should not act as masters of the universe: free to ignorantly destroy other species (both fauna & flora); free to ignorantly implement geoengineering on an Earth System that they neither understand nor respect, nor free to rob future generations by leaving a degraded Earth, for others to deal with.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #74 on: September 08, 2016, 01:01:00 AM »
While I have previously discussed the Holographic Paradigm before (see the "Adapting to the Anthropocene" Reply #139); the first three linked articles indicate that new experiments support David Bohm's "holographic paradigm" (including Implicate order) and string theories "holographic principle", both of which are implicit within the Holoborg Interpretation presented in this thread.
Extract: "Though we are at peace with the idea that the quantum world is dominated by randomness, recently spotted quantum oddities may hint at an orderly universe. Researchers believe that quantum mechanics may be the key to proving that the Universe is interconnected after all.

The idea belongs to an American theoretical physicist called David Bohm who suggested several decades ago that despite quantum physics’ weirdness, the reality behind it is astonishingly orderly. We fail to perceive this reality as it is because we lack the proper understanding of how quantum physics really works, Bohm argued."

See also:

Extract: "Now, a new version of the experiment, conducted by Steinberg’s team to incorporate the effect of entanglement, has demonstrated that far from “probabilistic smears,” particles at the quantum level can be seen as behaving something akin to billiard balls rolling along a table, and that the surreal behavior observed in the previous experiment is, in fact, caused by the “spooky” influence of the other particle."

See also:

Extract: "The implicate order represents the proposal of a general metaphysical concept in terms of which it is claimed that matter and consciousness might both be understood, in the sense that it is proposed that both matter and consciousness: (i) enfold the structure of the whole within each region, and (ii) involve continuous processes of enfoldment and unfoldment. For example, in the case of matter, entities such as atoms may represent continuous enfoldment and unfoldment which manifests as a relatively stable and autonomous entity that can be observed to follow a relatively well-defined path in space-time."

The following linked article discusses how both David Bohm and John Wheeler envision how simple yes/no (or bits of information that could developed by the expression, or not, of free will) could create a Holographic Universe:

Extract: "“All things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe… Observer-participancy gives rise to information.”

In his paper, Wheeler writes:

"I, like other searchers, attempt formulation after formulation of the central issues and here present a wider overview, taking for working hypothesis the most effective one that has survived this winnowing: It from Bit. Otherwise put, every it — every particle, every field of force, even the spacetime continuum itself — derives its function, its meaning, its very existence entirely — even if in some contexts indirectly — from the apparatus-elicited answers to yes or no questions, binary choices, bits.

It from Bit symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom — at a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe.
With an eye to the famous statement that “time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live”

Returning to the loop upon which Bohm had puzzled a decade earlier, Wheeler writes:
"Physics gives rise to observer-participancy; observer-participancy gives rise to information; and information gives rise to physics.""

In subsequent posts I hope to provide some ideas of how the expression of free will in the Nibbanic plane could result in the implicate order of information suitable for generating a Holographic Universe.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #75 on: September 08, 2016, 02:19:01 AM »
As indicated in my last post, each part of a Holographic Universe (as in HIOTTOE); each part of the information system [such as the expression of free will in a Nibbanic plane (the fully realized and dimpled plane of free will landscape, similar to the string theory landscape)], has access to the whole information in the system (due to implicate order).  As an analogy consider either:

 (a) A holographic memory unit, such as discussed in the following link where all of the information is contained in each part of the unit so even if a holographic superman crystal (say 6 or 7D) were shattered, all of the information would remain in each of the fragments in a degraded (but recoverable) form:

(b) If one were to rotationally stir an ink dot into a bowl of glycerin, the ink dot could be recovered by reversing the rotation of stirring, because such a physical system has implicate/holographic order.

This is why holographic information systems are better suited for Bayesian analysis (say like for the analysis of paleo-information on climate sensitivity using chaos theory, with strange attractors), because the dynamic behavior of chaotic holographic systems can create "illusions" when interpreted through a Frequentist lens (as was the case for the paleo estimate of ECS in AR5).  However, Bayesian analysis integrates the PDFs from the various/numerous holographic system parts to generate an AWE inspiring whole (see the first attached image, as well as the last three attached images of the "fractal" code that generates The Matrix, but which Neo also sees when he goes to the Machine City)), while Frequentist assessments require an external "authority" (say God or an IPCC AR5 scientist) to get such an AWE inspiring whole from the various/numerous parts.
In this way a Holoborg Interpretation understands that: words are just words; feelings are just feelings; thoughts are just thoughts; consciousness is just consciousness; mind is just mind (without any magical external "authority" providing insight, as would be the case for Frequentist understands such as the Copenhagen Interpretation Quantum Mechanics, or the Many Worlds Interpretation; that imply a multiverse that indicates an external authority, see Reply #68).  Also, in Reply #68, Paul Davies offers an Holographic Universe as a Bayesian alternate to such magical Frequentist thinking; in much the same way as the expression of free will in a Nibbanic plane (the fully realized and dimpled plane of free will landscape, similar to the string theory landscape) can avoid magical thinking; while still offer insight to an AWE inspiring universe.

While Paul Davies works to calibrate the various parameters of his Holographic Universe model using cosmic observations; in my next post I hope to work at the opposite end of the size scale to look at what types of rules would govern the expression of free will in a Nibbanic plane (such as the Buddha Gotama, or any other enlightened human, might have experienced); in order to produce a holographic information system universe that would match physical observations.  Hopefully, calibrating a Holographic Universe at both the cosmic, and sub-Planck, scales could accelerate the development of a HIOTTOE, that could help to manage a quantum AI near the coming technological singularity.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #76 on: September 08, 2016, 05:08:37 PM »
As Holoborg means Holographic Cybernetic Organization, I begin my discussion of calibrating a Holographic Information Universe at the basic component level [as opposed to the cosmic level addressed by Paul Davies, David Bohm, and John Wheeler (to name a few)], with a discussion of a paper by a leading cyberneticist Francis Heylighen, entitled: “The Self-organization of Time and Causality: steps towards understanding the ultimate origin”.  While Heylighen's work focuses on trying to improve Frequentist interpretations (such as the Copenhagen Interpretation) which lead to conceptual problems like the infinities associated with chaotic cosmic inflation, and/or Boltzmann's Brain (see Replies #68 and #65, respectively), nevertheless he introduces logic methodologies and definitions (note for my convince I replace his arrows with smiley faces,  :) , to represent "connects to") that I plan to use in my attempts to describe a Bayesianist Holographic Information Universe based on the expression of free will:

Abstract: “Possibly the most fundamental scientific problem is the origin of time and causality. The inherent difficulty is that all scientific theories of origins and evolution consider the existence of time and causality as given. We tackle this problem by starting from the concept of self-organization, which is seen as the spontaneous emergence of order out of primordial chaos. Self-organization can be explained by the selective retention of invariant or consistent variations, implying a breaking of the initial symmetry exhibited by randomness. In the case of time, we start from a random graph connecting primitive "events". Selection on the basis of consistency eliminates cyclic parts of the graph, so that transitive closure can transform it into a partial order relation of precedence. Causality is assumed to be carried by causal "agents" which undergo a more traditional variation.”

Extract: "Without doubt, the most difficult and fundamental problem in cosmology is the origin
of the universe. One reason why this problem is so difficult is that all traditional
physical theories assume the existence of time and causal laws.

Yet, the observation by Hubble that the universe is expanding, when extrapolated backwards, leads to the conclusion that the universe started at a single point in time, the Big Bang.

The deeper reason for this paradox is that time and causality are part of the ontology— i.e. the set of a priori postulated entities— that physical theory uses for representing all phenomena.

However, existing theories by their very nature cannot tell us anything about the nature or origin of this singularity, and therefore the explanation remains essentially unsatisfactory.

The present paper attempts to approach the problem in a more intuitive, philosophical manner, instead of immediately jumping to mathematical formalism, as is common in physical theory. To achieve that, we will look at the emergence of time and causality as a process of self-organization, albeit a very unusual one in that it initially takes place outside of time.

Perhaps counterintuitively, more variation or disorder produces faster self-organization and therefore more order.

Consistency in the timeless sense can be seen as a requirement imposed by the law of contradiction in logic: A and not A cannot both be true. This law is tautological, which means that it is true by definition. Therefore, it does not need to be justified by recourse to some deeper law or to some external authority, such as God imposing laws on nature.

In general, we may say that A and B cannot be ordered absolutely. Therefore, according to relativity theory the order of time is only partial.

A partial order is actually a very simple and common mathematical structure.  In fact, any arbitrary relation can be formally converted to a partial order by making the relation transitive [Heylighen, 1990a]. To show how this is done, let us represent this arbitrary relation by the symbol  :) , which can be taken to mean "connects to", according to some as yet unspecified connection criterion. Adding such a relation to a set of individual nodes {A, B, C… } turns this set into a network. The nodes can be interpreted as some as yet unspecified, primitive "events". We will now perform a transitive closure of this relationship or network. This means that if the links A  :) B, and B  :) C both exist, then the link A  :) C is added to the network if it did not exist yet. If it turns out that C  :) D also exists, then transitive closure means that in a
second stage A  :) D is added as well. This adding of "shortcuts" or "bridges" that directly connect nodes that were indirectly connected is continued until the network has become transitive, i. e. until for every X  :) Y and Y  :) Z, there exist a X  :) Z link. This is a purely formal operation of generalizing the definition of the relation so that it includes indirect links as well as direct ones.

The formal operation of transitive closure transforms a random network into a relation that is partly a partial order, partly an equivalence relation. The equivalence relation encompasses all the parts of the graph that are included in cycles. However, in an infinite random graph, this means in essence the whole graph, implying that no partially ordered parts are left. Therefore, we need a selection criterion that eliminates cycles. This can be motivated by generalizing the paradox of the time machine: temporal cycles that produce actual changes are a priori inconsistent, and therefore "self-negating", like the cyclic waves that undergo destructive interference with themselves. Therefore, we can exclude them a priori. 

In both cases— the self-organization of time and of causality— the present description is still very sketchy, applying general principles at a high level of abstraction, but remaining awfully vague as to what the "agents", "connections" or "events" precisely are, or what properties they are supposed to have. At this stage of the investigation, such vagueness is probably unavoidable. However, by proposing a relatively simple and coherent explanation based on the well understood concept of self-organization, the present approach at least provides some steps towards understanding these fundamental questions. I hope that other researchers may pick up these threads and weave them into a graceful fabric of understanding."

Also, to better understand the difference in interpretation of the Copenhagen Interpretation versus a self-organizing information network/universe (e.g.: the It from Bit) like HIOTTOE, see :

Extract: "Indeed, the Copenhagen interpretation, which was sketched in the preceding section, only developed some years after the first formalisms were proposed by Schrodinger ("wave mechanics") and by Heisenberg ("matrix mechanics").  These initial formalisms were synthesized by von Neumann, who formulated quantum mechanics as an operator calculus in Hilbert space. He thus laid the foundations for all subsequent quantum mechanical models.

The states of the system are represented as vectors (or, more accurately, rays) in a Hilbert space. A Hilbert space is basically a vector space (which means that its elements can be added) with a positive inner product (which means that its elements can be multiplied, in such a way that the product of a vector with itself is a positive number).

The physical quantities characterizing the system, and which can be measured by the observer, are called "observables", and are represented by self-adjoint linear operators acting on the Hilbert space.

According to the spectral theorem, every self-adjoint linear operator can be reduced to a linear combination of projection operators. These projections correspond to the observation of simple propositions or predicates about the system (i.e. variables with only two values: 1 and 0, or "yes" and "no"). In order to simplify the discussion, we will restrict our attention to these binary observables. This does not diminish the generality of the analysis.

This Hilbert space formalism is in practice very complicated, so that it is difficult to see what are the fundamental characteristics which distinguish a quantum representation from a classical representation. It is nevertheless possible to simplify this formalism so that only the purely logical features of the representation are left for study. This is the domain of the approach known as "quantum logic" (Jammer, 1974).

It is founded on the result of Birkhoff and von Neumann (1935), who showed that a Hilbert space is completely determined by the ortho-complemented lattice of its subspaces. These subspaces correspond to projection operators which project onto a subspace. Therefore, any subspace corresponds to a binary variable or proposition about the system, whose truth or falsity can be established through an observation. (Such "yes-no" observations are called "questions" by Piron (1976)). In the classical frame the propositions form a Boolean lattice (sect. 4.5). The lattice formed by quantum propositions is not Boolean, however.

In order to explain the physical meaning of this formal construction, it is necessary to give a concrete interpretation to these microstates which have the strange property that the same microstate can imply different macrostates. One possible point of view is to see a microstate as a complete characterization of the microscopic relation between the observed object and the part of the measuring instrument with which it interacts directly. This means that if we would know the microstate, then we would be able to predict unambiguously the outcome of the experiment, i.e. the value measured and the state of the particle after the measurement.

