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Author Topic: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!  (Read 7406 times)


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I am so appreciative of this forum for providing an “Off Topic” category.  In light of what I am about to post, in the next few paragraphs, I think that everyone will understand why my state and locale of residence, in the U.S., have been removed from my profile on this Forum.  I live in a community that has many residents that believe socialists, many Hispanics, many African-Americans and almost all Muslims should be killed, many of whom are immediate neighbors.  Were I to post the below statements on most major media platforms, my real name and location would be too easy to identify, which would not only risk my life but that of my wife.  It’s not that I have great fear of being shot at.  It’s happened twice before: once of the streets of Chicago and only once while serving in Vietnam.  However, since I’m approaching the age of 70, I’d prefer dying of natural causes.
I am posting this here, on this forum, with the sincere hope that someone can take what I am about to say and get it disseminated in one or more of the major social media forums.  If you choose to share what I am about to write, please don’t use that it came from “OldLeatherneck”.  You may refer to my being a former Marine and Vietnam Vet.  I’m willing to take some risks, but not be stupid about it.  I would request that any quotes be verbatim, although correcting spelling or grammatical errors such as too many/few comas are welcome.  You can editorialize before and after anything I wrote.  With any good fortune, within the next 12 months my wife and I will be moving to a different state, in the U.S.,or a certain undisclosed country in Europe.

Here Goes:

Late yesterday, 7-14-2016, a French resident of Tunisian descent wreaked havoc upon the city of Nice, France.  This horrific incident resulted in more than 80 deaths and multiple life threatening injuries.  Certainly, incidents like this must be decried as barbaric and every step should be taken to prevent future incidents like this in every country on earth.  Yet, it would be equally reprehensible to blame or punish every practitioner of one of the world’s major religions.

Within hours of the slaughter in Nice, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, was on FOX News recommending that every resident of America, who is of Muslim descent should be deported if they believe in Sharia law.  Rather than getting into the constitutional issues ,what are some of the hurdles in determining what constitutes a firm belief in Sharia law?
By Newt Gringrich’s new proclamation, the daughters of President Barack Obama must be evaluated for “Religious Purity” because their paternal grandfather was a Muslim born in Kenya, although their mother and father were born in the United States and are practicing Christians.   Conversely, there are many professional athletes in the U.S. who have converted to Islam. Since they are of Christian descent, will they be exempt from Newt Gingrich’s “Religious Purity” test.  However, their offspring may or may not be subject to the test depending which religions their birth parents practiced at the time of their birth. Of course time of conception may be more important than time of birth.  Does the “Gingrich Standard” identify whether to be classified as of Muslim descent requires only one birth parent or two?  What about adoptive parents?

Can or will the GOP leadership ever stop pandering to the least educated, informed, intelligent and rational thinking members of their base??
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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2016, 11:54:52 PM »
I don't know about pandering, but he's certainly polarizing (just like his fellow-workers from IS are doing). If anything he's speaking on behalf of the military-industrial complex. Peace ain't good for business and power grabs, or at least not as good as war and misery.
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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 02:09:49 AM »

Can or will the GOP leadership ever stop pandering to the least educated, informed, intelligent and rational thinking members of their base??

1.  NO....they will not stop.

2.  I'm an Independent....and I live in Georgia.  I don't want to know where you live...but my guess is somewhere in the SE US.

3.  I can't STAND Newt.  He would have made a PERFECT Vice President for Trump, however.  Can you imagine those two oversized ego's in the same room?

4.  Mike horrible.  The two better candidates for VP for the Republicans (John Kasich and Bob Corker) took themselves of consideration.  Mike Pense doesn't believe that CO2 can cause global warming BECAUSE IT IS NATURAL.

The thought of having a horrible combination of Trump and Pense is pretty mind boggling.  I just don't understand how ANYONE that has seen Donald Trump for more than a few hours.....could ever vote for him.  I don't like Hillary....but the choice is EASY.




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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2016, 05:37:28 AM »
" I just don't understand how ANYONE that has seen Donald Trump for more than a few hours.....could ever vote for him."

For my sins, I travel extensively through the east coast, midatlantic states and the mid-west. I have known a bunch of people for years who are now Trump supporters. I employ some, do business with others, drink and get beat at pool with still more. To understand them a little better, consider the ultimatum game.

