Let's try a different type of political topic here. There is tons of stuff which is anti-Trump and anti-Repug here (some for good reason and some because many got butt hurt in 2016). But that does not mean there is balance here and if you don't look at what is happening systemically then you will miss key factors which can be the deciding ones.
This topic is
ONLY for posts which show or demonstrate how the Dems are in the process of, once again, fouling up their chances to win. Or for posts which show that the Repugs are mitigating Dem advantages and tightening the races. It will balance all the other political topics.
Back in the Jan-Nov 2016 span me, and a lot of smart people who know far more about this than I do, harped constantly on the Clinton/Democratic campaign strategy and how it was discounting a really serious upwelling of sentiment among a group of voters which was being discounted (the deplorables) or who's interests were not being addressed. And along comes the pied piper who talks the talk (which is all you can do during a campaign), dog whistles a lot, understands how to inflame baser instincts, executes a plan, and, of course, uses every available lever to win. And does win.
I see a great many parallels at this time to the state of the Democratic Party during the 2016 primary and general election campaigns. And not in a good way if one wants to see the Republicans lose total control of Congress this fall. In that the House is in play without a doubt and the Senate is not a zero probability (should the Dems run a very competent campaign - yes I know).
At this time among those who want the above change there seems to be a consensus that the roll over of the House is a done deal. What with a number of special elections going against the Repugs, strong enthusiasm in the proletariat for change, very large numbers of primary challengers in the Dem races (a mixed blessing perhaps), a good amount of money coming in, endless disturbances coming from the White House on a daily basis, various investigations going on, etc. And that all of the above put the Senate in play.
But is this story a fairy tale, a tragedy, a farce, or the real deal?
I see a very significant chance at this point that the Dems are going to repeat the last election and end up with a result in Nov which is well below what could be expected if they had learned any lessons from 2016. Which I can say with confidence - they learned nothing. I don't think they will win the senate and I think that they may be able to once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and fall on their face in the House.
Off the top of my head I will list below some of the subject areas or topics which I can see as trouble areas for them. I am sure there are a couple of dozen more and feel free to toss them into the mix. Then we can see how the tides move these issues over the next few months.
1. Machine control of the Democratic party by those who lost in 2016. This is a disaster. The Clinton machine is still in control and grinding the Progressives and anyone who is a real liberal into the mud.
2. The Machine is still totally wedded to Wall Street and Wall Street owes Trump like you can't imagine. They will deliver for the Repugs.
3. The big influx of money from the little guys which came into the 2016 Dem primaries was for the Progressives and will fade away as the Machine kills off all the Progressive candidates in the primaries it can. Thus the money they think they are going to get will not be as much when they end up with too many Machine candidates. They are actively trying to force candidates out of the races already as they don't want to spend their money in primary fights. But they will have too and then afterwards there will be a lot less money. Example:
https://www.vox.com/2018/4/26/17285576/steny-hoyer-levi-tillemann-the-intercept-colorado-jason-crow4. Guns. This issue will always hurt the Dems in the key states which tripped the election in 2016. It will also be used to inflame the Repug base in order to gt them out to vote.
5. Once again a large number of Progressives are going to be very angry at how the Machine treats them and will end up not voting for the Machine candidates.
6. Quite a number of the Dem candidates running in the Red states (like Sinema in AZ) are what are called Blue Dog democrats and they are more conservative than the average Machine candidate much less a Progressive one. Those of these who win will not deliver on many of the change ideas floating around in Dem party politics so a narrow win of the House will not deliver the voting majority that might be assumed from raw numbers.
7. The amount of money on the Repug side of the ledger is going to explode during the summer as the billionaires who saw their money from 2016 having been well spent are going to double down to maintain their success. And the tax cut, of course, paid for this largess. Fund raising at the NRA has exploded and that money will be targeted carefully. There will be many calls going out to the base for money mentioning the end of the world as we know it if the Reugs lose and that will have results.
8. Vicious negative advertising will tend as always to narrow the polling differences. Aside from that the polling spread has closed by about 50% already.
9. The economy as always will be the number 1 most important factor and at this time there is no reason to think that it will not strongly favor the Repugs.
10. The evangelical network TBN has more local stations than FOX, CBS, ABC or NBC and it is 100% behind Trump and the Repugs. Its viewership is over 100 million. Add in the FOX effect and this is a substantial impact on the Repug base who do not listen to any other networks.
11. National security issues or concerns will always favor the hawkish candidate and the Repug party. One reason Clinton was so hawkish was to tap into the strong leader mystique. The Repugs own this factor right now.
12. Trump is poised to be able to deliver on the National Security front between what happens with NK and Iran. He may fall on his face of course, but he may also end up with something which can be sold very well. There is only upside here for the Repugs as if they get new agreements in place with either country it will look to the public that being Trump like really works. Conversely if we end up in some kind of military action before Nov that always draws voters towards the party in power as that is the patriotic response.
13. Identity politics Dem style are divisive across the whole population of course, but they are also a problem in the Dem party itself. This will be a drag on potential results. And identity political issues will be used to help inflame the Repug base as always.
14. A Black Swan is always waiting in the wings for either side as well.
Well that is a start I guess. I see information almost every day which indicates this election is far from a done deal and that the Dems are still totally ignoring those who got Trump elected and their own failings. Complacency is lethal in politics.