A bold move going straight to the heart of the matter.
We, the Democrats, progressives, liberals, environmentalists, or whatever we call ourselves today face a pivotal decision. Do we accept blame for the outcome of the recent election, or do we externalize it, blaming everyone but ourselves and our parties leaders?
Both positions can be defended. Many feel that externalizing blame is a healthy response when recrimination, depression, or a bad self image would result from taking full responsibility for some action.
I can't come up with a great example, and Wili doesn't like my analogies anyway. As a matter of fact it's almost a certainty that Wili's comment has affected me deeply and it's his fault that I'm unable to defend this statement properly.
Fortunately, as this wasn't my fault, it won't have a detrimental effect on my writing & I'll be able to continue with confidence.
See, piece of cake. it was all his fault.
Others believe that by internalizing the blame, we can learn from it and correct the mistake. Somehow we lost an election that we should have had in the bag. Someone or something is responsible. Someone must pay.
We've been winning, and losing, elections the way we fought this one for decades. Most alive today don't remember when we ran on big government, to better help those in need. Most don't remember when a president, one of ours, sacrificed the "Southern Block", because Civil Rights was more important.
Most alive today believe that the only way to beat Republicans is to emulate their programs, their tactics, and their funding.
It's not true, but it is accepted as fact.
If Putin, or anyone outside of our party structure is responsible for our failure, then we can crush him, and drive straight to the finish line. Don't change a thing, the results will be different because we will have removed that which blocked our path.
Everyone stays on the payroll, everyone marches in place.
Life is good, the sun is shining and the birds are in full throat - until the next election.
If Putin, or Assange, or whoever, wasn't actually responsible for our demise, then we're going through the same motions, doing the same things, and expecting different results. Parties can't be crazy, political movements can't be crazy, we can't be crazy - oh shit !!! Crazy people never believe they're crazy.
Could blaming Putin for our mistakes be a sign that we're crazy?
If he's not guilty, I still don't like him, so what could it hurt to ruffle his feathers.
He's got bombs - BIG BOMBS
We let N Korea slide for years because they had small bombs, and not many of them.
And Putin not only has BIG BOMBS, he's got LOTS of BIG BOMBS
We're after Trump, not Putin. - Yea, yea, but does Putin know that? for sure?
When Trump's poll numbers were down he found a magic formula for INSTANT POPULARITY !!
All he had to do was talk tough, fire some missiles and drop the biggest conventional 16 million dollar bomb we had. Wow. what a warrior, he even spoiled his guest's dessert. What a man, where do I put my X on his ballot.
If Trump had bombed England, or Holland or Canada, they'd have sent the guys in white coats after him. Asked how we ever let such a monster into the White House.
So, if Russia, and Syria, and Afghanistan were seen as friendlies, Trump would lose his get out of jail free card.
It's up to you guys, I'm in a foreign country and therefor unable to alter your votes.
In 200+ years no foreigner was ever able to alter the outcome of one of your elections.
When Britannia ruled the sea, and the world, she couldn't change American elections.
A shame that the outcome will never again be trusted, by anyone.