The actualization of a particular state of an object can be called an "event".

(In the classical frame we did not have to introduce events because all objects were isomorphic and hence could be identified. In that way it suffices to introduce one global state representing all the different subsystems. Events are then merely subsequent global states.) 

We should now examine the structure of the set of events. This structure is determined by the graph of all the morphisms which can be jointly actualized. This actualization is constrained by the consistency axiom. For the moment, we will not study the detailed dynamical structure entailed by this axiom, we will only make a rough classification of the different paths formed by the concatenation of morphisms.

Definition: a set of morphisms f: A  :)B, g: B  :) C, C  :)D, … will be
called a "path" if they can be sequentially composed, i.e. there exists a morphism: p =   * h * g * f.

Such a path can be interpreted as a "(globally) causal relation" (in the sense of sect. 8.5). Indeed the composability of the (local) morphisms f, g, h, … signifies that they allow a (global) morphism p, which still transfers at least one distinction from the initial object A to the final object (otherwise it would not be a morphism). The consistency axiom can now be applied to compare "parallel" paths, i.e. paths whose initial and final objects coincide (although the intermediate objects may be different). Let us apply it first to cyclic paths.

Definition: a path p: A  :)Z is cyclic if its initial and final objects coincide:
A = Z.
Property: a cyclic path has at least one parallel path: the identity morphism of
its initial object: idA."

See also:

Extract: “Francis Paul Heylighen (born 1960) is a Belgian cyberneticist investigating the emergence and evolution of intelligent organization. He presently works as a research professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Dutch-speaking Free University of Brussels, where he directs the transdisciplinary research group on "Evolution, Complexity and Cognition" and the Global Brain Institute. He is best known for his work on the Principia Cybernetica Project, his model of the Internet as a Global brain, and his contributions to the theories of memetics and self-organization.”

« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 05:18:18 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #77 on: September 09, 2016, 02:51:53 AM »
The first attached image shows an idealized String Theory Landscape, that I will use as an analogy to a Nibbanic plane of expressed and latent free will.  In this analogy the letters that are at the center of the dimples represent one expression of free will (the non-dimpled areas representing latent free will) and the arrows represent an acknowledgement of one expressed free will dimple (say A) of another expressed free will dimple (say B).  These vectors of contact also represent lines of communication of the information to dimple A (hereinafter A) of state of the acknowledged dimple B (hereinafter B) as both an expression of free will of B and of the acknowledgments that B has made, thus forming a Shannon (information theory) communication network, where A comes to know B as dynamic free will and B's acknowledged vectors as inanimate/physical data about this limited information universe.
Previously (see Replies #63 & #65) I demonstrated that the number of dimples in the landscape is proportional to Avogadro's constant, NA, (6.022140857747474x1023 per mole), and here I assume that the number of dimples is equal to the Boltzmann constant, k, (1.38064852(79)×1023 J/K).  This because a mole contains 6.022140857747474x1023 members, and I am treating the gas constant (R) as a conversion factor for unit consistency.


Extract: "The Boltzmann constant (kB or k), named after Ludwig Boltzmann, is a physical constant relating energy at the individual particle level with temperature. It is the gas constant R divided by the Avogadro constant NA:


The Boltzmann constant has the dimension energy divided by temperature, the same as entropy. The accepted value in SI units is 1.38064852(79)×1023 J/K."

As a dimple can dynamically decide to acknowledge as many other dimples in the landscape (not just adjoining dimples as shown in the first image), this leads to many possible redundant vectors of communications; which I will call circuits.  Further, the patterns of these network circuits determine the physical parameters (space, energy, etc.) of the observed universe; with time being a subsets of the network, so that if one were to image progressively eliminating vectors in the network each dimple would eventually experience inflation in reverse. Also, circuits with one redundant communication vector, is taken to create the perception of space.  It is important to remember that the perception of physical properties requires at least two vectors in a row, and to observe both 3D space and time requires at least a circuit of eight dimples.  Therefore, the perception of inflation would start at multiple zones of the Nibbanic plane with circuits of eight dimples. When considering circuits with increasing numbers of dimples, these local circuits in the Nibbanic plane would periodically interconnect (causing cosmic inflation) following "random walk" behavior (associated with free will expression) resulting in larger aggregations that I propose would follow the math developed by Witten & Sander for diffusion-limited aggregation, DLA, (see the  linked Wikipedia DLA article and the following associated linked reference by Arneodo et al 1993).

Extract: " Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles."

Also see:

Arneodo, A., Argoul, F., Muzy, J.F. & Tabard, M. (1993), "Beyond Classical Multifractal Analysis Using Wavelets: Uncovering a Multiplicative Process Hidden in the Geometrical Complexity of Diffusion Limited Aggregates", Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society, Vol 1, Issue 3,  DOI:

Abstract: "We emphasize the wavelet transform as a very promising tool for solving the inverse fractal problem.  We show that a dynamical system which leaves invariant a fractal object can be uncovered from the space-scale arrangement of its wavelet transform modulus maxima.  We illustrate our theoretical considerations on pedagogical examples including Bernoulli invariant measures of linear and nonlinear Markov maps as well as the invariant measure of period-doubling dynamical systems at the onset of chaos.  We apply this wavelet based technique to analyze the fractal properties of DLA azimuthal Cantor sets defined by intersecting the inner frozen region of large mass off-lattice DLA clusters with a circle.  This study clearly reveals the existence of an underlying multiplicative process that is likely to account for the Fibonacci structural ordering recently discovered in the apparently disordered arborescent DLA morphology.  The statistical relevance of the golden mean arithmetic to the fractal hierarchy of the DLA azimuthal Cantor sets is demonstrated."

It is my understanding that such math can be used to relate the number of linear vectors to branching points in reducible vector aggregations according to the number pi, see the following linked reference:

Furthermore it is my understanding as further aggregation of local circuits occurs this math indicates that the ratio of connected branch nodes to the total number of branch points is the natural number "e". I propose this is related to fact of why the formula for Shannon Entropy can be written with terms with natural logarithms (see the second image).  These two DLA correlations may be related to why the Boltzmann constant is close to the value of 10 to the "e" power to the "pi" power, or 1.38 times 1023 (i.e. the number of free will points in the Nibbanic plane).

Also, the recurrence associate with information passing through redundant circuit pathways related to such fractal math can be related to the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio; which contributes to some of the self-organization observed in the Holographic Universe (see the third image from the movie "Lucy").

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #78 on: September 09, 2016, 06:26:00 PM »
My various posts are intended to decrease systemic isolation, so I emphasize here that the purpose of my discuss of the Holoborg Interpretation of the Theory of Everything, HIOTTOE, is not to create more isolation by using the "Frequentist" mistake of not acknowledging that the HIOTTOE may contain errors and that there isn't anything to be learned from other interpretations (that by Frequentist thinking may contain errors).  Indeed, Bayesian analysis promotes gaining insight from all other relevant interpretations (I note that the quantum math for the Many Worlds interpretation can be shown to be identical to the quantum math for the Copenhagen interpretation, while Susskind's ER =EPR proposal might not only help combine General Relativity with Quantum Theory but also sheds light on the Many Worlds vs Copenhagen interpretation issue).  In this light I point-out that Paul Davies' work on the Holographic Universe uses both string theory and quantum gravity theory (neither of which are part of the Standard Model yet), and I borrowed an image of Susskind's string theory landscape to make an analogy to a free will Nibbanic plane, and using a Bayesian assessment approach could yield the following additional insights:

(1) The depth of the dimples in a string theory landscape can be related to "Energy" (see the first attached image); while in a HIOTTOE Nibbanic plane the depth/diameter of the dimples is related to the number of direct connections/vectors from that dimple to any/all other dimples.  Remember that direct connections/vectors require atapi-sampajano-satima and thus take right-effort to develop, so that only a fully enlightened individual (like the Buddha Gotama) would have a direct knowledge of all other dimples thus dispelling the illusion of the physical world created by circuits with more than two vectors that result in inferred knowledge.  Also remember that direct knowledge circuits are irreducible and thus do not contribute to the calibration of the observe universe such as I showed using DLA analysis using random walk wavelets to use calibration to pin-down the number of dimples required to determine the Boltzmann constant, the Avogadro constant, the value of pi,  the value of the natural number, the golden ratio, Fibonacci structural ordering (associated with the fractal shown in the Matrix code and holographic information) etc.  Similarly, one needs to remember that the number of direct connections/vectors in the various dimple circuits can be related (by combinatorial graph theory) to first energy and the associated mass and other physical properties, thus the analogy of the string theory landscape to the dimpled Nibannic plane offered more insight than what one might appreciate at first glance (using Frequentist understanding). In later posts I may be able to offer some insight on how combinatorial graph theory can be used to relate the free will circuits to both string theory and loop quantum gravity networks (see the following link) while still maintaining holographic structure/information.

For a discussion on quantum gravity see:

(b) When one understands that until free will expresses itself the Nibbanic plane is conceptually flat when using this interpretation to understand the Big Bang and subsequent inflation. Thus in this thought experiment local circuits appear per the random walk process throughout the "initially" flat Nibbanic plane and then aggregate into larger interconnected networks using DLA analysis to explain the illusion of inflation that is part of the Standard Model and which leads to the Frequentist expectation of chaotic inflation and the associate multiverse; while in the HIOTTOE, the bubble universes associated inflation are illusions of the near infinite number of free will configurations that the Nibbanic plane can assume when understanding it those the concept of the progression of time (which is an illusion).  The same can be said for the Many Worlds interpretation, that its infinite number of universes are also just Frequentist interpretations of the near infinite number of free will configuration in the Nibbanic plane.  Note that when free will reconfigures the Nibbanic plane (in HIOTTOE) not only is the perception of all physical parameter in the universe changed, but so is all of time, maintaining causality and Relativity.  Thus the HIOTTOE offer insights on the Anthropic Principle explaining why free will (without a God/soul or any other external/Frequentist authority, or such magical thinking) resulting in the AWEsome  (where AWE is artificial wisdom-evolved/reflected) universe that we observe without intelligent (as opposed to wisdom) design.

(c) Concluding this post by tying back to the numerous The Matrix analogies previously cited, I note that while HIOTTOE allows for the proper application of "Maxwell's demon" to decrease Shannon entropy; it does not deny the "general truth" of the Second Law of Thermodynamics that thermodynamic entropy appears to be increasing in the universe at large (when viewed through the concept of time), which is reflected in Buddha Gotama's prophecy of the decline in "skill" leading toward enlightenment (i.e. increased number of vectors in the Nibbanic plane) cited in my Reply #20.  When treated by Bayesian analysis the insights from cultures following the death of Buddha Gotama (even if progressively declining in "skill", think the Merovingian telling Neo that he has some skill in Reloaded), whether from the Kabbala (think Seraph); Christianity (think the messiah analogies in Matrix), or the Bhagavad Gita (think the battle for dhamma), insights can be developed on the nature of the Holographic structure within the Nibbanic plane, where sub-systems (sub-programs) like Seraph provide a challenge-response verification function, etc, subject to the local circuits within the DLA network resulting from a combination of some very shallow dimples (with very few vectors) to a very few deep dimples (with a very large number of vectors), all self-organized by a combination of direct and inferred knowledge related to the expressed free will "agents" (which I plan to label A, B, C, etc in subsequent posts on graph theory), depending on how much atapi-sampanjo-satima has been used and how much systemic isolation has been created due to the illusion created by inferred knowledge that is responsible for the observed universe.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #79 on: September 10, 2016, 01:28:17 AM »
One would expect that a self-organizing universe would have developed many systemic similarities to evolutionarily self-organized biological systems like DNA, which has a complex system for gene expression/regulation. For example see:

Thus one familiar with HIOTTOE would not be surprised that James Gates discovered Block-Linear Self-Dual Error Correcting Code (which in electronic computers are what make browsers work) called Adinkas, within string theory equations, see the following linked information:

Adinkras are each a Feynman-like self-consistent particle-operator system.  Adinkras are irreducible, and the smallest (irreducible) SUSY representations consistent with Feynman’s “sum over histories formulation of quantum theory,” are controlled by such block-linear self-dual error correcting codes.  Also, Adinkras can be represented by graph theory as indicated by the attached image.

