In the linked thread entitle: "Radiative forcing and CO2eq", I explain in Reply #38 that what people really care about is effective radiative forcing, ERF, rather than radiative forcing, RF; while in Replies #45 & #46 I explain that AR5 had a number of shortcomings about near-term climate forcers, NTCFs (including methane and aerosols), that AerChemMIP is working to address:,2158.0.html#lastPostFrom Reply #38:
"What people really care about is how big will the climate impacts be and how fast will they occur. Thus people are really interested in effective radiative forcing, ERF, rather than RF (see the following linked lecture visuals & attached image) due to the combination of forcings and feedbacks.
Title: "Forcing and feedbacks", from Climate Dynamics (Summer Semester 2017) by J. Mulmenstadt link makes it clear that considering the fast response from CO₂ is relatively straight forward, but the impacts from slow response feedbacks, particularly from the ocean (note that OHC is higher than AR5 assumed, as the oceans have been absorbing extra heat since 1750) and ENSO can rapidly increase effective values of ECS up to the range of 4 to 5C. If so then the Zhang et al (2016) values (which include feedbacks) are not 'outliers' but rather are an indication that the effective ECS this century is higher than other researchers are assuming. Furthermore, the attached image illustrates how ERF can be determined but due to uncertainties accurate estimates of ERF will take decades, and by that time we may have crossed several tipping points if AR5 is erring on the side of least drama."
From Reply #45:
Obviously, the issues raised in this thread do not represent 'settled science' as indicated by the linked reference about CMIP6's efforts to better quantify these effects:
Collins et al (2017), "AerChemMIP: quantifying the effects of chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6", Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 585–607, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-585-2017 "Abstract. The Aerosol Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP) is endorsed by the Coupled-Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) and is designed to quantify the climate and air quality impacts of aerosols and chemically reactive gases. These are specifically near-term climate forcers (NTCFs: methane, tropospheric ozone and aerosols, and their precursors), nitrous oxide and ozone depleting halocarbons. The aim of AerChemMIP is to answer four scientific questions.
1. How have anthropogenic emissions contributed to global radiative forcing and affected regional climate over the historical period?
2. How might future policies (on climate, air quality and land use) affect the abundances of NTCFs and their climate impacts?
3. How do uncertainties in historical NTCF emissions affect radiative forcing estimates?
4. How important are climate feedbacks to natural NTCF emissions, atmospheric composition, and radiative effects?
These questions will be addressed through targeted simulations with CMIP6 climate models that include an interactive representation of tropospheric aerosols and atmospheric chemistry. These simulations build on the CMIP6 Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima (DECK) experiments, the CMIP6 historical simulations, and future projections performed elsewhere in CMIP6, allowing the contributions from aerosols and/or chemistry to be quantified. Specific diagnostics are requested as part of the CMIP6 data request to highlight the chemical composition of the atmosphere, to evaluate the performance of the models, and to understand differences in behaviour between them."
From Reply #46:
To reiterate the point of my last post, the linked reference concludes that there is a lot of uncertainty associated with model projections of the impacts of aerosols and chemically reactive gases:
Heyn, I., K. Block, J. Mülmenstädt, E. Gryspeerdt, P. Kühne, M. Salzmann, and J. Quaas (2017), Assessment of simulated aerosol effective radiative forcings in the terrestrial spectrum, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2016GL071975. "The analysis in this paper relies on global climate models. Beyond climate model results, very little is known quantitatively about the global forcing due to the reaction of ice-phase, mixed-phase, and deep convective clouds to aerosol perturbations. A truly realistic estimate, or even just reliable uncertainty interval, thus requires substantial further research, especially for effects in the terrestrial spectrum. Observational estimates are urgently needed. The current state of the art, however, suggests that the effective forcing in the terrestrial spectrum is either small, or, for models where it is large, is accompanied by a large negative effective forcing in the solar spectrum."