Steven Chu
In 1999, Steven Chu, Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1997, said “it’s extremely unlikely that this is real, and I feel sorry for the funders, the people who are backing this”.[7]
Phillip Anderson
In 1999, Princeton University’s physics Nobel laureate Phillip Anderson said of it, “If you could fuck around with the hydrogen atom, you could fuck around with the energy process in the sun. You could fuck around with life itself.” “Everything we know about everything would be a bunch of nonsense. That’s why I’m so sure that it’s a fraud.”[6]
Wolfgang Ketterle
Wolfgang Ketterle, a professor of physics at MIT, said BLP’s claims are “nonsense” and that “there is no state of hydrogen lower than the ground state”.[8]
Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist based at City University of New York, adds that “the only law that this business with Mills is proving is that a fool and his money are easily parted.”[6] and that “There’s a sucker born every minute.”[7]
Peter Zimmerman
While Peter Zimmerman was chief arms-control scientist at the State Department, he stated that his department and the Patent Office “have fought back with success” against “pseudoscientists” and he railed against, among other things, the inventors of “hydrinos.”[37]