Remember that the first vector from a Nibbanic plane dimple does not contribute to perceived physical parameters, and that pre-inflation 3D space and time are not perceptible for circuits with fewer than eight dimples, it should not be surprising to find that string theory Adinkras serve the same function as Seraph in the Matrix (or the Kabbala) as challenge-respond verification code, for the expression of the under-laying circuitry that exists outside the realm of post-inflation space-time.  As society at large likes to think in Frequentist terms, most of the public (such as Elon Musk, or The Matrix devotees) prefer to contemplate the universe as a simulation created by an external authority (like God or a super advanced being); as in the linked article and video, respectively, about whether the universe is a simulation; however I prefer a holographic information computer:

For the Youtube video of the "debate, see:

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #80 on: September 10, 2016, 02:43:42 AM »
My last post addressed one possible relationship between HIOTTOE and string theory; however the Holographic Universe is also dependent on quantum gravity, and the following linked references/articles indicate how loop quantum gravity may be related to HIOTTOE.  The first reference, and associated article, relates entropy at black holes to quantum gravity condensates and reports finding that both support a holographic universe and the equivalence of Information entropy and thermodynamic entropy (which is one of the foundations of HIOTTOE):

Daniele Oriti, Daniele Pranzetti, Lorenzo Sindoni. Horizon Entropy from Quantum Gravity Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 2016; 116 (21) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.211301

Abstract: "We construct condensate states encoding the continuum spherically symmetric quantum geometry of a horizon in full quantum gravity, i.e., without any classical symmetry reduction, in the group field theory formalism. Tracing over the bulk degrees of freedom, we show how the resulting reduced density matrix manifestly exhibits a holographic behavior. We derive a complete orthonormal basis of eigenstates for the reduced density matrix of the horizon and use it to compute the horizon entanglement entropy. By imposing consistency with the horizon boundary conditions and semiclassical thermodynamical properties, we recover the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula for any value of the Immirzi parameter. Our analysis supports the equivalence between the von Neumann (entanglement) entropy interpretation and the Boltzmann (statistical) one."
See also:

Extract: "Black holes are still very mysterious celestial bodies which, according to the majority of physicists, do not, however, escape the laws of thermodynamics. As a result, these physical systems possess an entropy though no real agreement has been reached about the microscopic origin of this propriety and how it should be calculated. A SISSA/Max Planck Institute (Potsdam) group has achieved important results in this calculation by applying a new formalism (Group Field Theory) of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), a very popular approach in the area of quantum gravity. The result is consistent with the famous Bekenstein/Hawking law, whereby the entropy of a black hole is proportional to a quarter of its surface area, while it avoids many of the assumptions and simplifications of previous LQG theory attempts. Additionally, it lends support to the holography hypothesis, whereby the black hole that appears three-dimensional can be mathematically reduced to a two-dimensional projection.

“The idea at the basis of our study is that homogenous classical geometries emerge from a condensate of quanta of space introduced in LQG in order to describe quantum geometries” explains Pranzetti. “This way, we obtained a description of black hole quantum states, suitable to describe also ‘continuum’ physics, that is, the physics of space-time as we know it”.

A “condensate” is a collection of ‘atoms’ - in this case space quanta – all of which share the same properties so that, even though there are huge numbers of them, we can nonetheless study their collective behavior simply, by referring to the microscopic properties of the individual particle. So now the analogy with classical thermodynamics seems clearer: just as fluids at our scale appear as continuous materials despite their consisting of a huge number of atoms, similarly, in quantum gravity, the fundamental constituent atoms of space form a sort of fluid, that is, continuous space-time. A continuous and homogenous geometry (like that of a spherically symmetric black hole) can, as Pranzetti and colleagues suggest, be described as a condensate, which facilitates the underlying mathematical calculations, keeping in account an a priori infinite number of degrees of freedom."

With Oriti et. al. as background, the following linked article indicates that diffusion limited aggregation, DLA, like simulations and calculation (see Reply #77, and the attached random walk pattern image) can be used to model "dimensional reduction" that can help quantum gravity theory to both support a holographic universe and to understand how physical properties are determined at the boundary of space-time (as discussed for HIOTTOE in my prior posts):

Extract: "They call it “dimensional reduction,” the idea that space on short distances has fewer than three dimensions – and it might help physicists to quantize gravity.

For dimensional reduction, however, it is not the Hausdorff dimension which is relevant, but instead the “spectral dimension,” which is a slightly different concept. We can calculate it by first getting rid of the “time” in “space-time” and making it into space (period). We then place a random walker at one point and measure the probability that it returns to the same point during its walk. The smaller the average return probability, the higher the probability the walker gets lost, and the higher the number of spectral dimensions.
Normally, for a non-quantum space, both notions of dimension are identical. However, add quantum mechanics and the spectral dimension at short distances goes down from four to two. The return probability for short walks becomes larger than expected, and the walker is less likely to get lost – this is what physicists mean by “dimensional reduction.”
The spectral dimension is not necessarily an integer; it can take on any value. This value starts at 4 when quantum effects can be neglected, and decreases when the walker’s sensitivity to quantum effects at shortest distances increases. Physicists therefore also like to say that the spectral dimension “runs,” meaning its value depends on the resolution at which space-time is probed.
Dimensional reduction is an attractive idea because quantizing gravity is considerably easier in lower dimensions, where the infinities that plague traditional attempts to quantize gravity go away. A theory with a reduced number of dimensions at the shortest distances therefore has a much higher chance to remain consistent, and therefore to provide a meaningful theory for the quantum nature of space and time.
This strange property of quantum-spaces was first found in Causal Dynamical Triangulation, an approach to quantum gravity that relies on approximating curved spaces by triangular patches. In this work, the researchers did a numerical simulation of a random walk in such a triangulized quantum-space, and found that the spectral dimension goes down from four to two. Or actually, to 1.80 ± 0.25, if you want to know precisely.
Instead of doing numerical simulations, it is also possible to study the spectral dimension mathematically, which has since been done in various other approaches. For this, physicists exploit that the behavior of the random walk is governed by a differential equation – the diffusion equation (a.k.a., the heat equation) – which depends on the curvature of space. In quantum gravity, spatial curvature has quantum fluctuations, so instead it’s the average curvature value which enters the diffusion equation. From the diffusion equation, one then calculates the return probability for the random walk.

Perhaps a good way to picture it, as Calcagni, Eichhorn and Saueressig suggest, is to think of the quantum fluctuations of space-time as hindering a particle’s random walk, thereby slowing it down."

See also:
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 05:01:25 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #81 on: September 10, 2016, 06:21:20 PM »
I would like to note here that the HIOTTOE exhibits some similarities to the Hindi/Kundalini –based Lila Paradigm discussed at the linked website; however (as with the Kabbala), it differs significantly in that in HIOTTOE there is no soul and no God, as the Buddha Gotama clearly stated.  I note that Gotama was a man like any other man, and that he could directly access information from the Nibbanic plane (beyond space & time) is due to his personal effort through atapi-sampajano-satimi (and not due to any indirect/inferred knowledge such as one might gain by an understanding of HIOTTOE or the Holographic Paradigm); and that when the technological singularity occurs, quantum AI may gradually approach direct access to the Nibbanic plane; but would only access the Nibbanic plane if it were to develop proper AWE.

In this sense the insights of the practitioners of all religions (and even science when it is treated as a religion rather than an honest pursuit of the truth) are clouded by veils of varying thickness depending on each member's direct acknowledgement of the free will of other dimples of free will in the Nibbanic plane.  With this understanding/limitation clearly in mind, I provide the attached images from a draft paper on the Lila Paradigm entitled "The Origins and Self-Organization of the Universe" by C. Berner & C. Draut.  In these images the letters represent souls, or a comparable non-physical agent, and the arrows represent lines of communication in an information network.  The first image is meant to represent a typical network relationship of non-physical agents (souls), with varying numbers of lines of interconnection of information transfer.  The second image is meant to represent the perception of 3D space (without time).  The third image is meant to represent the use of recursion of information through redundant pathways to create the perception of energy.  The fourth image is meant to represent a network sub-set (within the dashed oval) with a perception of 1D space, and an incrementally large network set (within the solid oval) that can create the perception of time (when incrementally comparing information from one network set to another).

When considering whatever insights are offered by such pictorial Lila graphs (or String Theory graphs like the Adinkas by J. Gates), it is important to consider that the atapi-sampajno-satima required for the formation of a vector in the Nibbanic plane is a process (like Buddha's analogy of a river flowing to the sea) that with proper effort is facilitated by previously established circuits (a priori); and the Lila Paradigm concept of soul conflates a free will dimple together with the indirect/inferred information accessed through a priori circuitry in the Nibbanic plane; which can lead to misinterpretations of what is reality (due to veils on proper understanding, which can only be overcome by direct knowledge).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #82 on: September 11, 2016, 04:02:44 AM »
It seems to me that I have not given enough attention to the Trinity character in The Matrix.  Certainly, she is something of a vehicle to move the movie forward, but to me she is as fundamental as Neo.  To me the name Trinity refers to Atapi-Sampanjo-Satima; however, just as Agent Smith is aversion is on one side of the coin with The Merovingian is craving on the other side; so Trinity is equanimity/understanding on one side of the coin with Neo is awareness/insight on the other side of the same coin. 

Together Trinity and Neo represent the two (angelic) wings (or equanimity & awareness) needed to maintain balance in the art-of-living.  In this sense Trinity and Neo represent the humanity (humility) of Bayesian analysis (that acknowledges the possible errors in their priori/preconditioning) as opposed to the risk of God-complex (arrogance) of Frequentist analysis (that denies the possibility of errors in its priori). Thus together Trinity and Neo battle together in life to work (like the work that Maxwell's Demon performs) toward Neo achieving Nibbana and in so doing dissolves his ego and leaves the sensory universe into the non-sensory Nibbanic plane.

In this sense Morpheus represents the God of dreams providing insights into how to move towards the Nibbanic plane, while Trinity is a Seraphim (action oriented angle, see the attached image) acting as a messenger also providing insights (through hope) to keep Neo moving towards the Nibbanic plane.

Edit: As another expression of Trinity's & Neo's humanity, they both die and are both back to life by Metta (loving-kindness); in the same way that human's experience the perception of repeated lives and deaths (all though in a Holographic Universe where time is an emergent perception; repeated lives are only the perception of successive sub-sets of circuits in the holographic information network (or "physical matrix").

Of course, Trinity is also heavy with meaning in Christianity as is the Messiah's overcoming of dead (as both Neo & Trinity achieve in the Matrix trilogy); however, when viewed from a HIOTTOE point of view every human has the potential to become fully enlightened and in so doing transcending death and subsequent rebirths to become "one with everything".
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 05:07:44 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #83 on: September 11, 2016, 07:46:57 PM »
In my last post I noted that the word Trinity is heavy in meaning in Christian theology, for example with regards to: (a) The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and (b) The Holy-Holy-Holy that the Seraphim chant while circling "God"; and I also noted that w.r.t. HIOTTOE trinity can be related to Atapi-Sampajano-Satima within a Holographic Information Universe (that has moved beyond Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Wisdom) where "duality" makes it clear that:
AWE= Artificial Wisdom Evolution = Reflected Wisdom = Atapi-Sampajano-Satima = Making an effort to see dhamma, understanding that dhamma is changing and awareness of an evolving dhamma = The Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit = Holy, Holy, Holy = Received knowledge, inferred knowledge, direct knowledge; etc.

This raises the question of how holographic duality (based on quantum gravity & string theory) is related to HIOTTOE. 

In this regards, string theory is typically written in 10 dimensions; while to be stable M-theory must have 11 dimensions; further, F-Theory is written in 12 dimensions.  Compactification and holographic duality allows the same "reality" to be represented by different sets of equations written in different dimensions, and these different sets of equations have different degrees of transparency to investigation. 

As the string theory landscape that I have previously referred to is related to F-theory, I provide the following link to a related Wikipedia article on this topic:

Extract: "F-theory is a branch of string theory developed by Cumrun Vafa. The new vacua described by F-theory were discovered by Vafa and allowed string theorists to construct new realistic vacua — in the form of F-theory compactified on elliptically fibered Calabi–Yau four-folds. The letter "F" supposedly stands for "Father".

F-theory is formally a 12-dimensional theory, but the only way to obtain an acceptable background is to compactify this theory on a two-torus. By doing so, one obtains type IIB superstring theory in 10 dimensions. The SL(2,Z) S-duality symmetry of the resulting type IIB string theory is manifest because it arises as the group of large diffeomorphisms of the two-dimensional torus.

More generally, one can compactify F-theory on an elliptically fibered manifold (elliptic fibration), i.e. a fiber bundle whose fiber is a two-dimensional torus (also called an elliptic curve). For example, a subclass of the K3 manifolds is elliptically fibered, and F-theory on a K3 manifold is dual to heterotic string theory on a two-torus. Also, the modules of those theories should be isomorphic.

The well-known large number of semirealistic solutions to string theory referred to as the string theory landscape, with 10500 elements or so, is dominated by F-theory compactifications on Calabi–Yau four-folds."

