I've noticed both on the ASIF and over at Neven's blog that pay walls on journal publications can often be problematic, as the analysis capabilities of our community here are limited when we cannot access the scientific information we need. The point of this thread is to create a central location where people can request for someone with access to pay-walled publications (probably me mostly) to get a copy to share, as well a place where the links to said shared publications can be posted so it is easy to keep track of.
As a current university student, I have the fortune of having free access to pretty much every scientific journal; I have yet to come across a journal which I do not have access to. Since I will continue to be a university student for the foreseeable future (another 2 years for my undergraduate, plus a planned masters and doctorate) I should be able to continue doing this for a long time.
If other people wish to take up this task as well, then I would be glad for the assistance.
A few things to note first:
1) If the request is posted elsewhere on the ASIF or on Neven's blog, then I cannot guarantee that I will see the request. If I happen to see elsewhere that someone wants access to a publication, then I will get it, but I may not see it. If you really want access to a publication, either post the request here or send me a personal message.
2) I will be posting all links to publications in this thread, so that it is easy for me to keep track of. If I was responding to a request made elsewhere on the ASIF or Neven's blog, then I will link to the post in this thread which has the links.
3) In order to avoid potential copyright problems, which could become a bigger issue as the ASIF and Neven's blog start attracting more attention, I will not leave up publications and the links indefinitely. 3 days after posting a link to a copy of a publication, I will remove the link as well as removing the publication from that location. 3 days should still be plenty of time for anyone interested to get the document.
4) After removing a link and publication, I will be open to requests to repost said link and publication, but I will not do so immediately. There will be a 10 day waiting period after I have removed a link and publication before I will repost it. Requests can be made before this 10 day period has passed, but I will not post another link until after the 10 days.
If for some reason I decide to stop doing this at some point in the future I will make this abundantly clear. I can't foresee any reason I would stop for quite a while, but hopefully someone else can take up the task if and when I eventually do stop.
Now that all of that is out of the way, let the requests the begin and the information flow!
Edit: I've realized that I should mention one other thing. The free access I get is mainly for scientific papers. Unforunately, I
don't get free access to full books, as you might find on Springer for example. My university's library
might have a copy, and if so I will scan the pages requested, but I cannot guarantee that I can get a chapter from a book.