Rather belatedly, here is a summary of RASM_ESRL Sea Ice for October 2017.
I have used the REB.2017-10-dd.nc files, and taken time step 0 as being the "nowcast" and time step 39 as being the day 10 forecast.
Extent and Area are calculated for sea ice with a concentration greater than 15%.
The Effective Thickness in the final column is the average effective thickness for sea ice thicker than 0.15 m. This figure is directly comparable with the PIOMAS Average Thickness chart.
Units : Extent and Area - 10^6 km^2, Volume - 10^3 km3, Thickness - m
Date | _ | model time | _ | Extent | _ | Area | _ | Volume | _ | Average | __ | Maximum | __ | *Effective |
| | | | | | | | | | thickness | | thickness | | thickness* |
20171001 | | 736478.25 | | 4.9413 | | 4.5659 | | 6.5435 | | 1.428 | | 3.6076 | | 1.4714 |
20171002 | | 736479.25 | | 4.9737 | | 4.6028 | | 6.5618 | | 1.4206 | | 3.5998 | | 1.4666 |
20171003 | | 736480.25 | | 5.0048 | | 4.635 | | 6.5703 | | 1.4126 | | 3.5944 | | 1.4591 |
20171004 | | 736481.25 | | 5.1015 | | 4.7681 | | 6.7145 | | 1.4041 | | 3.6102 | | 1.4567 |
20171005 | | 736482.25 | | 5.1815 | | 4.8086 | | 6.7243 | | 1.3934 | | 3.6073 | | 1.4506 |
20171006 | | 736483.25 | | 5.2753 | | 4.8832 | | 6.744 | | 1.3753 | | 3.605 | | 1.4442 |
20171007 | | 736484.25 | | 5.3912 | | 4.9675 | | 6.7579 | | 1.3553 | | 3.6033 | | 1.431 |
20171008 | | 736485.25 | | 5.4651 | | 5.0476 | | 6.7767 | | 1.3382 | | 3.6017 | | 1.4193 |
20171009 | | 736486.25 | | 5.5182 | | 5.1169 | | 6.7988 | | 1.3245 | | 3.5981 | | 1.4077 |
20171010 | | 736487.25 | | 5.5751 | | 5.1802 | | 6.8322 | | 1.3148 | | 3.5932 | | 1.3962 |
20171011 | | 736488.25 | | 5.6437 | | 5.2382 | | 6.5741 | | 1.2505 | | 3.5895 | | 1.3446 |
20171012 | | 736489.25 | | 5.8243 | | 5.3877 | | 6.6087 | | 1.2222 | | 3.584 | | 1.3362 |
20171013 | | 736490.25 | | 5.9332 | | 5.4971 | | 6.6438 | | 1.2048 | | 3.5756 | | 1.3263 |
20171014 | | 736491.25 | | 6.0014 | | 5.5797 | | 6.6784 | | 1.1933 | | 3.571 | | 1.3077 |
20171015 | | 736492.25 | | 6.0732 | | 5.6625 | | 6.7134 | | 1.182 | | 3.5685 | | 1.289 |
20171016 | | 736493.25 | | 6.1664 | | 5.7515 | | 6.7429 | | 1.1689 | | 3.5661 | | 1.2683 |
20171017 | | 736494.25 | | 6.2969 | | 5.858 | | 6.775 | | 1.1534 | | 3.5635 | | 1.2484 |
20171018 | | 736495.25 | | 6.2728 | | 5.8816 | | 6.8526 | | 1.1602 | | 3.5626 | | 1.2564 |
20171019 | | 736496.25 | | 6.6861 | | 6.1925 | | 6.9144 | | 1.1142 | | 3.5605 | | 1.2369 |
20171020 | | 736497.25 | | 6.7947 | | 6.428 | | 6.99 | | 1.0852 | | 3.5594 | | 1.2229 |
20171021 | | 736498.25 | | 6.8867 | | 6.5625 | | 7.0504 | | 1.0723 | | 3.5581 | | 1.2114 |
20171022 | | 736499.25 | | 6.9822 | | 6.5764 | | 7.0826 | | 1.0749 | | 3.5545 | | 1.1706 |
20171023 | | 736500.25 | | 7.0649 | | 6.6531 | | 7.1374 | | 1.0708 | | 3.5522 | | 1.1454 |
20171024 | | 736501.25 | | 7.1329 | | 6.7285 | | 7.1988 | | 1.0679 | | 3.5507 | | 1.1286 |
20171025 | | 736502.25 | | 7.0576 | | 6.6649 | | 7.2726 | | 1.0885 | | 3.5503 | | 1.1394 |
20171026 | | 736503.25 | | 7.3263 | | 6.8983 | | 7.3667 | | 1.0662 | | 3.5465 | | 1.1312 |
20171027 | | 736504.25 | | 7.4048 | | 7.0494 | | 7.4528 | | 1.0556 | | 3.5441 | | 1.1197 |
20171028 | | 736505.25 | | 7.4716 | | 7.116 | | 7.5245 | | 1.0557 | | 3.5438 | | 1.1094 |
20171029 | | 736506.25 | | 7.5305 | | 7.1638 | | 7.5925 | | 1.058 | | 3.5435 | | 1.1007 |
20171030 | | 736507.25 | | 7.5658 | | 7.1935 | | 7.6361 | | 1.0597 | | 3.5383 | | 1.0964 |
20171031 | | 736508.25 | | 7.6067 | | 7.2332 | | 7.7033 | | 1.0632 | | 3.5381 | | 1.0957 |
It is notable that thickness decreases during the month. This is possibly because the RASM-ESRL model is not manufacturing enough sea ice to keep pace with the increase in extent.
Below are animations showing the progress of the sea ice thickness and concentration "nowcasts", and a comparison of RASM-ESRL sea ice concentration with the University of Hamburg ASI AMSR2 sea ice concentration.
Click to animate