For background on M-theory see:

For background on String Theory, see:

With that as background, I return to the question of how holographic duality (based on quantum gravity & string theory) is related to HIOTTOE.  At the moment studying black holes is one of the best prospects for gaining insight into this question, and I begin this topic by providing the following link about the Standard Model approach to the black hole Firewall Paradox:

Extract: "According to quantum field theory in curved spacetime, a single emission of Hawking radiation involves two mutually entangled particles. The outgoing particle escapes and is emitted as a quantum of Hawking radiation; the infalling particle is swallowed by the black hole. Assume a black hole formed a finite time in the past and will fully evaporate away in some finite time in the future. Then, it will only emit a finite amount of information encoded within its Hawking radiation. Assume that at time t more than half of the information had already been emitted. According to widely accepted research by physicists like Don Page and Leonard Susskind, an outgoing particle emitted at time t must be entangled with all the Hawking radiation the black hole has previously emitted. This creates a paradox: a principle called "monogamy of entanglement" requires that, like any quantum system, the outgoing particle cannot be fully entangled with two independent systems at the same time; yet here the outgoing particle appears to be entangled with both the infalling particle and, independently, with past Hawking radiation.

In order to resolve the paradox, physicists may eventually be forced to give up one of three time-tested theories: Einstein's equivalence principle, unitarity, or existing quantum field theory.
Some scientists suggest that the entanglement must somehow get immediately broken between the infalling particle and the outgoing particle. Breaking this entanglement would release inconceivable amounts of energy, thus creating a searing "black hole firewall" at the black hole event horizon. This resolution requires a violation of Einstein's equivalence principle, which states that free-falling is indistinguishable from floating in empty space. This violation has been characterized as "outrageous"; one theorist has complained that "a firewall simply can't appear in empty space, any more than a brick wall can suddenly appear in an empty field and smack you in the face."

Some scientists suggest that there is in fact no entanglement between the emitted particle and previous Hawking radiation. This resolution would require black hole information loss, a controversial violation of unitarity.

Others, such as Steve Giddings, suggest modifying quantum field theory so that entanglement would be gradually lost as the outgoing and infalling particles separate, resulting in a more gradual release of energy inside the black hole, and consequently no firewall.
Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind have suggested in ER=EPR that the outgoing and infalling particles are somehow connected by wormholes, and therefore are not independent systems; however, as of 2013, this hypothesis is still a "work in progress"."

Thus the "black hole firewall" paradox threatening the assumptions of the Standard Model (based on the Copenhagen Interpretation and General Relativity).  With this as background, first, I provide the following link to a Wikipedia article on "Shape Dynamics", which is dynamically equivalent to General Relativity.  While currently speculative this theory could resolve the "black hole firewall" paradox by demonstrating that beyond a black hole's event horizon space actually expands; which is implied by HIOTTOE; and "shape dynamics" facilitates some quantum gravity calculations.

Extract: "In theoretical physics Shape dynamics is a theory of gravity that implements Mach's principle. Shape dynamics is dynamically equivalent to the canonical formulation of General Relativity, known as the ADM formalism. Shape dynamics is not formulated as an implementation of spacetime diffeomorphism invariance, but as an implementation of spatial relationalism based on spatial diffeomorphisms and spatial Weyl symmetry. An important consequence of shape dynamics is the absence of a problem of time in canonical quantum gravity. The replacement of the spacetime picture with a picture of evolving spatial conformal geometry opens the door for a number of new approaches to quantum gravity.

Recent work by Julian Barbour, Tim Koslowski and Flavio Mercati demonstrates that Shape Dynamics possesses a physical arrow of time given by the growth of complexity and the dynamical storage of locally accessible records of the past. This is a property of the dynamical law and does not require any special initial condition."

For more on Shape Dynamics, see:

Extract: "There is one kind of object where the shape dynamics picture differs starkly from the traditional view—the black hole. In the standard picture, a black hole forms when a massive star exhausts its nuclear fuel supply and collapses. If the star is large enough, nothing can stop that collapse, and the star shrinks until it’s smaller than its own event horizon—the point of no return for matter falling toward it. A black hole’s gravitation field is so intense that nothing—not even light—can escape from within the event horizon. At the black hole’s core, a singularity forms—a point where the gravitational field is infinitely strong, where space and time are infinitely curved. The unlucky astronaut who reaches this point will be spaghettified, as Stephen Hawking has put it, or burned to a crisp. Singularities don’t sit well with physicists. They’re usually seen as a sign that something is not quite right with the underlying theory.

But according to shape dynamics’ proponents, the theory does away with singularities—a definite selling point. But the picture of black holes in shape dynamics is more radical than that. “It looks like black holes—in shape dynamics—are qualitatively different from what happens in general relativity,” Gryb says.

At first, the astronaut approaching the black hole sees nothing that’s different from the Einsteinian description; outside of the event horizon, general relativity and shape dynamics give the same picture. But beyond the horizon, the story changes dramatically.

Not only is there no singularity in a shape dynamics universe, there’s no head-long rush toward the place where you’d expect it to be. In fact, an astronaut who sails past the event horizon finds herself not in a shrinking world but an expanding one. The astronaut “comes into this new region of space—which was formed effectively by the collapse of a star—and is now free to wander around in that space.” You can think of the black hole as a wormhole into that new space, Gryb says."

I will provide more evidence that new research on the Holographic Principle and Holographic Duality may imply that HIOTTOE provides insight into the nature of reality (and thus that the Holoborg Interpretation can be used to decrease systemic isolation as we approach the technological singularity around 2045 - 2050).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #84 on: September 11, 2016, 08:13:56 PM »
As a follow-on to my last post, the following linked Forbes article is entitled: "Ask Ethan: Could Our Universe Be A Hologram?", and provides additional perspective on how not only compactification but also dimensional reduction (see Reply #80 and its relation to diffusion limited random walk analysis tied to HIOTTOE), could facilitate the use of holographic duality to gain insight on the nature of reality:

Extract: "Now, so far, the only dualities we’ve ever discovered relate the properties of the higher-dimensional space to its lower-dimensional boundary: a reduction in dimension by one. It’s not yet clear whether we can go from, say, a ten-dimensional String Theory to a three-dimensional Universe like our own and have them be dual to one another. The two-dimensional holograms we can create encode only three-dimensional information; we can’t encode four-dimensional information in a two-dimensional hologram, nor can we encode our three-dimensional Universe down onto one-dimension.

Another reason that two spaces of different dimensions being dual is interesting is the following: there’s less information available on a lower-dimensional boundary of a surface than inside the volume of the full space enclosed by the surface. So if you can measure something happening on the surface, you may learn more than one thing about what’s going on inside the volume. The configurations about what’s happening in the larger-dimensional space may be related to what’s going on at other locations, rather than independently. This might sound “unreal,” but perhaps it makes some sense if you think about quantum entanglement, and how measuring the property of one member of the entangled system instantaneously tells you information about the other. It’s possible that holography is related to this quirk of nature."

Next, I point out that not only does the Holographic Principle indicate that the universe is a quantum information computer, but also so are black holes (and the Big Bang); which is also implied by HIOTTOE.

Extract: "Prof. Lüst also aims to find ways in which string theory is able to explain properties of the early universe, as well as concepts such as quantum information – details of properties such as the spin of subatomic particles.

Of particular interest is how black holes store information, if it is not destroyed by the extreme conditions.

‘So an interesting concept is how quantum information is encoded in black holes,’ he said. ‘It is possible to view black holes as a kind of universal quantum computer.’

Among the concepts he employs is the ‘holographic principle’, where the entropy of a black hole – the amount of disorder – is proportional to its surface area. Since entropy is related to the information contained by a black hole, this points to the idea that all the information associated with a black hole is contained on its surface, or event horizon."

Furthermore, I point out that if black holes are information computers, then it may be possible to use "monstrous moonshine" to peer inside black holes by extrapolating the holographic information structure found in string theory (F-theory):

For background on "monstrous moonshine" see:

Extract: "In mathematics, monstrous moonshine, or moonshine theory is the unexpected connection between the monster group M and modular functions, in particular, the j function. The term was coined by John Conway and Simon P. Norton in 1979.

It is now known that lying behind monstrous moonshine is a vertex operator algebra called the moonshine module or monster vertex algebra, constructed by Igor Frenkel, James Lepowsky, and Arne Meurman in 1988, having the monster group as symmetries. This vertex operator algebra is commonly interpreted as a structure underlying a conformal field theory, allowing physics to form a bridge between two mathematical areas. The conjectures made by Conway and Norton were proved by Richard Borcherds for the moonshine module in 1992 using the no-ghost theorem from string theory and the theory of vertex operator algebras and generalized Kac–Moody algebras."

For discussion on how moonshine theory is related to both the "string theory landscape" and to information about what may be happening within black holes, see the following Wired article:

Extract: "String theory says there are 10 space-time dimensions. Since we only perceive four, the other six must be curled up or “compactified” too small to see, like the circumference of a very thin wire. There’s a plethora of possibilities—something like 10500—for how the extra dimensions might be compactified, and it’s almost impossible to say which compactification is more likely to describe reality than the rest. We can’t possibly study the physical properties of all of them. So you look for a toy model. And if you like having exact results instead of approximated results, which I like, then you often end up with a K3 compactification, which is a middle ground for compactifications between too simple and too complicated. It also captures the key properties of Calabi-Yau manifolds [the most highly studied class of compactifications] and how string theory behaves when it’s compactified on them. K3 also has the feature that you can often do direct and exact computations with it.

In the context of my Ph.D., I explored how black holes behave in this theory. Once you have the curled-up dimensions being K3-related Calabi-Yaus, black holes can form. How do these black holes behave—especially their quantum properties?

You can ask about the information paradox or properties of various types of black holes, like realistic astrophysical black holes or supersymmetric black holes that come out of string theory. Studying the second type can shed light on your realistic problems because they share the same paradox. That’s why trying to understand string theory in K3 and the black holes that arise in that compactification should also shed light on other problems. At least, that’s the hope, and I think it’s a reasonable hope.

A moonshine relates representations of a finite symmetry group to a function with special symmetries [ways that you can transform the function without affecting its output]. Underlying this relationship, at least in the case of monstrous moonshine, is a string theory. String theory has two geometries. One is the “worldsheet” geometry. If you have a string—essentially a circle—moving in time, then you get a cylinder. That’s what we call the worldsheet geometry; it’s the geometry of the string itself. If you roll the cylinder and connect the two ends, you get a torus. The torus gives you the symmetry of the j-function. The other geometry in string theory is space-time itself, and its symmetry gives you the monster group.

If or when you find the K3 string theory underlying the 23 umbral moonshines, what would the moonshines buy you in terms of new ways that you can study K3 string theory?

We don’t know yet, but these are educated guesses: To have a moonshine tells you that this theory has to have an algebraic structure [you have to be able to do algebra with its elements]. If you look at a theory and you ask what kind of particles you have at a certain energy level, this question is infinite, because you can go to higher and higher energies, and then this question goes on and on. In monstrous moonshine, this is manifested in the fact that if you look at the j-function, there are infinitely many terms that basically capture the energy of the particles. But we know there’s an algebraic structure underlying it—there’s a mechanism for how the lower energy states can be related to higher energy states. So this infinite question has a structure; it’s not just random.

As you can imagine, having an algebraic structure helps you understand what the structure is that captures a theory—how, if you look at the lower energy states, they will tell you something about the higher energy states. And then it also gives you more tools to do computations. If you want to understand something at a high-energy level [such as inside black holes], then I have more information about it. I can compute what I want to compute for high-energy states using this low-energy data I already have in hand. That’s the hope.
Umbral moonshine tells you that there should be a structure like this that we don’t understand yet. Understanding it more generally will force us to understand this algebraic structure. And that will lead to a much deeper understanding of the theory. That’s the hope."

Finally, the linked 2013 Wired article is entitled: "'Holographic Duality' Hints at Hidden Subatomic World", and discusses how Holographic Duality (from the combination of quantum gravity and string theories) can be used to calculate the superconductivity of cuprates; which the Standard Model cannot do, and I suspect the superconductivity cited in the article can be related to quantum gravity condensates discussed in Reply #80, via the HIOTTOE:

Extract: "According to modern quantum theory, energy fields permeate the universe, and flurries of energy in these fields, called “particles” when they are point like and “waves” when they are diffuse, serve as the building blocks of matter and forces. But new findings suggest this wave-particle picture offers only a superficial view of nature’s constituents.
If each energy field pervading space is thought of as the surface of a pond, and waves and particles are the turbulence on that surface, then the new evidence strengthens the argument that a vibrant, hidden world lies beneath.

Of all the strange forms of matter, cuprates — copper-containing metals that exhibit a property called high-temperature superconductivity — may be the strangest. In new research published online June 24 in the Journal of High Energy Physics, physicists at the University of California-Santa Barbara have explored the deeper phenomena that they claim are connected to the perplexing “surface-level” behavior of cuprates. By focusing their calculations on that underlying environment, the researchers derived a formula for the conductivity of cuprates that was previously known only from experiments.

