if the doubters will feel complacent, that an early melt doesn't mean disaster after all.
if your definition of "desaster" is a new record low you should reconsider that defintion. disappearance of arctic
ice, slowly (fastly) but surely is permanently ongoing and if you want to use that word, this is the desaster.
further please consider that you make this statement today when we're still lowest on record and after being lowest on record around >60% of this year? don't call those who rely on 188 days of facts "doubters" while you
own assumption is based on "eventually" and at a time when this year is lowest and has been most of the time
and then if you look at the bigger picture, graph below as well as ice conditions seen a bit beyond extent and area, how does this look, like steadily on the lowest end or like going up and down randomly?
thing is that beside the fact that this year most records and is second in the few others, it's the most steadily
on the lowest end. no huge up and downs like other years, coming from top to low and/or vice versa, and even
if that will still change, it remains a first in many aspects.