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Author Topic: Other earth observation fora  (Read 3247 times)


  • New ice
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Other earth observation fora
« on: July 08, 2017, 06:47:10 PM »
Given the tremendous value of ASIF in advancing interpretation of earth observation of the Arctic and in communicating the importance of the issue, all on an open/public platform, I have for a while been wondering if similar forums exist for other components of the earth system.

Imagine, for example, if other tipping points from Lenton et al. 2008 had similar forums. ASIF obviously treats several of the cryosphere related. But what about the rest?

Use this thread to post links to relevant public discussion forums on tropical forests, such as the Amazon, oceans, such as the Pacific, or desserts and arid lands, such as the Sahara or Sahel.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 04:26:46 PM by PSJ »

Tor Bejnar

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Re: Other earth observation forums
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 07:40:18 PM »
I picked 'at random' one of the map's topics and ran an internet search on "coral reefs climate change blog" and came up with The Globe Program Community Blogs.  The actual 'hit' was to a 2012 article on Thai Coral Reef and Climate Change that called it a "Scientists' Blog".
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  • Frazil ice
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Re: Other earth observation forums
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2017, 09:17:34 PM »
Other Earth observation sounds like an amazing concept - look forward to seeing how it develops!


  • New ice
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Re: Other earth observation forums
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2017, 03:31:32 AM »
Not a forum as such, but back in my undergraduate days I often referred to the IRIS Seismic Monitor, part of an NSF institute out of Washington.

The arctic has very little of concern tectonically but I check it for quake magnitudes whenever anything significant occurs, (Indonesia, Japan, Chile). They also have some 3D products for places like California IIRC - if you click a little deeper you can lose half a day on there easily,

I Note that the tsunami in Greenland a few weeks back didn't register, suggesting the tremor reported may have been due to the earthen movement of the landslip itself. (?)

Also, completely off topic now, you can see the North Korean Nuclear underground tests appear when they occur, I think their processing lag and confirmation normally delays the map view by 3-6 hours or so.


  • New ice
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Re: Other earth observation forums
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2017, 03:03:51 PM »
Thanks everybody for your contributions. For me, these "forums" also underscore the unique nature of ASIF in being driven by contributions from an open community. Maybe it's worth looking more into weather forums that focus on some of these areas?

Good one Charles: "Other Earth" observations, lol.


  • New ice
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Re: Other earth observation forums
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2017, 03:12:01 PM »
Here's one platform focusing on forest monitoring:

It has a google discussion group, here:!forum/globalforestwatch


  • Frazil ice
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Re: Other earth observation forums
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2017, 04:12:47 PM »
May I suggest you change one word in the title to "fora" in order to be a bit more aligned with the Latin way of expressing yourselves.

Andreas T

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Re: Other earth observation fora
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2017, 05:44:27 PM »
seeing how hopeless it is to try to stop people talking about "a maxima" and "a penomena" I much prefer forums and maximums, at least it is a bit clearer whether someone intended the plural or the singular without "getting" latin endings. I find it an annoying sign of careless (imitative) use of language but there are worse things to worry about (as seen by reading this forum)


  • Frazil ice
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Re: Other earth observation fora
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2017, 10:39:32 PM »
Volcano Cafe is to vulcanology what this Forum is to the Arctic Ice.

I followed it closely in its previous format as Bardarbunga was erupting. Loads of interesting stuff about a climate-related topic: