"engineers could solve the problem if only the politicians would fund them to get on with it? Maybe "market forces" will do the job, despite the politicians"
We have adequate technology to get ourselves almost totally off fossil fuels. The engineers will continue to improve that technology as we go along.
Politicians need to assist, but the market is starting to take over. It looks like one of the major things that politicians need to do is to resist the pressure from the fossil fuel industry to save their bacon. (These pro-free market folks are not so much in favor of a free market when their ox is getting gored.)
Wind is cheap and getting cheaper. Natural gas is almost certainly going to get more expensive. Those are our two cheapest ways to make new electricity in the US. They are forcing coal (and nuclear) off the grid. Wind will cause decreases in NG usage. That's the market doing the work.
Solar is getting cheaper. And it competes at the retail, not wholesale, level. Additionally, at the wholesale level solar competes against quite expensive peaking power. Solar is almost certainly going to take off (it already has). Again, the market doing the work.
Here's what is happening in the US (I'm not getting the image to display - use the link to view).
The overall amount of electricity from solar is small. But look at the slope...
The 2012 totals aren't out yet for US solar, but let's look at what we've got....
2010 1168
2011 1697
2012 4084 (First 11 months - through November)
The 2012 bar is going to be well more than double 2011.
(Thanks, Neven)
Edit N: Bob, I modified your post so the image shows. You used the image button from the WYSIWYG editor correctly (lower left), but the HTML links screwed it up. If you just highlight the URL of your image and then press the image button things should work. Hover over the buttons to see what they do.