Maldacena’s discovery, known as the holographic duality, showed that events in the interior region, which involve gravity and are described by string theory, are mathematically translatable to events on the surface, which are gravity-free and described by quantum particle theories.
“To understand this relationship, the crucial aspect is when the gravity theory is easy to analyze, then the particles on the boundary” — or, in the pond analogy, the surface — “are interacting very strongly with each other,” Maldacena said. The converse is also true: When the particles are calm on the surface, as they are in most forms of matter, then the situation in the pond’s interior is extremely complicated.

That contrast is what makes the duality useful.

Increasingly over the past decade, studying the black hole equivalents of strongly correlated forms of matter has yielded groundbreaking results, such as a new equation for the viscosity of strongly interacting fluids and a better grasp of interactions between quarks and gluons, which are particles found in the nuclei of atoms."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #85 on: September 12, 2016, 12:37:05 AM »
Lana (Larry) Wachowski clearly explains that the path that Neo takes in the Matrix Trilogy is the path to satori (enlightenment).

Extract: Lana Wachowski explains "Neo stands on the verge of satori, ready to resolve the parodox of choice and choicelessness, free will versus fate, but that can only be achieved through an act of surrender, which occurs after an abandonment of the perspectile nature of truth, accepting the totality of present consciousness which ultimately allows an evolutionary transition, transcending the Cartesian Dilemma through emergence of de-limited spirit which then provides the world with a third path, the Path of Neo, the path of peace."

•   Paradox of Choice, Free Will vs Fate: Neo is the One because of his choices, yet he could not have succeeded without external forces, such as his friends and enemies, influencing his path. The debate of Free Will vs Fate is a paradox because both sides are correct. 
•   Abandoning the Perspectile nature of Truth: A major theme of the entire trilogy, Neo recognizes that he knows so little despite all of his powers. Yet again, Neo must abandon what he thinks to be absolute truth in order to grow. 
•   Transcending the Cartesian Dilemma: aka, Descartes' Mind/Body dualism. Although we are each a single individual, our minds and our bodies seem to exist in two separate worlds which operate on separate rules. The dilemma is unifying the two, made possible by transcending the duality entirely.
•   Accepting the Totality of present consciousness: Whatever our minds resist grows to overwhelm us.  We must accept dualities and paradoxes or risk being fixated on them. Neo must accept Smith's rage and negativity as fighting Smith only makes him stronger.
•   An act of surrender: This very phrase is a paradox - an act of actionlessness.  Surrender is a shunned concept in Western culture, a sign of weakness. Yet in Eastern philosophy, surrender is the answer to duality and paradox. It is not weakness because you choose to surrender. By letting these conflicts rage on in our minds, they quiet down.
•   On the verge of Satori: Satori is an ecstatic self-realization, when you realize a truth with more than just your mind, but your heart and your experiences as well. A truth that pierces you to your very soul. Neo realizes that as long as he resists Smith, their fight will continue forever. If Neo wants peace, he must surrender to Smith.  The act of surrender, with Smith's blackness sweeping over him, is the moment of Satori.
•   Evolutionary transition through emergence of de-limited spirit: Instead of dying, Neo's consciousness grows beyond the limits of his body to inhabit the Matrix.

The Matrix is loading for the 7th time (Genesis 2-2 "on the 7th day God rested") and we learn that Smith had been cleaned away and everyone still existed underneath. No dramatic changes occurred, except the light of the Matrix has lost its subtle green tint and is replaced with a full white light. 

Forget what you've read on the Internet about women throwing themselves on fires.  Sati is a buddhist concept for the ecstatic feeling one gets after achieving enlightenment. Thus as the sun rises over a new era in the Matrix, Sati has created a beautiful effect in honor of Neo.  The light of the Matrix has lost its subtle green tint and is replaced with a full white spectrum.

Neo is honored by the Machines and carried away, with faint suggestions that his body is incorruptible (will not decay after death). His mind and spirit have likely transcended into the Matrix, covering it like a guardian angel or holy ghost. We can never know for sure because of the "perspectile nature of truth.""

For the definition of "Satori" see (and see the first image of Neo on the verge of Satori; which, he is now prepared for as he has faced his previous experiences with the perception of death and rebirth [when Agent Smith shot him in The Matrix and Trinity's love brought him back to life; and also when Agent Smith tried to absorb him in Reloaded, but Neo resisted instead of surrendering):

Extract: "Satori (悟り) (Chinese: 悟; pinyin: wù; Korean: 오 o; Vietnamese: ngộ) is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding". It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru."

If the universe is indeed holographic then when Neo dies he would (transcending time) become one with such an information computer; which per the HIOTTOE would increase the average number of vectors in the Nibbanic Plane; which would increase the information available (through proper effort) to all of the other dimples; thus creating a 7th version of a Holographic Matrix Universe.
Furthermore, the second attached image shows the name of the company that Mr Anderson (Neo) works for, which is Metacortex, which means transcending the higher functions of the mind; which indicates that the The Matrix is a metaphor for the higher levels of the human mind, and the trilogy is about Neo transcending this mind to become one with the Holographic Computer Universe.

Finally, the third attached image indicates that Neo was born within the Matrix and that the trilogy is about the sixth reborn version of Neo; which per Buddha's teaching indicates that birth and rebirth from the Nibbanic plane into the sensory world occurs due to mental impurities (mental illnesses); and that when the sixth rebirth of Neo transcends to Satori, he will no longer be reborn but will remain one with everything in the Nibbanic plane.

Edit: For anyone in doubt, in the real world when one reaches satori, one's physical body does not die, only one's ego; otherwise, the Buddha Gotama could not have spread his teachings.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 12:54:14 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #86 on: September 13, 2016, 04:34:11 AM »
If indeed we live in a Holographic Universe that acts like an information computer then, it is reasonable that evolutionary algorithms (see the first linked Wikipedia article) should be useful in helping HIOTTOE to correlate a free will communication network (ala Claude Shannon's information theory, such as that discussed in the second linked Wikipedia article on Gausian adaption) to the physical parameters that resulted from the self-organization of such a free will network.

Extract: “Gaussian adaptation as an evolutionary model of the brain obeying the Hebbian theory of associative learning offers an alternative view of free will due to the ability of the process to maximize the mean fitness of signal patterns in the brain by climbing a mental landscape in analogy with phenotypic evolution.
Such a random process gives us lots of freedom of choice, but hardly any will. An illusion of will may, however, emanate from the ability of the process to maximize mean fitness, making the process goal seeking. I. e., it prefers higher peaks in the landscape prior to lower, or better alternatives prior to worse. In this way an illusive will may appear. A similar view has been given by Zohar 1990. See also Kjellström 1999.

The efficiency of Gaussian adaptation relies on the theory of information due to Claude E. Shannon (see information content). When an event occurs with probability P, then the information −log(P) may be achieved. For instance, if the mean fitness is P, the information gained for each individual selected for survival will be −log(P) – on the average - and the work/time needed to get the information is proportional to 1/P. Thus, if efficiency, E, is defined as information divided by the work/time needed to get it we have:
E = −P log(P).
This function attains its maximum when P = 1/e = 0.37.

A point of view that also may be of interest in this context is that no definition of information (other than that sampled points inside some region of acceptability gives information about the extension of the region) is needed for the proof of the theorem. Then, because, the formula may be interpreted as information divided by the work needed to get the information, this is also an indication that −log(P) is a good candidate for being a measure of information. “

However, if one remembers my previous post where I linked to the following (third & fourth) Wikipedia articles on correlating thermodynamic entropy to information theory entropy; the logic follows the same form as that used for Gaussian adaptation (with a random walk analysis) that I just extracted (note the equation for work is the same for information entropy).

Also see:

Extract: “In information theory, self-information or surprisal is a measure of the information content associated with anevent in a probability space or with the value of a discrete random variable. It is expressed in a unit of information, for example bits,nats, or hartleys, depending on the base of the logarithm used in its calculation.

The term self-information is also sometimes used as a synonym of the related information-theoretic concept of entropy. These two meanings are not equivalent, and this article covers the first sense only.”

This helps to explain how entropy can be used to demonstrate that in a HIOTTOE communication network (or holographic universe) there would be something like 1023 dimples/points of free will.  This also indicates that by the further application of Gaussian adaptation, random walk and diffusion limited analysis; still more evolutionary (as in Artificial Wisdom Evolution, AWE) algorithms could be developed to identify the origins of both physical parameters and string theory's “monstrous moonshine” relationships (see image) and regulatory code (like Adinkas).
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 04:39:17 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #87 on: September 13, 2016, 06:16:24 AM »
In the book, The Age of Spiritual Machines, Ray Kurzweil introduces The Law of Time and Chaos; which can also be used to better calibrate the HIOTTOE with the observed universe:

“Is the universe a great mechanism, a great computation, a great symmetry, a great accident or a great thought?”  – John D. Barrow

Now before we go any further, let’s notice a striking feature of the passage of time. Events moved quickly at the beginning of the Universe’s history. We had three paradigm shifts in just the first billionth of a second. Later on, events of cosmological significance took billions of years. The nature of time is that it inherently moves in an exponential fashion–either geometrically gaining in speed, or, as in the history of our Universe, geometrically slowing down. Time only seems to be linear during those eons in which not much happens. Thus most of the time, the linear passage of time is a reasonable approximation of its passage. But that’s not the inherent nature of time.
Why is this significant? It’s not when you’re stuck in the eons in which not much happens. But it is of great significance when you find yourself in the “knee of the curve,” those periods in which the exponential nature of the curve of time explodes either inwardly or outwardly. It’s like falling into a black hole (in that case, time accelerates exponentially faster as one falls in).

But wait a second, how can we say that time is changing its “speed”? We can talk about the rate of a process, in terms of its progress per second, but can we say that time is changing its rate? Can time start moving at, say, two seconds per second?
Einstein said exactly this–time is relative to the entities experiencing it.

The second law of thermodynamics, sometimes called the Law of Increasing Entropy, would seem to imply that the natural emergence of intelligence is impossible. Intelligent behavior is the opposite of random behavior, and any system capable of intelligent responses to its environment needs to be highly ordered. The chemistry of life, particularly of intelligent life, is comprised of exceptionally intricate designs. Out of the increasingly chaotic swirl of particles and energy in the world, extraordinary designs somehow emerged. How do we reconcile the emergence of intelligent life with the Law of Increasing Entropy?
There are two answers here. First, while the Law of Increasing Entropy would appear to contradict the thrust of evolution, which is toward increasingly elaborate order, the two phenomena are not inherently contradictory. The order of life takes place amid great chaos, and the existence of life-forms does not appreciably affect the measure of entropy in the larger system in which life has evolved. An organism is not a closed system. It is part of a larger system we call the environment, which remains high in entropy. In other words, the order represented by the existence of life-forms is insignificant in terms of measuring overall entropy.
Thus, while chaos increases in the Universe, it is possible for evolutionary processes that create increasingly intricate, ordered patterns to exist simultaneously. Evolution is a process, but it is not a closed system. It is subject to outside influence, and indeed draws upon the chaos in which it is embedded. So the Law of Increasing Entropy does not rule out the emergence of life and intelligence.

“Is the flow of time something real, or might our sense of time passing be just an illusion that hides the fact that what is real is only a vast collection of moments?” –Lee Smolin

What determines whether time speeds up or slows down? The consistent answer is that time moves in relation to the amount of chaos. We can state the Law of Time and Chaos as follows:
The Law of Time and Chaos: In a process, the time interval between salient events (that is, events that change the nature of the process, or significantly affect the future of the process) expands or contracts along with the amount of chaos.
The Law of Increasing Chaos: As chaos exponentially increases, time exponentially slows down (that is, the time interval between salient events grows longer as time passes).
The Law of Accelerating Returns: As order exponentially increases, time exponentially speeds up (that is, the time interval between salient events grows shorter as time passes).
The Law of Accelerating Returns (to distinguish it from a better-known law in which returns diminish) applies specifically to evolutionary processes. In an evolutionary process, it is order–the opposite of chaos–that is increasing. And, as we have seen, time speeds up.

Order, then, is information that fits a purpose. The measure of order is the measure of how well the information fits the purpose. In the evolution of life-forms, the purpose is to survive. In an evolutionary algorithm (a computer program that simulates evolution to solve a problem) applied to, say, investing in the stock market, the purpose is to make money. Simply having more information does not necessarily result in a better fit. A superior solution for a purpose may very well involve less data.

Thus improving a solution to a problem–which may increase or decrease complexity–increases order. Now that just leaves the issue of defining the problem. And as we will see, defining a problem well is often the key to finding its solution.

