Due to the importance of the coming freshwater flux from the Beaufort Gyre in to the North Atlantic (particularly w.r.t. Hansen's freshwater hosing-climate feedback mechanism), I provide the following selected information about the 2018 Ocean Science Meeting Session entitled: " HE003: Freshwater Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean – North Atlantic Climate System"
https://agu.confex.com/agu/os18/preliminaryview.cgi/Session23525Summary: "Oceanic and sea ice freshwater fluxes in the Arctic Ocean – North Atlantic climate system impact thermohaline and convective processes, with far-reaching influence on climate. Increased freshwater fluxes to the Arctic Ocean along with the wind-driven anticyclonic circulation have resulted in growing freshwater content in the Beaufort Gyre. There is no observational evidence of significant changes in freshwater fluxes between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic. Yet freshwater flux from the Greenland Ice Sheet is clearly increasing and may be impacting thermohaline processes in the North Atlantic. It is a priority to discern the driving mechanisms, the role and consequences of changing freshwater fluxes into the Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic. This session solicits papers addressing issues related to oceanic freshwater fluxes (liquid and sea ice) in the Arctic Ocean – North Atlantic climate system. Possible topics include: Propagation mechanisms, pathways and time scales of fresh water anomalies; residence time of fresh water; impacts of changes to the cryosphere; the role of freshwater in the future Arctic climate; the sensitivity of thermohaline circulation to freshwater fluxes; the relationship between sea ice and freshwater content in the ocean; and, biological and environmental consequences of increased freshwater fluxes."
Laura de Steur, et al (2018), "Increased freshwater export though Fram Strait contributes to freshening in the North Atlantic (301769)"
Andrey Yu Proshutinsky, Richard A Krishfield, Mary-Louise Timmermans and William James Williams (2018), "Causes and Consequences of Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Content Changes in 2003-2017 (303087)"
Dmitry S Dukhovskoy (2018), "Freshwater pathways in the Arctic Ocean and northern North Atlantic from a numerical experiment with passive tracers (304003)"
Oleg Saenko et al (2018), "Response of the North Atlantic Dynamic Sea Level and Circulation to Greenland Meltwater under Present and Projected Climates (304135)"
Elizabeth Douglass (2018), "Impact of Freshwater from Arctic Rivers in a High-Resolution Model (305887)"
Subrahmanyam Bulusu (2018), "Recent changes in the Arctic Circulation and Freshwater Fluxes (Invited) (306593)"
Freshwater fluxes between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic from water stable isotopes: study of coastal currents and interior of the subpolar gyre. (308866)
A new record of North Atlantic sea surface salinity and temperature from 1896–2015 reveals modes of variability and long–term trends (309308)
Andrew Ronald Friedman1, Gilles P Reverdin2, Myriam Khodri1 and Guillaume Gastineau1, (1)Sorbonne-Universités, LOCEAN, CNRS/IRD/UPMC/MNHN, Paris, France, (2)LOCEAN - Sorbonne Universités - UPMC/CNRS/IRD/MNHN, Paris, France
Marion Benetti et al. (2018), "Observed Greenland Glacial Melt Water Distribution in the Greenland Sea (310757)"
Caroline A Katsman et al (2018), "Impacts of Arctic precipitation changes on the downwelling limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (310762)
Heather Regan (2018), "Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Beaufort Gyre from Satellite Observations (311439)"
Cristian Florindo-Lopez et al (2018), "Observational Evidence of Multi-Decadal Changes in Arctic Freshwater Transport to the Subpolar North Atlantic (313117)"
Nathan Grivault (2018), "Frequency of Volume and Freshwater Events Leaving the Arctic Ocean: A Numerical Study. (314363)"
Gilles Garric (2018), "Dependencies of Arctic Freshwater Content and Transport to Surface Atmospheric Conditions (316214)"
Per Pemberton et al. (2018), "The response of the Arctic Ocean to freshwater and wind perturbations (317179)"
Helen Johnson et al (2018), "Response of Arctic Ocean Freshwater Content to Large Scale Atmospheric Forcing Changes in a Coupled Climate Model (317606)"
Rory Laiho et al. (2018), "Internal Variability in the Arctic Freshwater Budget as Simulated by the CESM Large Ensemble (321495)"
Clark William Pennelly et al. (2018), "Numerical modeling in the northern Atlantic: Labrador Sea freshwater. (321605)"
Marilena Oltmanns et al (2018), "Rapid North Atlantic Cooling Induced by Fresh, Cold and Shallow Mixed Layers in the Subpolar Gyre (321700)"
Jiayan Yang, (2018), "A process-modeling study of the Arctic-Atlantic Ocean exchanges and their role in the Arctic Ocean freshwater export (322447)"