From wikipedia:

"The first player (the proposer) receives a sum of money and proposes how to divide the sum between the proposer and the other player. The second player (the responder) chooses to either accept or reject this proposal. If the second player accepts, the money is split according to the proposal. If the second player rejects, neither player receives any money."

Humans reject unfair division if they feel the split is not fair. Rather than accept unfair division they would rather get nothing.

Fora a long time now a large number of people have been getting screwed.They see the 1% get most benefit, while they struggle to survive. They know another Clinton will mean more of the same screwing. They are done with the status quo. They would rather flip the table and burn it all down.

Hence Brexit and Trump.

A article along these lines is at:

Well worth reading.



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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2016, 10:43:30 AM »
Here's another article I coincidentally read yesterday: Outside the Hall of Mirrors

No, what makes a Trump victory in November considerably more likely than not is that Clinton has cast herself as the candidate of the status quo. All the positions she’s taken amount to the continued pursuit of policies that, in the United States as in Britain, have benefited the affluent at the expense of everyone else. That was a safe choice back when her husband was President, and both parties were competing mostly over which one could do a better job of comforting the comfortable and afflicting the already afflicted. It’s not a safe choice now, when Trump has thrown away the covert rulebook of modern American politics, and is offering, to people who’ve gotten the short end of the stick for more than thirty years, a set of policy changes that could actually improve their lives.
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E. Smith


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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2016, 01:18:23 PM »
Most Trump supporters are xenophobic.  Their brains are hard-wired to fear anyone different than they are (race, religion, nationality, etc.), which frequently expresses itself as hatred or prejudice.  No amount of explanations or pleading or ridicule will change their mindset -- they are simply unable to see anything wrong with that way of being.  Although they revel in finding like-minded xenophobes... fortunately, they are a minority of the population.
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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2016, 03:02:19 PM »
Fora a long time now a large number of people have been getting screwed.They see the 1% get most benefit, while they struggle to survive. They know another Clinton will mean more of the same screwing. They are done with the status quo. They would rather flip the table and burn it all down.

Hence Brexit and Trump.

First, I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate (so I am NOT a "bleeding heart liberal").  Also...I have a background in tax (CPA....Certified Public Accountant) and you understand where I am coming from.

Secondly, I agree that both Trump AND Bernie Sanders are a reaction from "those who feel like they are getting screwed".  I believe Brexit is primarily a reaction to the immigration issue that Great Britain has (just my personal opinion).  But if anyone thinks  that Trump is going to do anything about income disparity between the upper 1% and them......they need to think about the following first:

A)  Tax Return Issue:

Trump will NEVER show his tax returns.  EVER.  Why?  The likelihood that (a) his tax bracket is below 10% - 15% because he uses every single loophole he can (b) he also HASN'T given charitable contributions to many of the organizations that he has claimed (c) his sources of revenue are FAR LESS than he has claimed (he is NOT worth $10 billion....except in his own warped mind....and he doesn't have NEARLY the source of income he claims).

B)  Donald doesn't mind screwing the little guy any chance he gets

1)  He spent $250,000 in trying to keep unions out of his Nevada properties:

2)  When his casino's went into bankruptcy FOUR TIMES in New Jersey.....he walked away with millions.....when the "working class got screwed."

3)  His clothing business buys products from China, Bangladesh, etc....NOT from the US

4)  He had no moral issues with screwing the "small guy" in his fraudulent Trump University.

Trump is a MARKETER.  PERIOD.  He is a PROMOTER.  And like most promoters....he is a LIAR.  He makes Hillary look like a choir girl (and that is hard to do....I'm NOT a Hillary fan by any means).  But he understands Marketing 101:  He "tags" something....and then he keeps repeating it thousands of times so people believe it is the truth.

When you begin to actually peel back the onion that is Donald falls apart.  Most people DON'T peel back the onion.  And those that are watching FOX News....never see it getting peeled.

The two largest issues of our time over the next 20 years are GLOBAL WARMING and INCOME DISPARITY.

In 2013 Switzerland voted on a referendum that would have capped CEO pay at 12 times the lowest employees pay:

I have thought for YEARS....that is the ONLY way to narrow the gap.  I believe it WILL HAPPEN at some point in the future.....but like women's right to vote in the will take decades.

In the US.....the gap is TREMENDOUS.  In the US...the gap between CEO's and the "typical worker" (ie NOT the lowest paid worker) is 373 to 1:

But as a former "tax guy"....I understand the "basic math" and why the disparity is there....and will continue to grow.