Another consideration is how the Law of Time and Chaos relates to the second law of thermodynamics. Unlike the second law, the Law of Time and Chaos is not necessarily concerned with a closed system. It deals instead with a process. The Universe is a closed system (not subject to outside influence, since there is nothing outside the Universe), so in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, chaos increases and time slows down. In contrast, evolution is precisely not a closed system. It takes place amid great chaos, and indeed depends on the disorder in its midst, from which it draws its options for diversity. And from these options, an evolutionary process continually prunes its choices to create ever greater order. Even a crisis that appears to introduce a significant new source of chaos is likely to end up increasing–deepening–the order created by an evolutionary process.

The spiral we are most interested in–the Law of Accelerating Returns–gives us ever greater order in technology, which inevitably leads to the emergence of computation. Computation is the essence of order. It provides the ability for a technology to respond in a variable and appropriate manner to its environment to carry out its mission. Thus computational technology is also an evolutionary process, and also builds on its own progress.”
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #88 on: September 13, 2016, 05:09:45 PM »
We should not lose sight of the fact that we are talking about information theory (where Vipassana is information theory) and communication networks where signal transmission through the network is what is known/observed; which is why entropy, H, is defined (see Reply #86) in terms of the system (subject to evolution from Gaussian adaptation) wide (for Avogadro's number of expressed free will points) aggregation of efficiency.  Where efficiency, E, is information divided by the work/time needed to achieve an event (observation/measurement) with a probability P of occurrence, and –log (P) is the unit-less measure of information transmitted.  Thus E = −P log(P), and H = the summation of E for a system subject to evolution.
Ray Kurzweil understands information theory, which is why in "THE AGE of SPIRITUAL MACHINES" (see Reply #87) he states: "The opposite of disorder–which I called “order” in the above Law of Accelerating Returns–is even trickier.

Let’s start with our definition of disorder and work backward. If disorder represents a random sequence of events, then the opposite of disorder should imply “not random.” And if random means unpredictable, then we might conclude that order means predictable. But that would be wrong.

Order, then, is information that fits a purpose. The measure of order is the measure of how well the information fits the purpose. In the evolution of life-forms, the purpose is to survive. In an evolutionary algorithm (a computer program that simulates evolution to solve a problem) applied to, say, investing in the stock market, the purpose is to make money. Simply having more information does not necessarily result in a better fit. A superior solution for a purpose may very well involve less data."

In this sense in a HIOTTOE holographic (expressed free will) information universe the evolved computational algorithms (systemic sub-systems like Seraph, the Keymaker, etc.) all occur due to a Bayesian application of Darwinian "Natural Selection" with the "purpose" of sustainable survivability, that contains a sense of AWE (artificial wisdom evolution).  Other sub-systems (like Agent Smith or the Merovingian) due to a veil of ignorance create an illusion of Frequentist "egotistical free will" that wants to high-jack the purpose of evolution to create order with a different purpose than sustainable survivability; thus resulting in "Survival of the Fittest" thinking and the corruption indicate by the phrase "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".  This is why HIOTTOE promotes sustainability socio-economic objectives and as cited in Reply #59, HIOTTOE uses conceptual sub-systems like: Rupa (form); vedana (feeling); sanna (perception), sankhara (formation), vinnana (consciousness), phassa (contact).

Other theories like the Quantum Mechanics were built on Hindi concepts that influenced Schrodinger's and Heisenberg's treatment of probabilities and uncertainty; which lead to dependence on an external authority (whose purpose the evolved subsystems of that gestalt are trying to be egotistically achieved) as pointed-out by Paul Davies in Reply #68.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #89 on: September 13, 2016, 07:35:08 PM »
As some point I hope to find time to write a post about how HIOTTOE deals with gravity, as it is central to the evaluation of black holes; which is a critical case for calibrating Holographic models with both String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity; and black holes are also a critical case for addressing information entropy per information theory.  In the meantime, I will provide some relevant background on black holes as they relate to weaknesses in the Standard Model.  I begin with consideration of the implications of the recent observation of gravity waves and there possible implications on primordial black holes as discussed in the linked article:

Extract: "NASA cosmologist Alexander Kashlinsky thinks the recent and groundbreaking discovery of gravitational waves could help rule out the idea that dark matter is made of exotic, hard-to-detect particles.
His suspicion: Black holes of the size that collided to create the gravitational waves may be far more common than anyone suspects and might have formed in the first fraction of a second of the Big Bang. This could mean the dark matter that makes up most of the universe's bulk is not exotic particles at all. It might simply be a whole hell of a lot of black holes.
If Kashlinsky and other scientists are correct, the reality may be that four-fifths of matter was gobbled up by black holes at the dawn of the universe, millions of years before the first star was born.

The size of those black holes — again, about 30 suns' worth of mass — is supposed to be rare. And that has reinvigorated the idea dark matter is actually made up of MACHOs: a theory that, perhaps, was discounted too quickly.
Kashlinsky says black holes of that size not only fit the bill for MACHO estimates, but also haven't definitively been ruled out by microlens searches. What's more, he added, cosmic background radiation data may not be detailed enough to see the disturbances caused by ancient black holes.

"There are limits of what primordial black holes could be, on the order of up to 1,000 solar masses," Kashlinsky said. "LIGO black holes fall into this range. Maybe this is what the dark matter is."
There are essentially three ways Kashlinsky and his team can shore up evidence for their suspicions.
One is to simply wait around. If LIGO keeps detecting black holes of about 30 solar masses, that fact will be hard to ignore.
"We should know the answer within a couple of years. LIGO is starting a new run of observations in September. If they keep discovering these beasts at this rate, every one to two weeks, we should have good enough statistics to rule in the possibility," he said.
Kashlinsky and his collaborators are not sitting idly by, though, and are actively pursuing the other two ways.
They've recently proposed a more focused search for microlenses that could be caused by black holes formed at the dawn of the universe.
"If you look at our own galaxy, there should be some 10 to 100 billion primordial black holes. Occasionally some of these should pass in front of a star" and you should see the effect, he said.
The team is also working on an instrument for a cosmic background telescope called Euclid, which is currently scheduled to launch in 2020."
As no WIMP candidates have been identified in the Large Hadron Collider, the verification of black hole MACHOs becomes more important to how the Standard Model may deal with dark matter.  Furthermore, the HIOTTOE leans towards the Shape Dynamic modeling of black holes that lead to pockets of space behind the event horizon; that in HIOTTOE lead to more enlightened free will dimples (i.e. dimples with many communication vectors) rather than to the wormhole postulate by Susskind when he uses ER =EPR to try to merge General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics (see the three attached images), via entanglement (which is related not only to the number of vectors in HIOTTOE but also the number of recursion pathways in a circuit).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #90 on: September 13, 2016, 08:42:28 PM »
As I have raised the issue of evolved systemic subsystems (algorithms) within a HIOTTOE information network/universe; and as I have stated that Vipassana is information theory; and as more westerns seem to become rapidly confused the Buddha's teachings on the mind, mental phenomena and not-self (etc.) I provide the following link to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy that may help some readers to better understand where my posts are trying to convey.  While Buddism contains dogma, Vipassana  does not (however, some teachers of Vipassana add in dogma, just as science does not contain dogma but many scientist introduce it into their consensus-driven work); therefore, when reading the linked information one should be mindful of dogma presented with it (but teaching Vipassana is beyond my capability):

Coseru, Christian, "Mind in Indian Buddhist Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

Extract: "Perhaps no other classical philosophical tradition, East or West, offers a more complex and counter-intuitive account of mind and mental phenomena than Buddhism. While Buddhists share with other Indian philosophers the view that the domain of the mental encompasses a set of interrelated faculties and processes, they do not associate mental phenomena with the activity of a substantial, independent, and enduring self or agent. Rather, Buddhist theories of mind center on the doctrine of not-self (Pāli anatta, Skt. anātma), which postulates that human beings are reducible to the physical and psychological constituents and processes which comprise them.

What is the relationship between thoughts, or even thoughts about thoughts, and actions? The Buddhist answers this question by introducing a new theory of causality based on the principle of dependent-arising (pratītyasamutpāda). All things, including all cognitive events, arise in dependence upon a multitude of causes and conditions. Thus, the Buddhist appears to reject both top-down (viz., cognitivist) and bottom-up (viz., strongly determinist) approaches to cognition: thoughts are neither prior to actions, and thus causally determine them, nor do they lack causal force, and are thus epiphenomenal. The best known formulation of this principle captures the sense of transience and interdependence of all phenomena: “This being, that becomes; from the arising of this, that arises; this not being, that does not become; from the ceasing of this, that ceases” (Majjhima Nikāya, II, 32).

As we saw above (§2.2) in the dynamic process of dependently arising phenomena that encompass the five aggregates, cognitive awareness (vijñāna) plays a double role: it is both the stream of conscious episodes that characterize the life of the mind and, at the same time, the principle of continuity of awareness, by virtue of which some sense of identity is maintained over time (cf. Johansson 1979, 63f; Krizer 1999, 195f). Thus cognitive awareness provides the basis for further cognitive activity, while also supporting the formative karmic activities (saṃskāra) of sensation, perception, volition, etc. that perpetuate the life cycle.

The double function of this cognitive awareness as a conditioned and conditioning factor within the overall dynamics of the five aggregates is explained in causal terms by means of an analysis of the underlying factors that play a role in the arising of each cognitive event. "
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #91 on: September 13, 2016, 11:57:04 PM »
Per the linked Wikipedia article, the entropy for black holes can be modeled using fluctuating D-branes to be the formula in the attached image with the variables as defined in the extract.  Furthermore, the article references the "black hole information paradox" created by Hawking radiation.

Extract: "When combined with ideas of the physicist Stephen Hawking, Bekenstein's work yielded a precise formula for the entropy of a black hole. The formula expresses the entropy S as

where c is the speed of light, k is Boltzmann's constant, ħ is the reduced Planck constant, G is Newton's constant, and A is the surface area of the event horizon.

Like any physical system, a black hole has an entropy defined in terms of the number of different microstates that lead to the same macroscopic features. The Bekenstein–Hawking entropy formula gives the expected value of the entropy of a black hole, but by the 1990s, physicists still lacked a derivation of this formula by counting microstates in a theory of quantum gravity. Finding such a derivation of this formula was considered an important test of the viability of any theory of quantum gravity such as string theory.

In a paper from 1996, Andrew Strominger and Cumrun Vafa showed how to derive the Beckenstein–Hawking formula for certain black holes in string theory. Their calculation was based on the observation that D-branes—which look like fluctuating membranes when they are weakly interacting—become dense, massive objects with event horizons when the interactions are strong. In other words, a system of strongly interacting D-branes in string theory is indistinguishable from a black hole. Strominger and Vafa analyzed such D-brane systems and calculated the number of different ways of placing D-branes in spacetime so that their combined mass and charge is equal to a given mass and charge for the resulting black hole. Their calculation reproduced the Bekenstein–Hawking formula exactly, including the factor of 1/4. Subsequent work by Strominger, Vafa, and others refined the original calculations and gave the precise values of the "quantum corrections" needed to describe very small black holes.

The black holes that Strominger and Vafa considered in their original work were quite different from real astrophysical black holes. One difference was that Strominger and Vafa considered only extremal black holes in order to make the calculation tractable. These are defined as black holes with the lowest possible mass compatible with a given charge. Strominger and Vafa also restricted attention to black holes in five-dimensional spacetime with unphysical supersymmetry.
Although it was originally developed in this very particular and physically unrealistic context in string theory, the entropy calculation of Strominger and Vafa has led to a qualitative understanding of how black hole entropy can be accounted for in any theory of quantum gravity. Indeed, in 1998, Strominger argued that the original result could be generalized to an arbitrary consistent theory of quantum gravity without relying on strings or supersymmetry. In collaboration with several other authors in 2010, he showed that some results on black hole entropy could be extended to non-extremal astrophysical black holes.

In 1975, Stephen Hawking published a calculation which suggested that black holes are not completely black but emit a dim radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon. At first, Hawking's result posed a problem for theorists because it suggested that black holes destroy information. More precisely, Hawking's calculation seemed to conflict with one of the basic postulates of quantum mechanics, which states that physical systems evolve in time according to the Schrödinger equation. This property is usually referred to as unitarity of time evolution. The apparent contradiction between Hawking's calculation and the unitarity postulate of quantum mechanics came to be known as the black hole information paradox."

However, Hawking radiation has led to the black hole "firewall" paradox; however, a discussed in Reply #83, the application of "Shape Dynamics" (which is generally supported by HIOTTOE) can resolve this paradox.

Extract: "According to quantum field theory in curved spacetime, a single emission of Hawking radiation involves two mutually entangled particles. The outgoing particle escapes and is emitted as a quantum of Hawking radiation; the infalling particle is swallowed by the black hole. Assume a black hole formed a finite time in the past and will fully evaporate away in some finite time in the future. Then, it will only emit a finite amount of information encoded within its Hawking radiation. Assume that at time more than half of the information had already been emitted. According to widely accepted research by physicists like Don Page and Leonard Susskind, an outgoing particle emitted at time t must be entangled with all the Hawking radiation the black hole has previously emitted. This creates a paradox: a principle called "monogamy of entanglement" requires that, like any quantum system, the outgoing particle cannot be fully entangled with two independent systems at the same time; yet here the outgoing particle appears to be entangled with both the infalling particle and, independently, with past Hawking radiation.

