On topic, the secular variations of weather, satellite overpass times and the possible measurement variance introduced by the tides on satellites and ocean make it so that we need about 15 days to find out when the average maximum of exent, that is a poor measure compared to area or volume, is. Thus the arctic weather is the only thing people would need to talk of Arctic ice and snow this time of the year, on the stall season. This of course requires an artificial definition. I would have to check the record to estimate a definition for this, but what I recall, a rather good definition for the beginning of the melt season defined solely by the values of extent could be f.e., to be vague enough, a seven day period of descending values of 5-day averages. This means at least 10-days may pass from the true beginning of the melt season until the beginning of melt season may be declared. This really awkward proposal of a formal definition for the end of the stall is of course bad since area and volune are not considered at all. Adoting this, or any other definition, would, in practise, mean that there should be a 'stall season'-thread that would in effect be a place for those discussions that are not about weather. At the same time though, the 'freezing season'- and the 'melt season'-threads should be open for all we know, a stall is a stall, and there's no knowing if an alien vessel blocks the sunlight reaching earth at the presumed end of the stall season.
I propose no changes on the system only Neven knows when the melting season-thread, which some people seem eager to open by themselves, actually opens. In fact, i think the above proposal of stall season might confuse people, I mean, we in Finland pretty instinctively know when the winter is ending, or at least believe so, despite the occasional -10°C nights that still ensure the ice to be strong enough in the morning but not in afternoon, but this might not be case for those living in warmer climates. They might start to argue about the definition. Granted, arguments may occasionally be fun, but i thinks it's silly to suppose some benevolent alien race comes to our rescue.