I was delighted to read somewhere on these threads that "Spring starts on March 1". In the good ol' U.S. of A., spring legally starts on the spring equinox. I've thought this odd for decades, maybe influenced by my time in God's Own (N.Z.). In New Hampshire (NH), gardeners put freeze intolerant seedlings in the ground on Memorial Day weekend (end of May) (when I lived there 20+ years ago). In north Florida, spring comes, um, early. (My bananas didn't freeze one winter, but have all others.)
So being an American, despite my 'odd thoughts', lets start the melting season on the NH (Northern Hemisphere this time) spring equinox. And while we're at it, lets start the freezing season on the NH summer solstice. Maybe this way we'll get more ice (area, extend and volume) and put an end to global warming by edict!
For fun, I voted with my new-found political orientation (March 20 = equinox where I live).