There is no solution. The decline in aerosols from any actions would push us past +2.5C vs baseline. At that point Greenland hosing accelerates beyond current levels and we are beyond f*cked.
The only hope we have of living out our current lives without severe disruption is to continue business as usual and continue burning coal / etc. As bad as that sounds. Without it, the world will torch and everyone will die anyways, so we might as well continue BAU for as long as possible, which probably won't be much longer anyways.
Alternately, we could release a plague with 100% mortality in Eurasia / Africa and allow all the rich people to come to the Americas and Australia as long as they invest in real estate, quarantining using oceans (Japan / the UK can survive too). That would probably allow sufficient death / forest regrowth to take CO2 down majorly, and the capital influx / extra $$$ for retrenchment of infrastructure could allow survival in the remaining habitable regions even with the +2.5C temps vs. 1900. That probably leaves a billion or so remaining humans, which would bring us down to manageable levels.