(we used to talk about a blue ocean event happening in 2100, back in 2006)
Something I find fascinating is the consistent reversion to the mean mentality people hang onto despite being show in the recent past the drastic incorrectness of these projections. In other words, even the most well informed are not able to adjust their forecast away from the conventional wisdom regardless of REAL WORLD observations proving change FASTER THAN FORECAST by conventional wisdom.
Was looking for the examples I recall and came across an excellent website:
http://climatechangepredictions.org/categories/arctic_sea_iceThe arctic sea ice disappearance by 2100 quote if I recall came from IPCC's 4th assessment report published in 2007:
"contraction of snow cover area, increases in thaw depth
over most permafrost regions and decrease in sea ice extent;
in some projections using SRES scenarios, Arctic
late-summer sea ice disappears almost entirely by the latter
part of the 21st century"
Here were some of the typically alarmist click-bait titles of the day
Arctic clear for summer sailing by 2040 - Published online 11 December 2006
https://www.nature.com/news/2006/061211/full/news061211-1.htmlArctic Ice Field Could Melt By 2080 - Berlin (AFP) Dec 05, 2006)
http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Arctic_Ice_Field_Could_Melt_By_2080_999.htmlAnd of course, after 2007 and 2012 there were exponential trend curves on the PIOMAS September Volume time series that hit 0 at 2016 or 2017, and nobody really believed that. If anyone really thought you wouldn't have a retracement after 2012 I don't know who they are. Yet, I'm sure there were click bait articles suggesting such an early melt out back in 2013. This is seized upon by deniers who can lol at the folly of knowledge with such cherry picked examples of failed forecasts.
It's a real problem, and I think it has led to a lot of scientists working toward improving their communications, but the fact is that the IPCC and individual scientists working on their research are forced to make the whole thing more palatable so that fossil fuel and large corporate interests will tolerate their research and they won't end up hacked, attacked, and defunded.
Personally I think it's not up to scientists to communicate this message. It is up to people like me, a high school dropout, who has had it with the inability for government to respond. People like me are free to be political and dismissive and populist and activist, scientists are confined to higher principles that aren't effective in this confused and distracted commercial-industrial empire.
They sell, we buy. It is a conspiracy of all of us.
But, getting back to the topic of thread of arctic sea ice disappearance in winter, I don't think it is wise to apply the same filter of "faster than expected" to published estimates. We can now reasonably expect an open water arctic ocean in September - October near 2025.
I'm expecting the entire northern hemisphere to enter atmospheric chaos as jet streams work out path finding around Greenland and Siberia and the CAA in winter, and muddy completely in summer, leading to a more unicellular northern hemisphere in the timeframe of 2035-2045.
The jet stream wind patterns of the northern hemisphere already look like a bucket of mixed paint in the summer.
That, I believe, is the structural changes to climate that will lead to the arctic ocean being ice free year-round and I can see it happening with an accumulated global warming of +2 or +3 degrees Celcius, which I further guess will be seen by 2050. so I'd put an ice free arctic during WINTER at the year 2050.