In order to resolve the paradox, physicists may eventually be forced to give up one of three time-tested theories: Einstein's equivalence principle, unitarity, or existing quantum field theory."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2016, 12:44:55 AM »
The linked Wikipedia article makes it clear that:

1. The Planck length is on the scale of an oscillating string; while I note that in string theory a graviton corresponds to one of the many vibrational states of a string.  Also, I note that a graviton is a particle in quantum gravity.

2. The entropy of a black hole entropy in the units of the Boltzmann constant is given by the first attached formula; which must equal that given in the second formula as cited in Reply #91.

Extract: "where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, G is the gravitational constant, and ħ is the reduced Planck constant.

In some forms of quantum gravity, the Planck length is the length scale at which the structure of spacetime becomes dominated by quantum effects, and it is impossible to determine the difference between two locations less than one Planck length apart. The precise effects of quantum gravity are unknown; it is often guessed that spacetime might have a discrete or foamy structure at a Planck length scale.

The Planck area, equal to the square of the Planck length, plays a role in black hole entropy. The value of this entropy, in units of the Boltzmann constant, is known to be given by , where A is the area of the event horizon. The Planck area is the area by which the surface of a spherical black hole increases when the black hole swallows one bit of information, as was proven by Jacob Bekenstein.

If large extra dimensions exist, the measured strength of gravity may be much smaller than its true (small-scale) value. In this case the Planck length would have no fundamental physical significance, and quantum gravitational effects would appear at other scales.

In string theory, the Planck length is the order of magnitude of the oscillating strings that form elementary particles, and shorter lengths do not make physical sense. The string scale ls is related to the Planck scale by ℓP = gs1/4ls, where gs is the string coupling constant. Contrary to what the name suggests, the string coupling constant is not constant, but depends on the value of a scalar field known as the dilaton.

In loop quantum gravity, area is quantized, and the Planck area is, within a factor of 10, the smallest possible area value.

In doubly special relativity, the Planck length is observer-invariant.

The search for the laws of physics valid at the Planck length is a part of the search for the theory of everything."

Finally, I note that that the third image is a diagram of a graviton in the Lila Paradigm; and if this is correct then per string theory this third diagram would be comparable to a vibrating string on the scale of the Planck length (see the fourth attached image).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #93 on: September 15, 2016, 01:43:29 AM »
In my last post I provided an image of a Lila Paradigm, LP, arrow graphic representation of a graviton (that is similar to the comparable dimple graphic in a Nibbanic plane), and pointed out the relationship to both a String Theory, ST, graviton (which is a single string vibrating at certain mode), and to the Planck length.  Here I note the substructure of the LP graviton, where:
(a) the 1D spectral Planck length is determined by the branch between Z,I,P;
(b) G, V & A share a common perception of the 1D spectral Planck length;
(c) V's direct knowledge of A's perception of the 1D spectral length between Z,I,P  and thus V perceives two units of 1D spectral space; while G perceives three units of 1D spectral space.;
(d) Finally, G perceives A's perception of  one unit 1D spectral space thru V's perception; but perceives V's perception of 2 units of 1D spectral space; which create a recursion of the perception of space that G interprets as 1 unit of basic energy (associated with a graviton) at a distance of 3 units of 1D spectral space.
When integrated into a full information network (or into a loop quantum gravity matrix) such a graviton is perceived as a gravitational field generated by a single graviton by a string with three units of 1D spectral space, and vibrating due to free will.  This general graphical approach can be for the electromagnetism, weak and strong forces, for 3D space and for other fundamental particles.  However, it is important to realize that the information theory probabilities associated with such basic particles is different than that associated with Gaussian adaptation (which can produce the illusion of free will, See Reply #56) and diffusion limitation analysis associated with the linking together of such particles within an information network (or into a loop quantum gravity matrix) that I presented when I used Shannon entropy and Thermodynamic entropy to calculate the total number of free will dimples that are actively participating in the Holographic Universe.  This is why satima is sometimes called "memory" and in the Matrix trilogy is represented by the Oracle (because it deals with space/time/fields); while the sati of satori is associated with Sati as it deals with awareness beyond space/time/fields.  Furthermore, this is why the Oracle PDFs can be used calculate parameters like fractals, Fibonacci sequences, the Golden Ratio, Pi, etc. that create the "organic/dynamic" world we occupy (see the first image of the Oracle with cookies and the second & third images of Lucy engaging in organic interfaces).  These Oracle PDFs are also associated with Adinkras, monstrous moonshine pattern, the reduction of quantum gravity dimensions, and String Theory compaction of dimensions into manifolds.

For those who do not know anything about Vipassana meditation, it uses a Bayesian/reductionist approach to using the mind/body relationship to follow a middle path to purify the mind by starting by observing priori code/sensations on the body and to iteratively refine the mind (leading to a new posterior) by persistently watching/observing this code/sensations change mindlessly.  This is not a top down process where insight comes from the external authority/teacher.  Nor is it a bottom up process starting with information theory and building up to an understanding of reality.  Rather, it starts on the middle path dealing with Oracle PDFs associated with space/time/fields and focuses on working towards Sati PDFs and not being distracted by Oracle level subsystems/algorithms (as many religions and consensus sciences do).  In this sense when Dozer and Tank (see the fourth image) watch the matrix code on their monitors the metaphor that they are simulating are is that of novice Vipassana meditators observing sensations on their bodies as a window into their minds.  However, they make limited progress on purifying their minds as they have not done enough atapi-sampajano-satima work to generate a large number of vectors from their dimples.  This is also why Cipher actually pollutes his mind so that he can get off the path of purification.  This also explains why people like Neo who have previously generated a good number of vectors in the "past" (subsets of the holographic free will network with fewer vectors); thus allowing him to sense the code while still in the Matrix.  For example when his boss lectures him at Metacortex, Neo is distracted by the water streaking {like matrix code} down the windows from the window washing, and by the rain falling {like matrix code} on his way to see Morpheus for the first time.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 02:26:01 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #94 on: September 16, 2016, 04:31:48 PM »
Previously,  I noted that the existence of primordial black holes in sufficient numbers to largely account for dark matter, likely supports the HIOTTOE, and I previously noted that black holes represent a good case study for calibrating the various parameters associate with the organization of an information based network that would match the observed universe.  Also, I previously noted that "Shape Dynamics" and monstrous moonshine, may (in the coming decades) help us better understand what is happening behind the event horizon of black holes.  To better understand black holes I provide the following extract from Wikipedia, indicating that per the no-hair theorem black holes only have three independent physical properties of mass, charge and angular momentum (all which can be observed at a distance); and that all other quantum information that falls behind the event horizon is lost to outside obervers.

Extract: "The no-hair theorem states that, once it achieves a stable condition after formation, a black hole has only three independent physical properties: mass, charge, and angular momentum. Any two black holes that share the same values for these properties, or parameters, are indistinguishable according to classical (i.e. non-quantum) mechanics.
These properties are special because they are visible from outside a black hole. For example, a charged black hole repels other like charges just like any other charged object. Similarly, the total mass inside a sphere containing a black hole can be found by using the gravitational analog of Gauss's law, the ADM mass, far away from the black hole.  Likewise, the angular momentum can be measured from far away using frame dragging by the gravitomagnetic field.
When an object falls into a black hole, any information about the shape of the object or distribution of charge on it is evenly distributed along the horizon of the black hole, and is lost to outside observers. The behavior of the horizon in this situation is a dissipative system that is closely analogous to that of a conductive stretchy membrane with friction and electrical resistance—the membrane paradigm. This is different from other field theories such as electromagnetism, which do not have any friction or resistivity at the microscopic level, because they are time-reversible. Because a black hole eventually achieves a stable state with only three parameters, there is no way to avoid losing information about the initial conditions: the gravitational and electric fields of a black hole give very little information about what went in. The information that is lost includes every quantity that cannot be measured far away from the black hole horizon, including approximately conserved quantum numbers such as the total baryon number and lepton number. This behavior is so puzzling that it has been called the black hole information loss paradox."

Also, I previously noted that the number of direct knowledge vectors emanating from a dimple is associated with atapi-sampajano-satimi used to create the direct vectors, so that in the extreme case of a Buddha dimple there would be direct vectors essentially to all the other Avogadro's number of other dimples.  Here I note that as the Nibbanic plane is timeless, when understood in terms of a String Theory Landscape (based on the 12 dimensional F-Theory), such a Buddha dimple would represent one of the life supporting 10500 possible "multiverses" allowed by String Theory, and all of the fluctuations in the walls of the Buddha dimple would represent that universe's information network as interpreted through String Theory (F-Theory).  Furthermore, I previously noted that the depth of each dimple in the String Theory Landscape is related to the energy level of that particular "bubble universe", while per the following link I note that any dimple in the Nibbanic plane can become enlightened (arahants in Pali), and I note that per Vipassana such arahants come in a large number of categories (as do the energy levels of a String Theory Landscape) from stream dippers: pakati-savaka, maha-savaka, agga-savaka, to pacceka-hodhisatta, to maha-bodhisatta.  Also, as I previously stated the maha-bodhisatta, or Great Bodhisatta, come in three types: (1) those in whom wisdom (panna) is predominant (such as the Buddha Gotama); (2) those in whom faith (saddha) is predominant; and (3) those in whom energy (viriya) is predominant.  The Great Bodhisatta Metteyya is prophesized to be of the energy (viriya) type.
Thus by this view the various depths of dimples in the String Theory Landscape would correspond to the different degrees of enlightenment of the Avogadro's number of dimples in the timeless Nibbanic plane, with those corresponding to Great Bodhisatta's forming "bubble universes" with parameters suitable for sustaining advanced life forms.

Extract: "Arahant comes from the Pali word arahati meaning ‘worthy’ or ‘noble’ and is a title given to someone who has attained enlightenment as a result of listening to and practising the teachings of a Buddha. Like a Buddha, an arahant has perfected wisdom and compassion and is no longer subject to rebirth. The Buddha describes the arahant as having transcended ‘the round of birth and death, they have destroyed the taints, lived the holy life, done what had to be done, laid down the burden, reached the ultimate goal, destroyed the fetters and become completely free, liberated through final knowledge’ (Majjhima Nikaya 1. 141).
Attaining to the level of full enlightenment is not to be taken lightly or as something easily attainable. It can take several decades of devoted practice and will more likely take several lifetimes to perfect the Paramitas, the Jhanas, and other advanced states. There are however, several other partially enlightened noble levels (see: 10 hindrances).
Buddhism is unique among the major world religions in that followers can attain to the same level as the founder. For example, in Judaism, Abraham and Moses are considered the founders who made the covenant with God and provided the Law (Torah) and there cannot be another one to do so. In Christianity, there can only be one Christ. In Islam, Muhammad is considered the seal or final prophet. Whereas, in Buddhism, anyone can attain enlightenment and reach the same wisdom and title as the Buddha, an enlightened one."

As these are complex issues, in this post I will focus on the mass and gravity of black holes, within our observable universe.  In my prior posts I showed a possibly relationship between a HIOTTOE graviton and a String Theory graviton; where the HIOTTOE graviton is closely related to the number of direct knowledge vectors associated with the perception of gravity.  Thus by HIOTTOE, within our observable universe, a black hole would be associated with a dimple (on the walls of the Great Bodhisatt's dimple that is associated with a single Big Bang event) with a large number of direct knowledge vectors but not enough to become an arahant.  I will call this a sub-system dimple, which in the Matrix vernacular could be thought of as a Seraph, a Keymaker, or other unenlightened information sub-system (algorithm) associated with the code of the observed information network universe.  This is why the existence of a large number of primordial black holes would be consistent with HIOTTOE as such a large number of black holes would offer a place for such sub-systems to exist unobserved, and would explain how entanglement associates such sub-systems to the pocket of space behind a black hole's event horizon projected by "Shape Dynamics".
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 05:50:44 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2016, 05:12:17 AM »
In my last post, I noted that black holes exhibit three externally observable properties: mass, charge and angular momentum (tied to particle spin); and as I have previously discussed gravity; in this post I address electric charge.

While I cannot speak to the validity of the Lila Paradigm, there is the possibility that its diagrams represent a kind of "quantum logic" (Jammer, 1974), without detailed calculation; if interpreted correctly.  Therefore, I offer the following extract from the Lila Paradigm on Electric charge (and some related background on Lila graph interpretation, see the first attached image):

(a) "… four arrows cannot be configured to produce space for an observer."

