DOE announces $46 million for commercial fusion energy development
The awardees are as follows:
Commonwealth Fusion Systems (Cambridge, MA)
Focused Energy Inc. (Austin, TX)
Princeton Stellarators Inc. (Branchburg, NJ)
Realta Fusion Inc. (Madison, WI)
Tokamak Energy Inc. (Bruceton Mills, WV)
Type One Energy Group (Madison, WI)
Xcimer Energy Inc. (Redwood City, CA)
Zap Energy Inc. (Everett, WA)
This funding is a major step to meeting the Biden Harris Administration's goals laid out at the March 2022 White House summit on Developing a Bold Decadal Vision for Commercial Fusion Energy.
In December, researchers at DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory achieved fusion ignition and generated more energy from fusion than the input energy to the fuel target. This showed that fusion is a possible source of clean energy for humanity and that fusion science has reached a level of maturity to support the premise of that vision to accelerate efforts in the engineering development of a fusion pilot plant.
Applicants for these awards-selected by competitive peer review under the DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement for the Milestone-Based Fusion Development Program-went through a rigorous merit-review process that included evaluation of their scientific, technical, commercialization, and business and financial viabilities. The review also looked at the companies' plans to support DOE's efforts in advancing President Biden's Justice40 Initiative, whose goal is that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain climate and energy investments flow to disadvantaged communities.
The total funding of $46 million is for the first 18 months, with funds coming from Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023. Projects may last up to five years in duration, with outyear funding contingent on congressional appropriations, and continued participation from the teams contingent on satisfactory progress in meeting the negotiated milestones." of stellar physics and nuclear fusion investigated
Research using the world's most energetic laser has shed light on the properties of highly compressed matter
The international research team used NIF to generate the extreme conditions necessary for pressure-driven ionisation. They focused 184 laser beams on a cavity, converting the laser energy into X-rays that heated a 2mm metal shell placed in the centre. As the outside of the shell rapidly expanded due to the heating, the inside was driven inwards - reaching temperatures around two million kelvins (1.9m degrees Celsius) and pressures up to three billion atmospheres - creating a tiny piece of matter as found in dwarf stars for just a few nanoseconds.
The highly compressed metal shell (made of beryllium) was then analysed using X-rays to reveal its density, temperature, and electron structure. The findings revealed that, following strong heating and compression, at least three out of four electrons in beryllium transitioned into conducting states, that is, they can move independent from the nuclear cores of the atoms. Additionally, the study uncovered unexpectedly weak elastic X-ray scattering, indicating reduced localization of the remaining electron, that is a new stage shortly before all electrons become free and thus revealing the pathways to a fully ionised state." for the phys folk, this is the first time they have noticed a phonon produced when photons created by exciton collapse)
When the researchers applied a precise pulse of laser light, they knocked a tungsten diselenide atom's electron away from the nucleus, which generated an exciton quasiparticle. Each exciton consisted of a negatively charged electron on one layer of the tungsten diselenide and a positively charged hole where the electron used to be on the other layer. And because opposite charges attract each other, the electron and the hole in each exciton were tightly bonded to each other. After a short moment, as the electron dropped back into the hole it previously occupied, the exciton emitted a single photon encoded with quantum information - producing the quantum emitter the team sought to create.
But the team discovered that the tungsten diselenide atoms were emitting another type of quasiparticle, known as a phonon. Phonons are a product of atomic vibration, which is similar to breathing. Here, the two atomic layers of the tungsten diselenide acted like tiny drumheads vibrating relative to each other, which generated phonons. This is the first time phonons have ever been observed in a single photon emitter in this type of two-dimensional atomic system.
When the researchers measured the spectrum of the emitted light, they noticed several equally spaced peaks. Every single photon emitted by an exciton was coupled with one or more phonons. This is somewhat akin to climbing a quantum energy ladder one rung at a time, and on the spectrum, these energy spikes were represented visually by the equally spaced peaks.
"A phonon is the natural quantum vibration of the tungsten diselenide material, and it has the effect of vertically stretching the exciton electron-hole pair sitting in the two layers," said Li, who is also is a member of the steering committee for the UW's QuantumX, and is a faculty member of the Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems. "This has a remarkably strong effect on the optical properties of the photon emitted by the exciton that has never been reported before."
The researchers were curious if they could harness the phonons for quantum technology. They applied electrical voltage and saw that they could vary the interaction energy of the associated phonons and emitted photons. These variations were measurable and controllable in ways relevant to encoding quantum information into a single photon emission. And this was all accomplished in one integrated system - a device that involved only a small number of atoms.
Next the team plans to build a waveguide - fibers on a chip that catch single photon emissions and direct them where they need to go - and then scale up the system. Instead of controlling only one quantum emitter at a time, the team wants to be able to control multiple emitters and their associated phonon states. This will enable the quantum emitters to "talk" to each other, a step toward building a solid base for quantum circuitry." phononic coupling in excitonic quantum emitters
Engineering the coupling between fundamental quantum excitations is at the heart of quantum science and technologies. An outstanding case is the creation of quantum light sources in which coupling between single photons and phonons can be controlled and harnessed to enable quantum information transduction. Here we report the deterministic creation of quantum emitters featuring highly tunable coupling between excitons and phonons. The quantum emitters are formed in strain-induced quantum dots created in homobilayer WSe2.