I'm glad you have such a high opinion of human collective intelligence. But if we are so smart, how did we get ourselves into this fix in the first place?
I see little indication of this lack of stupidity so far, even among people who are otherwise quite smart... relatives of mine retired to a coastal property right on Chesapeake Bay; a beautiful spot, but one that, even if it is not inundated before they die, is likely to see a big loss of value and of insurability.
And of course the vast majority are those who don't have resources to just up and move away from their sources of income.
The time to start relocating people from Miami and Shanghai (not to mention entire regions/provinces such as Jiangsu) was probably about a decade ago, but no such plans are underway anywhere in the world as far as I know, though some island nations are asking for climate refugee status, pleas that are, so far, falling on deaf ears. Miami, of course, is in a state where you get fired from the state government for even using the words 'global warming' in public. Soooo, not there's plenty of stupid to go around, apparently.
And yeah, none of this is going to be remotely easy, and the longer we put off looking at these things squarely, the harder it is going to be.