CEO's and the "C Suite" (CEO's, CFO's.....Chief Financial Officers,  CIO's Chief Information Officer's, CMO's Chief Marketing Officer's, etc) are the ones making up the pay rates and rules.  And they are the ones calling the shots on where goods are produced.....and who gets fired....and who profits by pushing down the pay of those at the lower rungs of the ladder.

But if ANYONE thinks that Donald Trump is "the guy" to fix the problem....boy are they mistaken.  He is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.  PERIOD.  He will say anyone.....he doesn't care.  And when you look at his ACTUALY HISTORY......the little guy gets peed on....not helped.  It is ALL ABOUT DONALD.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2016, 03:31:11 PM »
One other thing about Trump.  Now he has made his first major decision.  He has hired Mike Pence as his VP Candidate.

This is Mike Pence's stance on a couple of issues:

1)  “Global warming is a myth,” Pence declared in a Kyoto-era op-ed on his website, dug up by BuzzFeed. “The global warming treaty is a disaster. There, I said it … The chant is ‘the sky is warming! the sky is warming!’. The only problem is that many Americans, including Vice President Al Gore, didn’t learn of their deceit the last time around and are buying this new bit hook, line and sinker.”

The best part is his conclusion: “I know Monica Lewinsky seems like the most important issue in America but, call me crazy, I think the quiet expansion of the liberal environmentalist agenda by Al Gore and Clinton White House that will cost thousands of jobs could be more important. Say no to the global warming treaty.”

2)  “Smoking doesn’t kill.”

Right around the time Pence declared global warming a myth, he insisted smoking wasn’t harmful, according to this quote ThinkProgress dug up from his 2000 campaign website:

“Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer.”

3)  He cut taxes for the wealthy in Indiana

4)  If you are gay, lesbian, trans, will not like Mike Pence either.  Anti gay/lesbian/etc.

5)  Pro Guns:  You'll love Mike Pence.  If you don't want REASONABLE REGULATION....but instead want gun'll love Mike Pence.

The two best candidates for VP for the Republicans would have been John Kasich and Bob Corker.  They had at least SOME redeeming qualities.  But Kasich...the Republican governor of Ohio, the state where the Republican National Convention is being held....REFUSES TO ENDORSE TRUMP.  And Corker....not wanting to get tainted by the Trump stain, removed himself from consideration for VP.

To summarize:  if you want (1) a twosome that doesn't believe in global warming (2) a twosome that wants to help the wealthy, and (3) apparently don't believe in science.......then Trump/Pence are your guys.

FOX (RT) News....."The Trump Channel.....where truth and journalism are dead."


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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2016, 02:14:06 AM »
1) Re: xenophopic Trump supporters

There are a buncha racists among the Trumpista, sure. But it would be quite naive to imagine that xenophobia is primary motivator.

2) Stipulated that Trump is vile.

Consider that the Trumpista know this. They are not as stupid as some make em out to be. They know every politician is lying. They also see visceral hatred from democrat, republican, plutocrat establishment for Trump, the same establishment that they know has screwed them for decades. They think a Trump victory might change things, perhaps for the worse, but perhaps for the better, while Clinton will change nuttn. They will take that chance.

Perhaps an anecdote will help.

I was at  biker bar in nowhere PA a month or two ago, with a farmers market in their parking lot. There was a guy out there doing a roaring business selling hats and t-shirts. The text on them read: "Trump." on the top line. Below it said: "What have you got to lose ?"

He was blastin Bobby McGee outta a big boombox (The Highwaymen version, of course, not Janis) and getting high fives. Not just the bikers, but the farmers, too.

Trumpista feel they have nothing to lose. That is quite a dangerous thing.



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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2016, 05:04:35 PM »
Apparently.....the 354 to 1 ratio of CEO pay to "typical worker" pay in the US isn't a big enough difference for Mike Pence (and Donald Trump).

If we get Trump/Pence.....I'm sure they can push up the ratio higher.....
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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2016, 08:36:32 PM »
OLN, or should I say OfM or OVV

I fled the Excited States for similar reasons back in 2004. I'd witnessed the rapidity & depth of America's sudden hatred toward France & the French, (remember Freedom Fries)? and, being a Canadian by birth and nationality decided it was time to put a border between myself and those screaming the loudest.
I haven't regretted a day of it. Canadians take pride in their reputation for politeness, healthcare is free, world class, & as friendly as visiting your family veterinarian. People are better educated, happier, and less inclined to violence.

