JAXA GLOBAL SEA ICE EXTENT: 23,263,979 KM2 as at 31-Oct-2024
- Extent loss on this day 4k, which is 57 k less than the average gain on this day (of the last 10 years) of 53k,
- Extent gain from minimum on this date is 7.24 million km2, 1.35 million km2, 15.7% less than the 10 year average gain of 8.59 million km2.
- Extent is 1st lowest in the 46 year satellite record, which makes daily sea ice extent lowest for 47 days this year
- Extent is 3.95 million km2 (14.5%) LESS than 1980's Average
- Extent is 2.15 million km2 (8.5%) LESS than 2010's Average
- Extent is 0.17 million km2 LESS than 2016
- Extent is 1.79 million km2 LESS than 2017
- Extent is 1.40 million km2 LESS than 2018
- Extent is 1.25 million km2 LESS than 2019
- Extent is 1.70 million km2 LESS than 2021
- Extent is 1.61 million km2 LESS than 2022
- Extent is 0.61 million km2 LESS than 2023
On average 98.6% of sea ice gain from minimum to maximum done, and 2 days to maximum
Projections of the Unknown Quantity. (Table JAXA-AA1)
Average remaining sea ice gain (of the last 10 years) would produce a maximum in November 2024 of 23.39 million km2, 0.25 million km2 below the record low November maximum of 23.64 million KM2 in 2016, and 1st lowest in the 46 year satellite record
In 16 of the 19 years from 2005 to 2023, gain from now is low enough to produce a new record low maximum
In an average year sea ice reaches the false maximum in late June/ early July. This year the false maximum was reached on the 9th July at 22.45 million km2, 2nd lowest in the satellite record
Then the false minimum is reached sometime between mid-August and early September.
In 2024, the false minimum was on 4th September, at 21.04 M km², 2nd lowest in the 46 year satellite record
After that sea ice extent makes the final run to the maximum in late October /early November
N.B. In 2016 the maximum for the year was reached on the 7th July at 23.76 million km2, 0.13 million km2 more than the November maximum of 23.64 million .
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