I know having a ICE free Arctic would be historic.. but since we came close to that in 2012. don't we already know what the impact will be. and even if we lose most of the ice it would only be for a few weeks then we start climbing again.. or is there certain events that will happen ones we lose all the ice.
1) We went down to 3.14 mill 2k in 2012. That was the record low THEN.
2) We will CONTINUE to lose more ice EARLIER and EARLIER as time goes by.
3) Let's say that this year we go down to 2.5 million 2k (aggressive....but VERY doable).
4) Then....3 years from now.....we go down to 1.5 million 2k
5) Then....3 years after THAT...we go to .5 million.....or very close to zero.
The above is ONLY an example (I actually think we will lose ice FASTER than that). But here is what happens: Each year....we lose more and more ice......earlier and earlier. With less snow and ice, we have MORE HEAT ABSORBING DARK BLUE OCEAN that absorbs the SHORT WAVE energy from the sun.....and LESS of the short wave energy gets reflected back out into space (snow and ice can reflect about 80% while the ocean only reflects about 20% or less of the short wave energy back out). It is ABSORBED....and then turns into LONG WAVE energy which does NOT go back out the atmosphere as easily as the SHORT WAVE radiation came in.
The keys are this: We continue to put more and more CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 has a LONG LIFE in the atmosphere....some of it as much has HUNDREDS OF YEARS. So it is NOT like "pollution" that clears itself out.
Since we have LESS AND LESS reflective snow and ice on the ice sheets....it will cause us to warm up FASTER than we would otherwise. We still won't warm up PAST the "equilibrium point"....but we'll get their faster.
And the loss of the Arctic and speeding up of the heating process....also kicks various other "feedback mechanisms" into high gear: (1) more heat....means LESS permafrost which then frees MORE CO2 and methane gas into the atmosphere....which causes more heat..and round and round the feedback loop goes. (2) Same thing with more wild fires.....more heat because of the diminished Arctic ice sheet...means more wildfires....which causes more CO2 to be spewed into the atmosphere....which causes more heat...etc..etc..
The loss of the Arctic ice sheet also will enable the GREEENLAND ICE SHEET to melt sooner. The warmer the ocean is AROUND Greenland.....the faster it will melt.
Remember.....the Arctic has been losing ice since at least 1980. Each year....a little bit more dark ocean is available to soak up short wave energy from the sun.....and be turned into long wave energy which does NOT go back OUT the atmosphere as easily as it came in.
The loss of the Arctic is only STEP 1. The loss of the Greenland ice sheet (which has already started and is speeding up) is STEP 2. And yes....the loss (partial or total) of the Antarctic ice sheet is Step 3.
But the Arctic is the easiest target: It is at SEA LEVEL....and it is totally a sea based ice sheet (no land like Greenland....and Antarctic is combo of land and water based).
So the loss so far of the Arctic ice sheet is CRUCIAL. And the continued loss is only going to make things warmer....faster.....as we have now seen over the past decade.
Remember.....the OCEANS are where about 90% of the global warming has gone so far. They lose their ability to absorb CO2 the warmer they get....and that is very WORRISOME.
Sorry for rambling....hope that helps.
There are MANY good videos from renowned climate scientists (none named Buddy:)....and I would encourage you to watch SEVERAL of those to gain an understanding of the processes involved.