Sorry, this wasn't intended as and ad for Canada, but rather as an encouragement to get to somewhere safe, both for your physical self as well as for your mental well being.

I made it to the big 7 0 last month. I'm no longer as agile, either mentally or physically, as I'd once been. What had once seemed exciting, I now avoid. Life is good when I can let someone cut in front & feel I'm helping him get to his destination on time.



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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2016, 09:39:37 PM »

While the Newtster's latest may wreak of xenophobic inanity/insanity, this isn't a huge change from positions he's espoused in the past. They seem to believe that they can win elections while using only white males as a voter base. (Now reduced to white, non-Islamic males)

You yourself are proof that not all white males will be taken in, and, while the most rabid are the most likely to vote, they seem to be igniting a very powerful backlash with voters that feel their very lives may be forfeit if Republicans prevail.

Gerrymandering may win seats in state elections & congress (something the Democrats need to address whenever they take over a state), but by forcing an ever widening definition of the 'other', they are narrowing their own base.

Hillary may only be offering a return to the status quo, but older voters at least remember Bill's presidency with some nostalgia & hopefully the younger ones remember the GOP getting hysterical about their LGBT friends, pushing draconian sentencing for drug offences, and screaming about higher taxes while they spent the country into massive debt.

Brexit may serve as a wakeup call. This isn't an election where anyone can sit at home, assured that cooler heads will prevail. Independents need to hold their noses and vote, or our concerns about climate change, others concerns about women's rights, and everyone's concerns about well paid employment will be trashed irrevocably.  This truly is an election that will change the future of the world.



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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2016, 06:26:21 AM »
" ... hold their noses and vote ..."

Cuts both ways. I am seeing a whole bunch of not previously crazy republicans who plan to do that and vote for trump.


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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2016, 01:27:27 PM »
Here's a good video clip from Jon Stewart last night, regarding Trump and FOX News.....

As we go through the election process over the next several months...I encourage folks to NOT get their "news"
from just one source.  For me....I get "news" from ABC News (previously with Diane Sawyer....who served in
the Nixon white house and helped write his memoirs....and now the news is headed by David Muir).  But I also watch
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and a little bit of FOX News EVERY WEEK ('s painful).

As a LIFE LONG Independent....I am aware there are usually THREE SIDES to every story.  As they say in divorce,
there is "his story, her story, and the truth."  And that is why it is important to ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE TRUTH, not
just what you WANT to hear.

Here's a clip from Jon Stewart last he exposes the hypocrisy of FOX News.  Entertaining and enlightening:

It's pretty telling when I watch MSNBC's "Morning Joe".....vs "FOX"

I like to watch "Morning Joe" because it has both Conservative and Liberal components of the US.  These are some of the
folks on Morning Joe:

Joe Scarborough (former Republican member of the US house, from a conservative district next to the Alabama state line)
Micah Brzezinski (liberal daughter of Zbigniew  Brzezinski, former national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter)
Michael Steel (Republican, former head of the Republican National Committee)
Mark Halpern (conservative Republican analyst)
Nicolle Wallace (conservative Republican, ex communications director for President Bush)
Donnie Deutsch (liberal, former owner of a large New York ad agency)
Willie Geist (unknown political leaning)
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Re: Gingrich Plan “Might” Deport Malia & Sasha Obama from the U.S!!
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2016, 10:43:43 PM »
Humans reject unfair division if they feel the split is not fair. Rather than accept unfair division they would rather get nothing.

Fora a long time now a large number of people have been getting screwed.They see the 1% get most benefit, while they struggle to survive. They know another Clinton will mean more of the same screwing. They are done with the status quo. They would rather flip the table and burn it all down.

Hence Brexit and Trump.

They know every politician is lying. They also see visceral hatred from democrat, republican, plutocrat establishment for Trump, the same establishment that they know has screwed them for decades. They think a Trump victory might change things, perhaps for the worse, but perhaps for the better, while Clinton will change nuttn. They will take that chance.

Just found this thread. Sidd's excellent posts here sum up what I am afraid of. Hopefully the US will still tip to the side of status quo and not the "burn it all down" Trump, but it will be closer than most people think. (Bernie could really have changed things for the better, unfortunately  the status quo shot him down).