ccgwebmaster - I'm assuming your related to the "Civilisation Continuity Group" and "Deus Juvat" project. If so I'd like to say there are other people with the same idea.
Check out the following link of a group in "Transition Networks" you could network with them.
For the larger conversation of what to do at a personal level, there are a range of possibilites.
First you and yours has to decide on the threat level.
Does it require immediate "run for the hills" action
Is it certain enough to redirect life into a long term plan
If it is not certain enough now, is there a point, a milestone, a threashold that once crossed, activates a plan
Is there more danger in self-fulfilling prophecies? Therefore one should not make such plans in advance no matter what.
Once the threat threshold has been realized, there is another range of responses.
1. Build an Ark. Build some kind of place that will try to survive and save what ever can be saved.
2. Become a survivalist. Form/Join a group that will do what it takes to survive.
3. Focus on sustainablility/permaculture community. Form/Join a Transition Town or other permaculture community.
4. Become an activist. Work to change the world politically
5. Choose to continue living your current life as best you can. Reducing/reusing what you can. But deciding your just not going do a bunch of crazy preperation that might not do a bit of good. Or worse might make you a target.
And many other options.
The point is, no one can tell you how you should respond.
One of the strenghts of the human race is our ability to fracture and scatter a thousand different ways.
If we all took the same path, we only have one chance to make it.
If we take thousands of different paths, there are thousands of chances of making it.
Therefore the best answer is to know yourself, and know what is right for you based on who you are.
Do you do your best work for yourself, for your family, for a larger community?
And what would be your highest motivation?
Personal/Family survival for the duration?
That sense of accomplishment where you figured out the most-efficent/best optimized path?
Skill/Knowledge/Technology/Civilization preservation?
Pass on the best lessions learned to who ever might survive that they might build something better?
A "We Were Here" memorial?
A inner sense that you lived your life in accordance with your higher self/values of love, care, compassion.
Each of us, will balance all of this and more and come up with our own way.
The more concious effort we put in to finding a way that is right for us, the more at peace we will be.
For me, there is one issue I wish the world, the masses, as many as possible would face before any panic/breakdown/whatever starts. And that is some level of acceptance.
Some grown up or mature view that says if we are all toast, then there is no need to kill/take/steal/destroy.
That taking anything/everything will make no difference, so we might as well leave it be.
That we go out with some nobility, not just brute beasts exercising every weapon at our disposal.
What I would ask for is for the human race to rise to a higher plane.
And to grow beyond the base reptillian survival of the fittest
If we could grow beyond that plane, now that would be a humanity worth saving.
so I would ask all of us thinking ahead, to not just decide on what gives us the best "survival of the fittest" advantage, nor just decide on what would be best for humanity/environment,
but can we do to best add one person-hood's worth of nobility, grace and higher character to the human race at this time.