This is our little echo chamber to discuss Arctic sea ice mostly, you know where most of us are coming from, so either you work with that and let my foul-mouthed rant pass
Erm, I did let your rant pass. I did not even criticise you for making it. I criticised Chris' self-contradictory attitude not your comment.
Discussing sea ice, fine. That is why I'm here. It's been mostly successful with both Chris and chandle providing useful critical input.
The fact that we may have different views on how things may develop and causes is useful. Discussing with people who only agree is generally less productive.
Despite our different outlooks things have been fairly polite and sensible, I hope that can continue to be the case.
....or post disinformation graphs ....
Now in order that I do not repeat the offence could explain where this "misinformation" is ?
I found the first graph that contains a caption "Source UK Meteorological Office" . I took that to mean it was the source of the graph , whereas in fact it may just mean it's the source of the data. I was not aware it came from The Australian (I'll take Terry's word for it) and if I had I would not have known it was a Murdoch title.
When prompted by TerryM I dug a bit further and got genuine plots directly from the Met Offices' own site. On the met office site they also show last years plot both seem to be showing exactly the same thing as was in the first one.
The met office have improved their models and updated their predictions. Good on 'em. PIOMAS is improving, CICE is improving. That's scientific progress.
Where is the "misinformation" here ?