JAXA 2018 data and extent graphs still not available
Ditto NOAA's RASM-ESRL: it is still frozen on 26 Dec 17 with no advisory 13 days later about when or if it will resume. [[Update:
forecasts to resume 14 Feb 18]]
The attached image, adapted form @zlabe, wraps up 2017 extent for the Chukchi. The definition of that sea is elusive, with boundary definitions varying widely by source. The inset shows a common choice that may be what NSIDC used for the data.
Researchers at NSIDC often do not use this boundary in their journal articles, more often taking a contour line such as -150 m as the northern extent, which makes more oceanographic sense than a latitude line oblivious to bathymetric shelves and basins. It is also common to see no definition, simply Chukchi text floating conceptually north of the Bering Strait.
The scale has been changed to percent of maximal possible extent as this is more to the point of seasonally ice-free. By pixel counts, 63% of maximal extent was realized over the year but only 44% over May-Dec and similarly over the insolation season. So we are about halfway there to 'seasonally ice extent-free' for the Chukchi and many of the consequences will have set in already.
On the admin oddities front, it appears that "viewed n times" is not working today.