The Albedo-Warming Potential is an attempt to quantify the additional warming from a lower ice cover at the poles. At the moment these calculations don't include cloud cover, therefore it is called "Warming Potential" and not actual warming. However, over six-month weather tends to average out and warm areas correlate well with low ice extend in September. The basis of all calculations is a self-developed global surface radiation model and NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration data.
It is in essence a much better version of my “Quantifying albedo effect / Rating daily area values” topic. In order to present the results better I created my own website and only use links on the forum. If I update my calculations all changes will be applied to this first post too and not scattered across several posts.
Link to my website CryosphereComputing: website following images are all cumulative results from the last day of the melt season. The end of the astronomical summer to be precise. For daily Animations click on the link below the year. All daily values are also available on my website.
All anomalies are calculated against the 2007-2016 sea ice concentration average.
Red indicates lower albedo and above average warming.
Blue indicates higher albedo and below average warming.
One extra day of peak insulation on open ocean is about 20 MJ/m2.
One extra month of peak insulation on open ocean is about 600 MJ/m2.
Daily Animation2008
Daily Animation2009
Daily Animation2010
Daily Animation2011
Daily Animation2012
Daily Animation2013
Daily Animation2014
Daily Animation2015
Daily Animation2016
Daily AnimationPan Arctic Graphs:Regional graphs: surface radiation model details:The model calculates the incoming solar energy per day per m2 for all latitudes between 40N and 90N (0.2 degree steps). Considered are solar zenith angles, the atmospheric reduction (Air mass), Projection effect and water albedo for every 15min interval. If a grid cell has 55% ice concentration, then it is treated as a water area 55% the size of the grid cell.
NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration details: Ice concentration average: 2007-2016
Pole hole ice concentration is calculated from a 2-pixel wide ring around the hole
Lake ice is ignored to reduce noise
Pixel Area corrected
warming potential for each individual pixel (max. 0.44-pixels off from pixel center)
NSIDC DataCavalieri, D., C. Parkinson, P. Gloersen, and H. J. Zwally. 1996, updated yearly. Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data, Version 1. [indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA: NASA DAAC at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.