I won't be so sure that you are near 0 CO2 emission. I am personally not near 0 even though I am doing my best for that ! I guess you live in a big town ! The problem is there, you think your not spending a lot of CO2 but you do and quite a lot. While using your toilets, your using a lot of energy (to pump the water, treat the water, build the pipes, create the network, maintain the network, build your water system, send your wastes to a plant and treat your waste, the result is you are still polluting the environment, either by releasing NO2 if the plant treat N03 or by sending N03 in the environment if it does not ) that just a litlle example. We in France are using in average 4.6 hectare (10.000 m2).'s the change we have to make as a whole, replacing the cities in the countryside, it won't work if all the people come back to the contry side dispersed and it won't work if the cities stay as they are !
I am not saying that big cities should not exist, I am saying the existence of cities should not be the sole decision of city makers but the whole nation because cities take resources far beyond their limits (for me a city should be max 10.000 inhabitant).
When I am writing organize, it is not creating an organization like we have it already, but making sure that your ecosystem does fit with the one of your neighbor, thus from bottom to the top.
This forum is fantastic (thanks to Neven and you all) but we are far from an agreement (desperately needed).
“In short, if you don’t have a target that aims to cool the planet sufficiently to get the sea-ice back, the climate system may spiral out of control, past many “tipping points” to the final “point of no return Š And that target is not 350ppm, it’s around 300 ppm. [NASA's] Hansen says Arctic sea-ice passed its tipping point decades ago, and in his presentations has also specifically identified 300-325ppm as the target range for sea-ice restoration Š Target 300 puts the science first. Interestingly in Australia, where I am based, 350 has not gained wide appeal, with most of the grass-roots climate action groups adopting a 300 ppm target, consistent with the propositions elaborated in “Climate Code Red”" (see “350 is the wrong target. Put the science first”:
from here : one is interesting also : the earth tryed to exceed 300 ppm, things come back in order very quickly, the earth act like a washing machine above 300 ppm ! Don't mention what happened before 1million year, I know the CO2 levels were higher but do you know what was the solar input ? The earth thermal input ? We use to live in a thermodynamical balanced system...not anymore...we have to restore it !!!