Once again we see a surge of melt as the tides force more ATL water into Barents/Arctic, if as I suspect currents are largely residuals of tides we are witnessing an ever stronger current establishing itself in the Arctic.
2018 new/full moon a,[pril] 16n:30f. m,15n:29f. j,13n:28f. j,13n27f.
interesting that 2015 was almost a mirror image a,04f:18n. m,04f:18n. j,02f:16n. j,02f:16n:31f.
The surges just about show up in the graphs Jaxa when it's up is better, you can close in on the graph, but it shows in nsidc too. i think.
With the tides and the high over Beaufort we may see an even greater flow through the nwp for a few days. Going forward the 11th and 26th then 9th and 25th are +/-dates to watch.