Not a clue, Alexander 555.
Looking at the (I have to say, classy) image, the 2007 big Arctic ice melt happened nearly at the bottom of the sunspot cycle, while in 2012 it was near the top. So no correlation there.
And then you have nothing from the article to tell us on likely variable effects in high latitudes, mid-latitudes and the tropics. Without a scientist to tell me, I have not and will not have a clue.
Meanwhile, things like aerosols (will India and China reduce coal and their industries) and permafrost, (will the Eastern Siberian Arctic Shelf start burping methane big-time in the near future) are but two more of many variables that could overwhelm the gradual downwards trend in sea ice.
People like me can only watch, wonder, and inform and educate the wider world when possible (for me, since about 1990).