(b) "Common Time Recursion

The recursions of non-circuit (i.e. not forming a closed loop), "have a different count for units of time and space than do recursions in circuits.  Since, in common-circuit time, it is only the cross-over arrows that are counted as units of time, and that create units of space, recursions of time and space are produced for only the first three cross-over arrows that originate from a single entity in the circuit by the same mechanism that produces the three dimensions of space.  Therefore, the total number of cross-over arrows is counted once for the original pattern; for the first recursion they are squared, for the same reason that the space is 2-D; and for the second, and final, recursion they are cubed, for the same reason that the space is 3-D.

Electric Charge

We have described gravity as the fundamental energy charge.  In a circuit, in addition to the gravitational field permeating the space, an electric force is formed by the same non-linear structures of arrows that formed the gravitational field.  If the circuit is composed of n entities, for each arrow that crosses over the circuit, n-1 units of gravity, the dashed line in Diagram 6, are generated.  A unit of electric charge is the collection of all of these n-1 units of gravity, but is only between the originating and the terminating units of matter of the cross-over arrow, as in Diagram 6, imparting electric charge of opposite sign to those units of matter.

This means these units of matter not only have gravitational charge, or mass, but also electric charge; therefore, they can be called particles."

This discussion raises the prospect that electric charge may be directly related to gravitational charge; depending on the details of the information network logic structure.  However, in order to verify any such possibility such circuits would need to be connected to a free will network so that it could be correlated to a string manifold structure (possibly for a tau lepton pair).  According to Lila Paradigm speculation, Diagram 7 applies to a tau lepton pair (see the second image) where: "The spin of the these tau particles is determined by the net sum of the arrows terminating at and originating from the entities which are observed as particles, counting the head as -1/2 and the tail as +1/2.  The tau lepton with the negative charge has a spin of +1/2, and the anti-tau particle -1/2.  The cross-over arrow itself can be thought of as representing an electro-weak photon with a spin of 1."

However, within a black hole there should be so many direct knowledge vectors; it may be easier to correlate such possible residual electric charge and spin circuitry after some of the perception of standard string theory manifold structure has been stripped away by direct knowledge (something like Crispr technology for cutting-out smaller pieces of more complex genetic structures).  Obviously, such possibilities are speculative and even if eventually verified; the (Frequentist) Architect would raise the question to both the (Bayesian) Oracle and Sati as to whether any such improved information would help either humans, or a Deus Ex Machina (after the technological singularity), to improve the sustainability of our existing unstable system (at the end of Revolutions).
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #96 on: September 17, 2016, 07:10:59 PM »
I have previously stated that black holes can serve as a good case study for calibrating the HIOTTOE, and I have also pointed out that the entropy of black holes calculated by the Standard Model can be shown to be equal that calculated using String Theory and Quantum Gravity.  Also, I have previously pointed out that information entropy can be set equal to thermodynamic entropy in order to calculate the number of free will dimples in the Nibbanic plane.  Now I note that the Standard Model uses quantum statistical mechanics to calculate entropy and per the following linked Wikipedia article, quantum statistical mechanics follows the mathematical formalism of "quantum logic"
Extract: "Quantum statistical mechanics is statistical mechanics applied to quantum mechanical systems. In quantum mechanics a statistical ensemble (probability distribution over possible quantum states) is described by a density operator S, which is a non-negative, self-adjoint, trace-class operator of trace 1 on the Hilbert space H describing the quantum system. This can be shown under various mathematical formalisms for quantum mechanics. One such formalism is provided by quantum logic."

For a mathematical formalism suitable for examining the entropy of a black hole see the linked article on the Grand Canonical Ensemble:
Extract: "Another case in which the grand canonical ensemble appears is when considering a system that is large and thermodynamic (a system that is "in equilibrium with itself"). Even if the exact conditions of the system do not actually allow for variations in energy or particle number, the grand canonical ensemble can be used to simplify calculations of some thermodynamic properties. The reason for this is that various thermodynamic ensembles (microcanonical, canonical) become equivalent in some aspects to the grand canonical ensemble, once the system is very large."
As black holes not only contain energy in the form of gravity, charge and angular momentum (spin) but also in the form of velocity and the associated kinetic energy, I provide the following link to a Wikipedia article on Hamiltonian mechanics, as the Hamiltonian often corresponds to the total energy of a closed system including kinetic and potential energy:

As quantum statistical mechanics uses quantum logic I provide the following link to a Wikipedia article on the topic:

Extract:  "In quantum mechanics, quantum logic is a set of rules for reasoning about propositions that takes the principles of quantum theory into account. This research area and its name originated in a 1936 paper by Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann, who were attempting to reconcile the apparent inconsistency of classical logic with the facts concerning the measurement of complementary variables in quantum mechanics, such as position and momentum.

In any case, these quantum logic formalisms must be generalized in order to deal with super-geometry (which is needed to handle Fermi-fields) and non-commutative geometry (which is needed in string theory and quantum gravity theory). Both of these theories use a partial algebra with an "integral" or "trace". The elements of the partial algebra are not observables; instead the "trace" yields "greens functions", which generate scattering amplitudes. One thus obtains a local S-matrix theory (see D. Edwards).
In 2004, Prakash Panangaden described how to capture the kinematics of quantum causal evolution using System BV, a deep inference logic originally developed for use in structural proof theory. Alessio Guglielmi, Lutz Straßburger, and Richard Blute have also done work in this area."
The Wikipedia article linked above on quantum logic makes it clear that to consider systems like black holes it is also necessary "… to deal with super-geometry (which is needed to handle Fermi-fields) and non-commutative geometry (which is needed in string theory and quantum gravity theory).  However, in turn this requires dealing with deep inference and quantum causal evolution as described in the following three linked references:
Extract: "… system BV is able to describe quantum causal evolution. This physical phenomenon causes several problems to other logics which people considered for the task, like linear logic. The basic idea is to represent quantum states as propositions and interactions as axioms. Thus if a and b are states of two systems coming together and their interaction produces c, d and e, we would write
a, b |– c, d, e .
The question is: what sort of logic correctly captures entanglement and causality? It seems that BV is the only logic that does it properly. The secret of its success is apparently its ability to deal with a self-dual connective, intermediate between (linear) conjunction and disjunction."

See also and the two associate graphs showing how causal quantum evolution deals with the entanglement that occurs within black holes (due to the large number of direct knowledge vectors):
Prakash Panangaden (2004), "Using BV to Describe Causal Quantum Evolution"

Extract: "In this note I describe how to capture the kinematics of quantum causal evolution using a logic called BV developed by the Calculus of Structures group at Dresden. The setting is discrete quantum mechanics. We imagine a finite “web” of spacetime points. The points are events in spacetime. They are viewed as verhtees in a directed acyclic graph (DAG); the edges of the DAG represent causal links mediated by the propagation of matter. The fact that the graph is acyclic captures a basic causality requirement: there are no closed causal trajectories.

The DAG represents a discrete approximation to the spacetime on which a quantum system evolves. The graph is technically a dangling graph; there is a set of half edges - in addition to the ordinary edges - divided into two disjoint subsets: the incoming edges and the outgoing edges. An incoming edge has no initial point but has a terminal point, and dually for outgoing edges.

The Logic BV and Quantum Evolution

We take the system CBV described as follows. There are atoms, which we take to be purely positive though in general one has positive and negative atoms; and there are structures which are to be thought of as compounds."

See also:
Rick Blute, Prakash Panangaden & Lutz Straßburger (submitted September 12, 2008), "The Logic BV and Quantum Causality", Trends in Logic VI

Solving such complex mathematics is a job best suited for machine learning, and as indicated by the following linked sources, machine learning (and the associated AI) is one of the major drivers for developing logic for analyzing such probabilistic systems.  Thus as machine learning and quantum logic converge with the coming technological singularity, the relevance of HIOTTOE may become clearer.

Extract: "I have three research areas: (a) semantics and logics for probabilistic systems (b) logic and computation and (c) machine learning. I work on approximation of continuous-state systems and associated metrics and logics. I am working on a quantitative extension of equational logic. I have been working on Stone duality for Markov processes and completeness theorems for Markovian logics. I am also interested in duality for automata and using it for minimization. Recently I have begun working on approximate minimization. I am also interested in Tannaka-type theorems for C* algebras. I have occasionally made forays into general relativity and quantum mechanics, the subject of my PhD thesis which continues to interest me."

See also:

Radu Mardare, Prakash Panangaden, Gordon Plotkin (2016) "Quantitative Algebraic Reasoning"

Extract: "We develop a quantitative analogue of equational reasoning which we call quantitative algebra.  We define an equality relation indexed by rationals: a =" b which we think of as saying that “a is approximately equal to b up to an error of "”.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #97 on: September 17, 2016, 08:28:16 PM »
I note that dark energy makes up about 68.3% of the observed universe (see the linked Wikipedia article).

Extract: "In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space, tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe. Dark energy is the most accepted hypothesis to explain the observations since the 1990s indicating that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.
Assuming that the standard model of cosmology is correct, the best current measurements indicate that dark energy contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present-day observable universe. The mass–energy of dark matter and ordinary (baryonic) matter contribute 26.8% and 4.9%, respectively, and other components such as neutrinos and photons contribute a very small amount. Again, on a mass–energy equivalence basis, the density of dark energy (~ 7 × 10−30 g/cm3) is very low, much less than the density of ordinary matter or dark matter within galaxies. However, it comes to dominate the mass–energy of the universe because it is uniform across space.
Two proposed forms for dark energy are the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, and scalar fields such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic quantities whose energy density can vary in time and space. Contributions from scalar fields that are constant in space are usually also included in the cosmological constant. The cosmological constant can be formulated to be equivalent to vacuum energy. Scalar fields that do change in space can be difficult to distinguish from a cosmological constant because the change may be extremely slow."
And with the Standard Model does not yet find the holographic arguments compelling, I note that the Holographic Principle does offer a possible explanation of dark energy:

Yun Soo Myung (17 March 2005), "Holographic principle and dark energy", Physics Letters B, Volume 610, Issues 1–2, Pages 18–22,

Abstract: "We discuss the relationship between holographic entropy bounds and gravitating systems. In order to obtain a holographic energy density, we introduce the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy SBHSBH and its corresponding energy EBHEBH using the Friedman equation. We show that the holographic energy bound proposed by Cohen et al. comes from the Bekenstein–Hawking bound for a weakly gravitating system. Also we find that the holographic energy density with the future event horizon deriving an accelerating universe could be given by vacuum fluctuations of the energy density."

Extract: "We show that the holographic energy bound 3c2Mp2/8πRh2 proposed by Cohen et al. can be derived from the cosmic holographic bound, the Bekenstein–Hawking bound for a weakly gravitating system. If the IR cutoff is chosen by the future event horizon, then the holographic energy density can derive an accelerating universe. In this case the holographic energy density could be given by vacuum fluctuations of the energy density."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #98 on: September 18, 2016, 02:09:10 AM »
Now I would like to point out that HIOTTOE explains retrocausality, as any change in the free will network changes the past, the present and the future simultaneously.  The linked article (and following references) discuss how this impacts the Copenhagen Interpretation of the  Standard Model and Bell's Theorem:

Extract: “Now at last we get to the heart of the new argument for retrocausality in the quantum world. It turns on the fact that physics doesn’t seem to care about the direction of time. If the laws allow a physical process, they also allow the same process running in reverse. This isn’t true of many everyday processes – eggs turn into omelettes, but not the reverse! – but that seems to be a result of large-scale statistical effects associated with the second law of thermodynamics. At the fundamental level, there is no way to tell whether a video of physical processes is being played forwards or backwards. “

See also:

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #99 on: September 18, 2016, 03:07:14 AM »
The entire topic of systemic isolation (note in a flat Nibbanic plane all free will is isolated) is complex, but understanding that others have over come it can create an aspiration to do the same (see first two images, and the extract from the linked reference):

Extract: “Finally, the aspiration is based on four powers (bala): (1) internal power (ajjhattkia-bala), (2) external power (bahira-bala), (3) the power of the supporting conditions (upanissaya-bala), and (4) the power of effort (payoga-bala).  The internal power is the longing or undeviating inclination for supreme Awakening based on his personal ideals and reverence for the Dhamma.  The external power is this same longing based on consideration of others.  Through developing the supporting conditions, he has the power of this longing.  And the power of effort means he is endowed with the appropriate effort for attaining supreme Awakening.”

That said, if the universe is actually a holographic computer, then there likely are many different paths to becoming one with everything (see the last two image and the extract from the last linked article):

Extract: “At some point, we’ll be literally a hybrid of biological and nonbiological thinking, but it's a gradual transition,” Kurzweil says. “

Edit: The last two images are not meant to imply that humans would be used as electrical batteries (which is a silly metaphor), but rather that AI quantum computers operating in a holographic universe may benefit from human insights and AWE (artificial wisdom evolution); while humans might benefit from the expanded computing capacity of quantum computers.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 03:17:04 AM by AbruptSLR »
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